As the title suggests, what are or is a gamepad you people would recommend for the PC? With the whole shoot'em up sale going on on Steam I'd much prefer playing with a gamepad over a mouse/keyboard setup, should they support it. I was thinking of picking up pic related, but I'd like to hear your opinion and see if there is any others that may be as good as, if not better than, that one.
Recommended PC Gamepad
Wii U Pro controller emulating XBox360 through WiinUSoft is the perfect controller for anything that isn't racing or fightans.
If you're going to buy it for 2D games only, don't bother. The 360 controller as a whole is top tier but the D-Pad is below average and arguably worse than just using the keyboard.
If you happen to have PS/WiiU controllers, use those instead.
Keyboard + mouse anything else is pure autisn
I use a Dualshock 3 with SCP server.
If I had money, I'd get a GCN/PC adapter and use that.
just pick up a 360 wired usb pad like your pic
I've had one for the past like 4+ years for me PC and never ran into a single issue. Only problem sometimes is with d-pad heavy games because of how shitty it is, but I've played no games I couldn't beat.
Get the Xbone controller since it has a real dpad
Logitech 310
>buying an overpriced gimmick controller
Dualshock 4 with the DS4windows software
Alot of 360 controller shave problems albeit minuscule.
Mine came with a squeaky left stick
When I had a 360 one of the controllers tilted to the right and the other had squeaky triggers.
Easy fixes but you shouldn't have to fix something new.
^ this, of course I just got the mayflash adapter
This. It just werks and the DS4 is great.
There are a lot of ports that are best played with a console gamepad.
When will we be able to play Wii U tablet controller in PC? UsendMii only works if you don't use buttons combinations.
I don't think the PS controllers are better. They have terrible d-pads too.
Works great for me. Although my adapter has a switch for normal gamepad use and Xinput so I don't need to use WiinUSoft.
Slightly unrelated, but does anyone know if there's a way to reset gamepad detection without rebooting? For whatever reason, if I've played something with my gamepad and unplug it, RE: Revelaitons 2 will ignore all keyboard input and left clicks. Mouse cursor can still interact with the UI, but I can't actually start the game. I can't do anything other than open the Steam overlay without plugging in the controller and even then it still ignores keyboard inputs. All other Capcom games I have don't screw up the controls like this.
Xbox One or Xbox 360. I prefer the 360 sticks as they have bigger rotors and require more pressure to move. Xbox One has tiny rotors that make it feel looser in comparison. Xbox One sticks use the same PS3-4 use.
Xbox One newer models. New S controller is best. Unless you're a big spender and want the Elite.
It comes down to how much tension you like in your sticks. Everything else is mostly slightly better on One but not by much.
Go back to consoles then.
You are missing a whole world of emulation and multiplats for no reason.
PS3, PS4, 360 and X1 controllers are all good for general purpose use, it's up to your preference. 360 and X1 work natively while PS3 required SCP server, and DS4 required DS4Windows. I don't recommend Wii U pro for the lack of analog triggers.
For specifically emulating older games, I recommend either the Buffalo SNES USB Pad, or my personal favorite, Model 2 Saturn pad with Mayflash Adapter. Mayflash makes USB adapters for pretty much all retro controllers too.
But I enjoyed playing Killer is Dead at 60fps on my computer while using a controller.
Xbone Elite if you're rich
Regular Xbone if you're not
360 if you're poor
Xbox 360, DS4 or the Xbone controller. Everything else is meme tier or personal preference. You won't go wrong with either of these three.
literally doing this now to play AM2R.
Its a good fucking gamepad, but playing dark souls on it is kinda funky
Best part is bluetooth means I don't need an extra M$ adapter to go wireless. Also you can program the touchpad with gesture and click macros. Used to hate the ds3 cus it was too small and the analog sticks had garbage grip/placement. They really fixed their shit UP