Has a family member ever beaten you in a video game, Sup Forums?

Has a family member ever beaten you in a video game, Sup Forums?

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My dad beats me in Halo and Call of Duty. He also beats me in Yugioh. I just stopped playing against him.

Not a chance in Hell, man! They just hit me in real life

Dad used to beat me in Mario Kart

He would always pick peach because he knew I didnt like losing to a girl

haha cool my dad just beats me though.

>That shitty star on his marker tattoo.
Based dad.

>family member
my brother beat the shit out of me in fighting games as a kid and probably still could because i don't play them

he can also match me pretty well in shooters, though i tend to have the upper hand more frequently

idk about rts, he used to be better but i think i've surpassed him

>family member besides my brother
lol no

My brother would kick my ass in racing games, but I dominated in games like Halo

My mother was always better at Zelda II than me.

My wife beats me pretty easily in SSB 64

>family member besides my brother
>lol no

want to talk about your dysfunctional family champ?

My dad beats me in Bloody Roar.

Ganesha can go fuck himself.

my big brother maybe
we've been separated for years and he doesn't play games no mo
probably owned my ass in Goldeneye

After all this years I cant defeat my father in Descent and Twisted Metal 2

My dad died when I was 8 but he was pretty awesome at Super Mario Kart.

What about your wife's son?

My sister used to force me to lick her private parts while she jerked my pee pee and if I made her shoot liquid before I let out white pee I'd get to stick my pee pee inside her.

I never won.

I used to kick the shit out of my bro at any game we played, but as years passed he slowly became better and eventually surpassed me at every common genre.

Nowadays I only play RPGs and deep strategy games, and while I'm sure he still kicks my ass at everything, I'd tear him a new one genres he's never played like those.

When I was younger my dad would always ask me to play street fighter and then he'd always kick my ass. Outside of video games, he introduced me to Magic: The Gathering, and even in my first few games he still kicked my ass. Thanks, dad.

No. But my little sister kicks my ass in fighting games.
She wants me to get her a stick for tourneys. But I'm afraid the FGC is too fucking cancerous and will change her.

uncle mortal kombat

I admitted to myself a long time ago that I will never be as good at vidya as my little brother.

Worst was when he and 2 friends (15) beat me and 3 friends (18-22) at LoL with 40-2. One of my friends (who was the best at my team. And actually had a lot of experience in the game) started to cry.

My dad would always beat me at Major League Baseball ft. Ken Griffey Jr.

>started to cry.
Fucking why?

realized he wasted his life playing LoL

he picked peach because he wants to be a lady, user

He's a wanker.
But it was legit savage. Perhaps it completely killed his believes that he had skill in the game.

My older brother, maybe my cousin once or twice.

Is that the tattoo from Supernatural? The show was good for two seasons and then finally crashed and burned after five but I'll never understand why you would permanently mark your body with something from a TV show. How can a TV show be that important to your life? Anyway, that's some high-quality shitposting from the dad. The original picture deserves to be mocked. I mean, it's probably not really her dad, which makes it less funny, but still, it's pretty funny.

>Has a family member ever beaten you in a video game, Sup Forums?

I have two brothers and they would always beat me in Halo because they spent far more time playing it. My parents never played video games with me because they actually spent their time being productive and doing important things like a couple of fucking lame-ass losers.

How the fuck does this girl look so attractive and so gross at the same time for me?

My cousin wipes the floor with me in smash. Even using the 3ds as a controller. Fucking showoff

That's her dad, dude.

My little brother got me into video games 2 years ago. At first he was happy I was enjoying his hobby. But then got embarrassed that I kept trying to watch him play and blamed me for his mistakes. Which is fair enough, but during the first 6 months I became pretty distracted by video games.
He still kicks my butt in games and remarks I should play girl games.

My sister beats me in Mario Kart
My brother beats me in Mortal Kombat
My best friend beats me in Chess. Most of my friends and family do actually. I am a monopoly god though.

>mfw no dad

No feels just indifferent. Surprisingly Im not black

my mom once hit me with a belt outside in front of my friends every time I fell off my bike

Then tell him to stop crying like a faggot and get good at the game. When I do shitty at the gym, I don't whine about it, I work harder the next time. Tell him to Rocky 4 that shit.


christ, are mtf transitions getting better?
if I didn't see what she looked like before, I might fuck her no regrets

My older brother destroys me in Hot Shots Golf.

She appears to have attractive features but close inspection reveals they were created or enhanced with make-up, and she has leaves on her head for no reason, and a disgusting boob tattoo.

only on games I never played
unfortunately when it came to games I was familiar with I'd have little to no trouble in beating their shit in

>How can a TV show be that important to your life?

Community is pretty important to me because Abed reminds me of my self.especially in that Christmas episode. ;_; Not enough to get a tattoo though, tattoos are stupid.

>she posts pic of her getting railed
>dad posts pic of him railing her mom

I'm not a tattoo guy, but if I did get one I'd probably get the Quake logo.

my brother wipes the floor with me in gran turismo, but that's the only video game he's had any interest in besides armored core V

None actually. None of my family plays video games. My sister would play hot shots golf or atv 2 with me but that's about it. Still fun though.

I fucking hate that gif
I hate it even more if the poster is gay
are you user?

the editing is a lot worse than i remember it

God tier taste user.

Yeah, when I played with my brothers a long time ago at various fightan. My 40% winrate turned into a 40% loss rate after they became a bit more casual though. My father however, I have never beaten even a single time at Monster Rancher 2.

But can't you see how hard Rocky's working with his HUGE SWEATING MUSCLES?!?!
rocky 4 isn't a good movie, but fuck I think it's great. The most 80's film I can think of.

He has no patternal figure.
What do you think?

Thanks, my friend. it's between the Quake logo standard, or the Quake 3 Arena variant.

>not fucking your single mom
are you gay user?

My dad consistently owns me in Street Fighter.
He's in his 40's, and shouldnt be as good as he is.

I wonder how they made that background

It's just like one of my chinese comics!

How could you hate that gif user?


live the dream, user

I read this in abed's voice.

they don't play video games, it's not particularly dysfunctional

My brother beat me once in STALKER because he rushed to automatics while the rest of us were enjoying pistol duels, and then bought an exo when we got Viper-5's and killed him a few times.
Now he tells people that he kicks my ass in it all the time because he beat me that once.

My aunt would destroy the whole family at Mario Kart 64. My autist cousin is easily the best at Smash Melee (nobody else ever took it seriously, just a party game, but he's one of those guys who thinks it's a fighting game).

Pretty much in my family that plays CoD can beat me in it when we decide to play it
My cousin used to be better at Guitar Hero than me, but I've way surpassed him by now.
My dad will wreck shit when playing Pac-Man, Galaga, or Donkey Kong. I spent an entire hour trying to beat his score on a Ms Pac Man machine that he did in one try

I got my mother into Touhou, she was able to beat Lunatic mode before me.
I was kinda pissed that I had just realized then that I suck at video games, but god damn, either my mom is a witch or I REALLY suck balls.

I hate it even more now

>he's one of those guys who thinks it's a fighting game
it is you dingus
>he got rekt at smash and denounces it forever

That's a fucking ugly tattoo

What about your wife's boyfriend?

My mum used to play Abes Odyssey with me and my dad played colliums on the mega drive with me

We also all made eyetoy profiles and all those cute pictures are stuck on my memory card. The saddest part is I was a wee arsehole and deleted my sisters profile and she had to make another later on

Been trying to figure out where to put one myself.

Chest, upper left\right of the nipple. Easy to hid from employers, but visible in the right circumstance.

that is one garish, unfeminine tattoo

put it on your ass

my 11 year old cousin routinely beats me at Mario Kart 8

i've been playing Mario Kart for longer than she's been alive

i suck at MK

i'd like to stick something up your ass, big guy

You are sitting on an imageboard dedicated to anime. What the fuck would you know about females.

Yeah, my dad would beat me at Mario Kart and then call himself Hugh Mungus

I'd be doing this too if my kids turned into vapid cunts

He's a big guy, isn't he?

My dad has rage/alcohol drug issues.

I was abused violently until I was 7 and fucked him up with a bat because he had just pawned my SNES/Games for drugs/beer

I was sent to live with my mom then life got better.


you did good, user


Are you sexually harassing me right now?

My dad was an old vietnam vet, I was a late child. He said video games were for faggots and I am wasting my time and money. He was right.

My sister used to be alright at Mario Kart, so I'd lose to her sometimes there. She pretty much stopped playing vidya though. If you're counting extended family then my older cousins used to beat me at shit all time time.

My little brother occasionally wins in Sm4sh, Brawl and Melee and in USFIV.

He's 15 though, so he'll get there.


Oh, he's way better than me at PC fps, but when it comes to consoles I always win (Halo, cod, BF, etc).

I never got into playing PC FPS, well aside from arena shooters like Unreal GOTY.



I didn't even drink until recently because I have such a negative view of drugs/alcohol and I'm in my late 20s.

He's a piece of shit and I haven't talked to him in like 6-7 years.

Hope to never talk to him ever again 2bh.

no, the games im good at im REALLY good at (top 100 tier)

maybe if i have son and he turns out to be a genius prodigy then probably he could beat me

My brothers and I have beaten each other in Mortal Kombat and Call of Duty

>the games im good at im REALLY good at (top 100 tier)

Me and my brother used to play Kirby Air Ride all the time together but then he learned to speedrun it and now he just high-level trashes me so I don't want to play it any more.

GTA4 wasn't on the Xbox Huge. Fuck this comic.

Circling your butthole.

He's a dad.