How do you justify your thievery Sup Forums?

How do you justify your thievery Sup Forums?

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I live on a boat

this is gonna be a shit thread.

I'm poor

OP, did you take this picture? Did you create it? How do you justify stealing the artist's image and using it on a public image board without paying for it?

it's not pirating if you weren't gonna buy it in the first place !!

I don't

I know it's wrong and I don't care

why should I have to justify my behavior on an anonymous image board

I don't. I just don't give a fuck about the industry.

I don't.

I do consider it unethical, and I do it but very rarely. Then again, I probably consider eating animals unethical but I'm not planning on being vegie any time soon. I find on the whole that people's justifications are pathetic excuses for them failing to realise that they, like everyone else, are far from perfect individuals.

>being this much of a fucking nigger
>not knowing the pain that you bring to the developers souls when their hard work didn't give them a single dime

I don't
It's free and easy so why not my man?

i dont feel the need to justify my actions to myself

I'm poor.

That's literally it.

When I have money, I do buy all my games. I've still got an entire stack of physical and digital 3DS games that I've legitimately purchased. Ultimately, it's easier and better to buy stuff, especially on the 3DS. CFW-ing my 3DS was a massive headache that I would have loved to avoid.

But over the past few months, I've hit a financial rough patch, and I like new games, so here we go.

I don't. I just do it.

NTR lets me use My PC as a gamepad host so I can sit my 3ds on the table when I play and use a 360 pad.

That and I can repack almost any DSiware or GBA game to work on my 3ds, even ones that never released on 3ds.

CFW is awesome OP stop being a cuck.

>but I wasn't going to buy it anyway
>but it's a copy
>but muh free stuff

>steven universe

I'm not going to waste my measly salary on a piece of useless plastic and starve myself to death just to support some random dude that I don't even know


Hahaha eat shit

Gonna go continue playing Majoras Mask 3D and M&L:SS now

Fuck the game industry.

because you stare at this image board
this image board will stare back at you
then it will call you a faggot.

I have life goals for which I need money, so spending it n games isn't an option. If I didn't pirate I wouldn't play anything.

Piracy is okay.

So long as we can all agree that, if piracy were to magically stop happening overnight, literally every single problem plaguing the gaming industry today would completely vanish.

Because it totally would.

Literally every single problem can be traced back either directly or indirectly to piracy.

Society is built on lies and I hate the videogame industry.

Really if you pay for video-games you might as well kill yourself for propogating the rise of shit like No Man's Sky.

cuz I can

>don't buy game
>new games still get made
when this stops being true, I'll reconsider

I like videogames. They're even better when free.


What worthwhile DSiware is there? I had a DSi but never bothered with DSiware.

black people steal
white people pirate
it's all the same shit and I don't care nothing beats free

I don't have to.

You have acceptable taste.

Fuck you

I don't need to. Suck my dick, moralfag

I don't. I just steal and move on. As long as I don't get caught I'm golden.

How do you justify selling shit games for $60.

Hmm I only installed stuff a couple days ago. Haven't even gotten any 3ds games except for ones I had on my account anyhow. I have Luma. What are the pros or cons of each firmware? I would also like to know some good dsiware.
Thanks. I actually didn't put that filename. It said that way. Never seen re zero just know the blue hair girl is cute and sexy as hell. Haven't even seen any lone else from it.

How do corporations justify mass slavery of people.

Spotto! is an awesome first party dsiware game where you bounce bombs into ghosts mouths, kinda like upside down peggle.

there's also a topdown gangstar game gameloft made for dsi which is a watered down version of the first iphone game west coast hustle.

i'm also currently playing mighty flip champs, an old wayforward game, as well as the rabi laby games which are puzzle platformers kinda like the gameboy game catrap.

there's also soul of darkness, a good gameloft-made metroidvania game a little heavier on the vania.

I also installed the ds wario ware twisted game i got a cia of, that nintendo released for miitomo points not too long ago.

Mr. Driller is good for DSi too.

there's other good games but that's what i have installed currently, you can only install so many dsiware games at once on the system partition.

It’s consequence free and I’m getting the exact same product through pirating as I would by spending upwards of $40 for a game. Is it stealing, certainly. Especially so when I use Nintendo’s own bandwidth when downloading games off FreeShop. But I just can’t justify paying for something I can get for free, without consequences. It’d be different if Nintendo offered something more. Maybe their physical releases came with art books or some sort of special content I wouldn’t be able to get through pirating.

by paying them

>I also installed the ds wario ware twisted game i

err wario ware touched for DS i mean, sorry long day.

I feel this is relevant.

Remember never to buy used games, user. Used games are just as bad for the industry as pirating, and yet people don't seem to have a problem with them.

I don't. I've only bought a game that I pirated before once. All the Dawn of War 1 games

What if you do not want to be a part of this massive slavery and you see that society is held back by it.

i dont, but ill still do it anyway

Nintendo is making shitty choices recently, and I will not give them my money.

Live off the grid?

>borrow game from friend
>I'm breaking the developers' souls because I didn't give them a single cent


You kill yourself.

The MC has savepoints if he dies, however it's implied that the more he uses it the more risky it becomes, possibly that he only has a certain number of continues.

But desu Felt-sama is an actual character.

>and I will not give them my money.

This line of reasoning has always baffled me.

If you care that much, then why play the games at all?

>Steven universe fag has a issue if pirating
I'm not surprised. You should cry about it.

Could you share Soul of Darkness or a link?
Wouldn't hate to add to my re zero collection if you wanna post some. I actually have my phone wallpaper her. Wanna see if there is a 3ds theme too sometime.
I love Parks and Rec

With* pirating

desu I barely touch my 3DS anyways.


region lock eu games delayed always na also had it with few games

uncensor patches

jap voice patches

free dlc

I'd pirate a Rem with no remorse

My power level has devolved hugely since I moved away from anime. She's not really fanservice material anyway.

Why is Sup Forums the only board that bitches about pirating?

Sup Forums doesn't bitch about people who pirate anime and manga
Sup Forums doesn't bitch about people who pirate music
Sup Forums doesn't bitch about people who pirate software

Why is it only Sup Forums the only bunch of autist faggots that go apeshit over the piracy issue?

so much this
Sup Forums is free

Post some then man. I have. Nothing else

It's not even Sup Forums, it's video game fans in general. I think it's because gamers are extremely self absorbed and put their media on a pedestal.

I bought the console. What else do they want?


you can dump it yourself with funkeycia and an enctitlekeys.bin, just google both

Pricing, mostly. Video games cost more than movies/music.

You want to see a REAL shitstorm, go to /tg/ and ask if it's okay to 3D print Warhammer figures. Or use 10 cent army man figures as proxies. That's always a fun conversation.

because it is a more "advanced type of pirating. Especially if a console of some kind. People who don't understand how to do this will just buy the games. They then feel mad that other people are experiencing the same thing for free.

Fucking adorable. Are there even any other worthwhile girls?

Because I can.
It's not like I have to buy a whole bunch of shit to do it. Takes like a few hours to get done and boom, infinite games.

No I'd rather burn every corporation down and let freedom come for the people. I'd rather change it

Yeah you cannot avoid it you just have to survive by yourself in isolation.

Don't they call that a word when you force someone to have sex

Rape right

Maybe if they made good games, and not lie about their product,and focus in making a game people will create interest in, maybe people will waste more money in games.

Neo/v/ that came from reddit

How do you justify your thievery Sup Forums?

Tell me how you justify pirating video games and I will tell you why you're wrong.

Try me.

If I was a small game dev I'd just skip all the bullshit and put my own stuff up on pirate sites with a link to a paypal or a place where the game can be purchased.
Why even try to stop the inevitable. Its a waste of time and not worth the stress.

Not that user, but;
Is a cute thief girl who goes on to become integral to the plot after like 16 episodes. Funnily enough she isn't actually fap-material but I just like the character.

Pretty sure it is corporations posting here making people feel bad for free will in a supposed free world

i don't because i don't have to

I hate Nintendo

I don't.
>needing to lie to yourself to assuage your conscience

It's not thievery, it's a lost sale.

People making bait threads mostly. I find it hard to believe why anyone would care about how someone else gets their games. Then again, Poe's Law, so I guess some of these people must be serious.

To keep you up at night.

How do I go about dumping it? I don't have the game.
Well that's any cute pictures of her? I like using more cute stuff for my wallpapers

There is no need to justify anything and it's piracy.

I don't. I steal retail games. I pirate games. I stole my PS4 from an out of state Target. I scam people out of Steam codes. I have an online "girlfriend" that gives me money because she's fat and ugly and wants to feel "loved". My real girlfriend doesn't know. I just scammed a seller on eBay and G2A out of steam codes for $30-50 games

I don't need to justify anything in face of false accusations. Copyright infringement is not thievery you dumb motherfucker.

1) I don't really have to
2) I buy most of the games I like for the right price
3) If it has shit Denuvo I will not buy it and I will pirate it when the game get's cracked, not buying the game even if I liked it
4) Some companies deserve to loss sales, like Gearbox, fuck them
5) If the game runs in DOSBOX is not worth buying (but yes to pirate it), that's the reason I did not buy Blood even if I love the game. I would literally only buy the game if it has a Redux version, if not fuck it.
6) Games are usually expensive considering I live in a 3 world country, so I never buy a game when it just launches and pirate it if I can.
7) See number 1)

> he only likes girls because they're cute.

>pirate games
>complain when they dont make a sequel


also this thread is full of people justfying piracy with shit like
>videogame industry is le cancer
>b-but muh no man sky so I'll pirate games

Just say you dont want to pay, dont slippery slope your way through your faggotry


>justification for ANY action


who are you quoting?

Well I don't want the show. I have no knowledge of her character whatsoever. But damn she is really adorable. Sorry user. Its usually all I have to go off of.