EXTREME Samus & Joey Storytime

It's time again for some EXTREME Samus and Joey, featuring our hero

Metroid and his little buddy Poncho.

Tonight we're starting on chapter 6 of volume 4, the halfway point of the

final volume in the series. For those who don't know, Samus and Joey was a

manga released in the mid-2000s about the adventures of Samus and a

shonen-as-hell sidekick kid. Samus is directly responsible for several

catastrophic explosions, some pithy one-liners, and generally kicks ass

without straying too far from character.

If you're new to the comic, catch up with the previous threads, hopefully

still archived:

Also, a disclaimer: I am unable to bump my own threads, that's how Sup Forums

works. So I'll be relying on you, the readers, to post and comment to keep

the thread alive. So don't hold back! Reactions, small talk about the

games, even shitposting.

No relaxing this time, we're all set to go for the EXTREME!

As a quick recap, Samus had her powers stolen and scattered about the

EXTREME galaxy, and she's been on a quest to recover them. She fought a

capybara who shot missiles out of its nose to get her missile powers back,

collected her morph ball and screw attacks from a tryant imposing bizarre

sphere-based laws on his people, flew to the center of a frozen star to

get her ice beam back and managed to fly back out again as it thawed,

worked with some hokey critters to reverse engineer a planet-destroying

bomb and send it back to its creators, recovering her power bombs in the

process, and she won her shinespark in a space race.

What next? Read on and find out!

>tfw had all this in notepad
>notepad fucks up the formatting
i am so sorry, god that looks stupid.

It would take too long to restart now, though, so let's just keep going.




Oh boy, time to see if we can reach the finish line tonight, or at least shitpost about Federation Force among the three people that bought it







It's storytime again!

She's gonna need a lot of energy tanks for that stunt.

Speaking of, those never appeared in this manga, did they?



Things get pretty intense this chapter.



So the ice beam can freeze the sun but not acid?


also let's not mention the fact that turning the whole ocean to acid would have devastating repercussions across the board, more than just on the fucking fish

This right here makes me wonder how well a boss fight would work with that actual mechanic in a 2D Metroid, where the goal is to keep out of the acid, or else be unable to attack, all the while taking damage.

I think they got away with that due to having a living computer or something inside the sun for it that was using the Ice Beam. Samus isn't anywhere near that size in proportion, meaning smaller Ice Beam.








im holdin onto this

That's Metroids manly spirit kicking in


once again, this Samus is too good for this world, let alone this manga

The devastating effects this would have on the planet's mantle would cause full collapse of the crust.



>Sono chi no sadame starts playing


Guess we're stuck like this forever then!

That's the end of chapter 7 folks.

I would really like to see a 3D action game have that showcase her overpowered side some day. Either with convenient puzzle scenarios like this or with less powerful enemies.





Platinum could make it happen, but Nintendo has made it clear that they'll stifle any and all creativity just to play it safe, instead of allowing people to get wild with their IPs, all so Nintendo can keep control of the end result.

The fact that they had Platinum work on Zero and it turned out as slow-paced and uninteresting as it did is a shame. Same deal with Team Ninja on Other M and the final result of that potential legendary setup.

We did obtain some great Zelda games with Capcom, though, and some could argue that Hyrule Warriors is really enjoyable considering what it really is



Time for spooky

Don't ask me how she got all the way to Thriller Bark

>This shit happens when I'm listening to a Castlevania playlist
Nice timing

Samus looks so great in a cloak. Damn shame we can't have her with one in a game.





bump, gotta read through the other threads

That statue before Tourian in Super should have been something like this, where it's an amalgamation of all the prior bosses.







I have a feeling that a certain overdone plot twist is coming up.


In real Metroid, this would probably be one of the most one-sided fights ever, but since this is one of my Japanese animes, probably going to be some bullshit

What on earth would give you that impression?







I have to admit I find something incredibly satisfying about seeing Samus being good with close-quarters combat too.



Since I forgot one before, here's the credit page. Thanks go out to the MDB website, who translated all this. There's some other manga there to read if you get interested. I highly recommend it.






>The fact that they had Platinum work on Zero

That's insane. Star Fox Zero was Platinum? How much more broken does Nintendo have to make their franchises before they are willing to experiment again? Literally all of their breakthroughs come from said experiments and there's been almost zero duds in their track record!









Excellent use of unusual techniques in this chapter.

Literally choukyou haoh deindan from G Gundam.



Or something, it's been a long time since I've seen it.




Well that's one way to break up a fight I suppose.



