Has a family member ever beaten you in a video game, Sup Forums?

Has a family member ever beaten you in a video game, Sup Forums?

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My dad beats me in Halo and Call of Duty. He also beats me in Yugioh. I just stopped playing against him.

Not a chance in Hell, man! They just hit me in real life

Dad used to beat me in Mario Kart

He would always pick peach because he knew I didnt like losing to a girl

haha cool my dad just beats me though.

>That shitty star on his marker tattoo.
Based dad.

>family member
my brother beat the shit out of me in fighting games as a kid and probably still could because i don't play them

he can also match me pretty well in shooters, though i tend to have the upper hand more frequently

idk about rts, he used to be better but i think i've surpassed him

>family member besides my brother
lol no

My brother would kick my ass in racing games, but I dominated in games like Halo

My mother was always better at Zelda II than me.

My wife beats me pretty easily in SSB 64