Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
>world class athletes who perform incredible feats no average man can do
>some chucklefuck making faces and bad jokes
>kicking a ball around
>"incredible feats"
K champ I wanna see your fatass kick a ball against Cristiano Ronaldo
you first kiddo
why would i waste my time learning such a useless talent?
>get paid millions
>watching someone do what you aren't capable of doing.
>watching someone do something you can do.
>not being able to kick or throw a ball
K champ I wanna see your muscular ass even touch any of Justin wongs character in mavhel
I'm not funny at all and I'm not a great conversationalist in general really. I also tend to only think of very dull and ordinary ways to play a game.
This guy trying to defend sports WITH CRISTIANO RONALDO of all players. God dammit.
This. Damage control with gamers is mind blowing
Bitch, I have a 50 yard spiral.
>watching someone do what you aren't capable of doing
Like your wife, you fucking cuck?
But im not talking about those fools. Im talking useless LPers. I respect esports
i'm not going to explain physical prowess to you.
>watching professional athletes
>watching some shlub do bad stand-up comedy and make funny faces while playing video games
aha you can't even compare the two
Watching a competitive event is not the same as watching an e-celeb play a single player game.
And yes even watching e-sports is not the same as watching a let's play.
Then how about comparing it to watching a comedian? If both make a person laugh how autistic do you need to be to care about what medium they're using?
>>some chucklefuck making faces and bad jokes
Why did we start talking about hollywood comedy movies all of a sudden?
jesus christ renchon go easy
One is watching a bunch of physically trained people duke it out in competition while the other is watching someone yell and exaggerated while being bad at a game.
Maybe if you replaced it with e-sports since, while I don't particularly enjoy watching e-sports or even real sports. at least e-sports involves people actually being serious in the game and competing one another and replaces physical training and competition to tactical one like chess.
Comedians are funny. Some hack on Youtuber isn't
do you have something against the BEST player in the world?
>I want to play a video game
>start videogame.exe at the PC I'm reading this post from
>I want to play a sport
>have to get outside
>have to have cooperative weather
>have to have enough friends to form two teams
>have all said friends be available to play
I don't watch youtube fags nor sports, but you have to be exceedingly stupid to think the two are remotely comparable.
Agree on all your points. People who honestly think that 1 guy sitting in front of a computer = 2 full teams of lifelong athletes is a fucking dumbass.
>Being impressed by make ball go in direction with foot
Why don't you take your foot and go do something useful with it like kill you'reself
Hasn't this joke been done to death already
If you see Let's Play's, they very rarely are actually entertaining which is the biggest problem. Majority of the humor invovles yelling and overexaggerate moments and very rarely ever have jokes. If Let's Plays were like Mystery Science Theater 2000 people wouldn't complain but it's not. It's just people screaming and making wacky faces that only children find amusing.
The closest thing to a Let's Play I found enjoyable was Freeman's Mind since it's basically the guy pretending if he himself was going through what's happening to the game and making amusing observational humor and pointing holes to the entire plot.
>Messi fags