Unpopular opinions thread

>Super Mario 3D World and Land are what 3D Mario games should have been after 64
>Crash Bandicoot games are the top of the 3D platforming genre
>Both the Wii and N64 are better consoles than the GCN
>The first Ratchet and Clank is better than all its sequels up to today, remake included
>Competitive gaming is actively ruining videogames
>DaS is superior to Bloodborne
>King of Fighters is and always has been better than Street Fighter
>Ubisoft is pretty much the only western videogames company worth something
>Dragonball videogames stopped being good after Tenkaichi 3
>Metroid series as a whole is embarassingly overrated and its fanbase is pure cancer

Your turn. Keep it vidya.

Nigga tiger stripe ice cream is shit

I think Duke Nukem Forever is enjoyable. Sonic 2016 isn't that bad either.

I like video games today. I would never want the industry or any of its major players to regress to any earlier period.

>>Ubisoft is pretty much the only western videogames company worth something


>>Super Mario 3D World and Land are what 3D Mario games should have been after 64
Why can't we just have some 3D action games and some 3D exploration games?
Why does it HAVE to be one or the other?
Also don't forget the action-oriented games sell a shitton more.

>Also don't forget the action-oriented games sell a shitton more.
Assassin Creed games sell like shit now.

He's not wrong.
EA? Shit.
Valve? Shit.
Activision? Shit.
Microsoft? Shit.
CDPR? Shit.

Oh God.....he is

What is he?

These threads are always such a desperate cry for attention. Why do you retards bother?

Gamergate was wrong all along.

>that image
>Sup Forums is literally by definition autistic

wew lad

>When a newfag pretends to be a jaded oldfag

Any game relying on grinding mechanics needs to be put on a handheld console/mobile. so most jRPGs

>Not wrong
follow the quote history retard

But, why? There is literally no difference between playing on PC and on consoles.

Although Fusion was pretty good, any Metroid game that came after Super was a mistake lore-wise. Some of the Prime games were fun but the first one was a too vanilla

Am I the only one that honestly thinks the PS4 is the only platform worth owning this gen?
Like, put console war faggotry aside for a second. Look at it objectively. It's pretty much the best option, maybe except PC.

So, he's right?

I don't own one but yeah seems so

Are you describing your own post? That's pretty meta, bro.

Nope, I perfectly described yours baka desu senpai.

I guess it wouldn't be irony if it didn't escape you.

There's nothing wrong with gay or minority protagonist in video games. Which is funny because 2007 Sup Forums used to poke fun at the buzz cut brown haired white marine look that was very in vogue during that time.

Guessed so. You missed my glaring ironic answer to your obviously ironic post.

>The first Ratchet and Clank is better than all its sequels up to today, remake included
Damn, bruh. Can't believe someone exists with that much shit taste

I think gen 7 is underrated. So many good games.


Female protags are the best and generally more interesting than their male counterparts

>Super Mario 3D World and Land are what 3D Mario games should have been after 64
They are what Mario should have been on the N64 actually.

>He likes Neo-Sony crap


maxine caulfield was probably the best video game character to play as of the 2010s

sony has shit in-house devs but god-tier third party support which makes them better than all

To be clear, not all sequels of RaC are better than the original, but some definitey are

Why do you hate exploration user?

I totally agree, some of them are

It seems you're having difficulty with the concept of irony. Would you like some help?

I also like video games. I unironically enjoyed and have had a pleasant time with all Zelda games and see each of them had their positives and their flaws.

>metroid == exploration
Not him but the titles focusing on actual "hunting", i.e., killing all the Metroids' evolutions and killing these The Thing abominations were more fun than "lets wander around for 30 fucking minutes trying to remember/figure out where to go"