Time to get fucked, stud

Time to get fucked, stud.

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>game will never be finished

you rang?

The main questline is finished. The expansion mod still gets regular updates.

>tfw TITS doesnt have the enough pregnancy options
>Hate forced corruption on COC

Izma is my CoC waifu.

>Game goes out of it's way to mention there's a nursery where all of the kids you might have will get sent and get taken care of
>Fucking nothing

Maybe in a couple years it'll be worth playing, but then people have said that about Slablands and look how that turned out.

>tfw no full art scenes


Heckel best girl

lurk more

Call of Cthulu

Clash of Clans

What is the worst way to play?


Cancer of Colon

Genderless desu.
Some people outright don't fuck you at all, or only oral.

Not enough anal scenes.
I heard there is a couple more if you get super corrupted but I just wanna be a virtuous hero with an anal fetish.

>tfw corrupting Whitney


Retaining your untainted humanity while purifying the land with the power of dick is the best way to play CoC though.


There are still some (placeholder) stuff

Interesting TF completely ruined by an obsession with transfaggotry, bad furfag-tier writing, and waifu pandering.

Not to mention that it's been three years and Fenoxo and Crew haven't even gotten the more interesting parts of the game.
>guys should we do what we said we would on Offbeatr, or this niche fetish shit that's popular on the forums?

>waifu pandering
Other way around, everything in TiTs is a one dimensional slut.

>turning that monk rat into a bimbo slut

I never said it was well-done waifu pandering. Fuck, plenty of
>muh million words
is shit to do with Kaede, that tanuki bitch, and a few of the other forgettable sluts.

>goblins become way more motherly as they get more pregnant
>haven't found a single thing in the game that causes me to become pregnant
>tentacle monsters don't seem to count despite occupying my womb for months

>Find farm normally
>Revisit with high corrupt score
>threaten Whitney
>Send as many slaves/lovers to work on farm

Sloots are not waifus. But you're not wrong in that all of the reoccurring characters so far are all completely awful.

Tell that to the people who pushed for them because they see them as waifus.

>Create cute feminine shota
>Dress him up in the sluttiest clothes I can find
>Never attack, just tease my way through every encounter
>Reducing the enemy to a pathetic sex-starved piece of garbage that can't do anything but masturbate to my wiles
>Keeping celibate, never having sex or making contact with anyone, keeping a devilishly brave face
>The moment I'm alone at camp I blow off my pent up lust by myself
>Rinse and repeat until I get raped
I can edge for hours doing this, and have for years

Doesn't that kind of look like the penis of that one super hybrid girl in CoC?


>we will never EVER get the Helspawn incest scenes
Kill me

>tfw too vanilla for this game

Why is there no "no furry/gay" option?

This is vidya, you don't click a box for your fetish, you have to grind and waste time on a wiki to learn how to avoid the gay/furry.

how the fuck do you make something with zero personality or depth your waifu? furfags are fucking weird

waifu means "girl I want to fuck" now

This. Plenty of them would be my waifu if I stuck to that criteria.


Think of edgelord character designs, now they're porn OCs

I didn't even really want to fuck them, I was just curious as to how I'd fuck them. That's how horribly written they were - the character I was fucking was utterly meaningless

I just wanted to fuck goblin girls, that's all.

Here's the save editor. Handy for making new characters exactly how you want them to be. github.com/tmedwards/CoCEd/releases/tag/v1.3.1

And that's why I never leave to forest. Gotta watch out for that goat, but otherwise things work out.

Can anyone hit me up with cloud meadow patreon build, the latest

Anything like CoC, just with actual good writing and less furry?

And don't say TiTS, I've had enough of Fenoxo's shit

It's amazing how they've actually gotten even worse at making characters when they progressed to TiTs.

I've never seen one like that. I've been tempted to just make my own.

What does TiTS stand for?

Tails in Tainted Slablands

Trials in Tainted Space

Trails in the Sky

>can't unlock Izumi as a follower

>Not "Time to get cucked, stud."

When will we have a text-based adventure where you play as the CoC hero's faithful, mild-mannered husband, who is forced to watch as his spouse gets fucked by monsters who can really satisfy them?

That's because they drove all their other writers away. Only cancerous circlejerking remains. You know the typical furfag drama shit.

Do you ever run into the sheeple after they tie you to the post for the demons?

Second this, whoever delivers gets brazzers/naughty america password that's been working for 6 months.

"Izumi" and totally not Yuugi from touhou had an "addition" to that crappy behemoth added to the mod where he pretends he fugged his waifu.

What are your ideas?

>jew posters
oy vey goyim go watch some cuck porn
look, black guys have big dicks in our videos!

Still though.

Yeah, if you visit the Plains enough.

>get raped
>load last save
>get raped
>load last save
>forget to save for a while
>get raped
>quit playing
Fuck you, tentacle beasts. I'm trying to '''beat''' the game without getting raped once.

>no futa on male cum witch anal
>no repeatable scenes with the head cum witch

Will the game recognize a player as shemale yet?

Stack INT, it's the most broken stat in the game.

Pick all the magic buff attributes when leveling up.

Fug scalie boi in Tel'Andre

Whitefire for 400dmg per attack

beat game.

Then go to swamp and fug swamp dragon, take egg and become dragon.

It's just been idle thought, not really any sort of planning so far. I just know I'd have some more depth to the combat besides "a number goes up or down and ok now you're raped/raping". There'd be only a few attributes and then most other stats would derive from that, while any sort of light transformations would just modify superficial appearance (probably flags or something). Big transformations would probably change attributes, instead of having items littered around that fuck around with your character planning.

Oh, and the smut would actually be put through more than a first pass of editing, there's that too. Probably have companions you can choose to romance or use, NPCs too. As for a plot, I figure this sort of thing works better with the Bethesderp model of "There's a story but, fuck it, whatever." Just with more sense behind it.
I.e., you couldn't be the archmage and the head of a warrior's guild, or something.

Any sort of racial differences would be more along the lines of "different flavors of human with some exotic here or there".

>tfw gay vorefag
>all vore games are utter garbage

>try to beat the game
>end up as Kelt's sex slave every time
It's just too damn tempting, I can't get past this part

>Sup Forums is still cycling through the same porn game after all these years?


Vore is the lowest fetish
Lower even than diaperfurs.

That is not the image I posted. I don't even have that image.
I didn't know that actual images could get swapped, and not just thumbnails.

>think I could make a game like this, or at least write for one
>think about hard it would be to keep a relatively even fetish distribution
>think about how hard that would be while also keeping each character unique and not a "do anything" slut
>think about how much extra writing and flexibility each scene/character would need for all the variables

How does the game change if you drink the bimbo liquor?

same desu

I just discovered it

Like um I dunno like just drink it faggot

>Sup Forums makes better games than triiple A devs


>AAA devs make porn games

You what senpai?

>mfw cant fuck helspawn
why cant i get the non slut version of helia fuck!

Where do you find the magic spells in this game?

I think I've found all that I can from the sand witches.

For all the bitching about 3Ds shitty personalities I'm amazed people have any interest in a game where they're put into 2D monster girls and furries.

what are you talking about

>tfw Tamani/goblins
>tfw Sophie and the harpies in general

Toast in the Shell

>Can't take Marble, Izma, Helia, or Isabella out for adventuring
>All they do at camp is to just be dedicated cum dumps when your fap lap gets full

Best to keep the scope small and to write from the heart/cock.
You tend to write better when it's shit you like.

>No idea why people are so interested in helspawn
>suddenly this post

I don't TiTs is that bad.

>Get enslaved
>finally escape
>thrown right back in

>loss on the barn
gets me every time

Worst part is, she probably would have been one, but Fen stopped working on CoC pretty much in favor in TiTs

I bet you faggots roleplay.

>tfw no better scenes for Valkyries
>tfw corruption is absolutely meaningless
>tfw can't be a lowly incubus trying to garner power by constantly raiding the north for slaves to sell
>tfw you will never corrupt Valkyries and Einherjar to have an immortal army with which to conquer
>tfw you can't just spend all day fighting, drinking and fucking valkiryes and Vanir bitches all day err day
>tfw you can't actually enslave Lethice and make her yours
>tfw you wish corruption had more meaning and better plot
>tfw there is no pure cult dedicated to eradicating any non-humans and purifying Mareth to a new eden

that's it. just the books form sand witches

>mfw discovering fireworks of freedom on Mheg'na

you went to far this time Fen. there are just some things that should have been left alone

>Nobody gives FoE any attention

Is there a good finished breeding game out there?

>YWN find out that Helspawn isn't even your daughter and then waifu her instead of her slut mother.

>the slave mod will NEVER EVER be finished

Because Savin can kill himself and no one would care.