4 more days until Sony BTFOs everyone again
4 more days until Sony BTFOs everyone again
you mean BTFOs their own customers?
You mean BTFO's third party developers?
Now I can play nothing in 4k.
you mean BTFOS early adopter sonycucks?
Go away Nintedrones, you're not welcome here!
now we can play super mega hd movies like we've been able to for years on our other myriad devices!!! every game is still going to be 30fps garbage for children that dont know any better!!!
But I really truly do accept Sony as my lord as savior.
How else do you explain my utterly blind devotion to a soulless Japanese electronics company that laughs at my tiny American penis.
You mean until they shoot themselves in the foot by separating their customers into tiers?
Thank god
Now I can have meaningless hardware upgrades every couple of years that nickel and dime me to death!!
What else can Sony do to fuck me in the ass and make me a true console cuck?
I know, raise the online toll fee
Oh wait...............
You mean BTFO anyone who owns a PS4?
Seriously, the console hasn't even been out for half a decade and it's already redundant
Hey everyone here's your new console.
We just took a R9 390X and reduced its clock speed
With this you'll be able to play all games in 4K 60 FPS! (upscaled from 1080) Won't that be nice?
Works for me, I haven't bought a current gen console yet. Now the original PS4 will get a price drop.
>offering optional premium device is somehow bad for their other PS4 owners even though they still can play the same games
I can't wait to play The Witcher 3 144fps 4K with PC on-par graphics!
Based Sony!
I wish I knew how computers worked
>I didn't bought a PS3.5
>I didn't get Bloodborne Incomplete Edition
>I haven't paid a single penny for fucking PS+
I'm gonna get a Neo and Bloodborne from the bargain bin someday.
Including their own loyal user base!
Can't wait for their own exclusives to run at under 30fps on a standard console only for them to say "Guess it's time to upgrade :^)"
S-Sony still cares about us..
Can't wait for Bloodborne NEO Edition. That's gonna BTFO a lot of people.
...and pay less for a better hardware revision.
...and pay less for games.
PS4 Remasters when?
Nothing like playing Bloodborne again in glorious 4k on VR
4 more days till pc gaming is 100% erased permanently.
VR is not for games, it's for cinematic experiences such as Summer Lesson, DOAX3 Vr and Uncharted.
4K is just for playing bluray movies.
But don't worry, you'll be playing Bloodborne at CONSTANT 30FPS, shadows ON. Or 40-60FPS without shadows.
They'll essentially be playing downgraded ports, while Neo owners get the real versions of the games.
No games will be made first and foremost for OG PS4, they will just throw in a few more bells and whistles for NEO
This is what Sony says. Even in the best case scenario, where they believe it themselves, it's not gonna be true. And I highly doubt this is the best case scenario.
I wonder what games theyll show off using neo power
>Deep Down
>VR shit
>this is basically being done so sony can sell 4K blurays
>barely any percentage of the population owns a 4K tv to begin with
>VR is the other bonus of the Neo
>VR is a joke
As someone that owns a PS4, I feel very confident Neo support is going to go the way of Vita, Move and the Eye.
Im sure the last of us will have a 4k release or something
no you fucking don't
trust me
you have to sacrifice something to armok, god of blood. he will take something from you and make you deformed. you will never be anywhere near the normie world again.
you may be able to find a relationship with some woman, but you really will be forever deformed in some way.
trust me, i know shit
This entire thread is revolting. Literally every single post is some edgy user trying to get in an epic burn for Sony and PS4 players. What a pathetic circle jerk thread this cesspool is right down to the false flagging OP
Nice pessimistic thought but your point is baseless, how about we just wait 4 days
4 more days until Vita 2.0 is announced, how hyped are you?
>Sony BTFOs everyone
>Scorpio already proven to be stronger than the Neo
>The Xbone S already has 4k TV and it will probably be cheaper than the PS4 Slim
>Who the fuck cares about VR unless is porn related
Unless they can somehow make P5 come out sooner in the West, I will probably be a shit conference
This. The reasons Sony is going to push Neo is
>Advertising 4k sounds like the graphics will be better, when in fact only the resolution will change and nothing else
>So they can sell their 4k TVs
>And their 4k blu-rays
Sony did the same thing last gen with their 3D tech. They had 3D TVs they wanted to sell, so they added 3D games on the PS3. It flopped, and hopefully so will this horrible practice. Also Sony is jumping the gun here, they are afraid of the Xbone S and Scorpio, so they'll rush it into the market this season. It's only going to hurt them, Xbox will make sure the Scorpio is vastly better. Of course I'm against Scorpio too, fuck this gen.
Now I can play a moviegame in 4k.
Me too. Why can't they make computers easy to use like TV? That way people in the Sup Forums community could get jobs.
Whats the difference between having to upgrade a pc every few years and having to upgrade your xbox or playstation?
this shit had better at least come with a 2tb hard drive
i have maybe 10 games and have to constantly delete installs to download updates
rip peecee
Hush up child. This site is for 18 and over only.
>Seriously, the console hasn't even been out for half a decade and it's already redundant
How so? If anything PS4neo extends PS4's life. Good for everyone.
I don't bitch when my 3yo phone is less powerful than the latest GalaxyNote. They both play the same games and even if Sony's policy changes and they indeed make PS4neo exclusives it'll be by a time where a gen would have ended (3 years from now would be fine by me)
the current PS4 model sold too well to be abandoned by devs, no one would be dumb enough to spend extra money developing a game only an audience 1/20th the size of PS4's current 40-45million
Let's look at the most recent example: Even though nintendo wanted new3DS exclusives only a port was made for it (as far as I'm aware that's it) and most devs didn't care to make new3DS exclusive content when the OG 3DS market is so much bigger and will forever be bigger.
Same will happen with the PS4neo, even if Sony did allow exclusive content the OG PS4 will always and forever vastly outsell the PS4neo model (not only because it has a fuckhuge headstart in sales but also because it'll always be $150 to $200 cheaper)
I got a ps4 at launch and it's the single biggest waste of space in my home.
Really hoping they do FFXV but the evidence suggests NEO compatibility is not a priority for Square.
This. The neo is just the salt in the wound
woah, did they get a second exclusive?!
As opposed to literally every other thread on Sup Forums that's the exact same? Fuck off.
i fucking don't, but i built one
do we actually know they are showing it you fuckers?
Cant wait
Hopefully it is for Tabata tho. I imagine he's pretty cut up about seeing his vision compromised by current consoles
All the consoles will play the same games, just with better performance and graphics on the newer models. Microsoft basically said that is what they are doing. Scorpio, Xbone and Xbone s will all play the same games. If you own a PS4 or Xbone you don't need to upgrade every few years.
I'm kind of fed up of Sony. I really like the games, but...
My digital games crash all the time. The network is always under maintenance. They hiked the price of PS Plus by 20 dollars. It's going to be even more expensive if I want to play PSNow. Online used to be free. If not free, at least cheaper. Games of the month are almost always indie garbage, last month it was Tetris.
Well one of the things I was referring to was the fact that Tabata supposedly didn't even know about the NEO's existence until House confirmed it around E3. Could've been lying but if that was the case I don't see why he couldn't just not say anything. I can't recall if he was asked point-blank or if he volunteered the comment.
At least we get Journey in three days...
Pic related is what a $800 GPU can do. It will take 5-7 years before consoles can be affordable enough pull off something like this.
Just build that PC already, user.
looks like a genesis game.
DOOM doesn't look awful on PS4. On PC though, I've never seen any game that looks better than DOOM
No one wants to drop 3 grand on a PC to look at textures. PC games suck
>we built a super powerful console so you can enjoy your one game at 4K60FPS
Noone wants to drop 400 bux to look at TLOU either, and yet here we are.
4 more days till you pay 10 dollars more for a network that shuts down more often than you change your underwear.
Do you have a better looking game to show at least because honesty that picture you posted doesnt look too impressive.
Console can put out nice visuals too though, sure its not 4k but we're talking about a much lower performing hardware
Some Geralt for your attention
>people expect 4K
>people expect it to be on par with Scorpio specs
>people really expect the Scorpio to do 4K60fps at an affordable price
Going to be a fun shit show when both companies can't pull it off.
I thought Sony was waiting on the PS4K reveal until the NX reveal
Not that user, but RotTR looks pretty damn good on my PC in 4K. A lot of 4K game pics don't look too impressive though. It's one of those things that seems to look better in motion.
I've found 4K and 4K downsampled to 1080p to be virtually indistinguishable in motion.
GTAV also looks pretty darn fantastic in 4k.
That's because motion makes it much easier to appreciate how little aliasing happens at this resolution.
oh wow its got a midrange gpu from 2016 that surely wont age like milk
dam..i need...a peecee...
>empty roads
uhh yeah. that looks so darn fantastic.
>paying to play online
Wow let's take away the only reason people even looked at the ps3
Don't own GTA V yet, but not surprising considering how good it already looked in 1080
Yeah, that's probably one of the reasons.
What size display are you looking at it on? 1440p and 4k look exactly the same from normal desk sitting distance on a 24-27" monitor.
>1440p and 4k look exactly the same
Fuck no they don't. 4k is literally twice as sharp.
graphics like this can never be done on a ps4.
this is even on medium settings.
I look forward to hearing what they have to say.
>those textures on the stones and trees
Looks 2005-tier. That's not Crysis 3.
Yeah consoles will never have games that look like this.
This is still early gen PS4 as well, by now they have now learnt to fully unlock all its power
Didnt they release unlock an 8th core or something for devs to use?
>prebaked lighting
Nips cannot into modern graphics technology.
Honestly, I would be happy if more things looked like the new R&C. The amount of detail they put into the Pixar style is kind of insane for a console.
this is what modern day PC games look like even on low settings.
ps4 got BTFO. have fun spending more money on your neo version.
Don't really give a shit if it's pre-baked. I'm just happy the city finally isn't completely washed out looking.
Meanwhile in games made by European devs, even the moonlight is rendered in realtime.
You need to learn what aliasing is then.
For comparison. Same street as the last pic, from one of the previous games.
wtf I hate PC now
I understand, but it could look so much better with more sophisticated tech.
Fuck. Forgot the pic.
Both of these games have horrible lighting. And Yakuza should be ashamed since Sleeping Dogs exists.
is that supposed to look good?
dudes arent even casting shadows, what is this a sega genesis game?