>Check youtube subs
>Oh boy, another civ revealed!
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Fuck off Miller
i just started playing Civ V, but i'm having a lot of trouble. I can barely compete with the CPU on easy! I feel like my problem is i'm trying to win in every way, when i should focus on just military, or just cultural, etc. Is that true?
>no Adolf Hitler civ leader for Germany
>but lol Joseph Stalin is ayy okay he dindu nuffin!
Don't you just love revisionist history?
No, it's more like:
>lol media says russia bad now so its k
>germany greatest ally so no bad :)
>its another pol circlejerk episode
I would really love some kind of new-world mapset and game-type.
Really well done.
>You and several other civilizations start on one large continent at a certain level of development
>Land is limited in resources and space and effective expansion is difficult without conquering other civilisations
>There is another continent across the ocean which is rife with resources and land which will give you an upper hand
>The natives on the land start at a greatly reduced tech level but with a massively increased amount of troops/sustainability for their army as well as a large amount of land
>Very young cities can easily be razed by these troops-never occupied, just destroyed
>You have to settle land and defend it in the new world, competing with your enemies to get the best land and resources while fending off the natives
Stuff like that would make Civ wonderful for me.
Base game is pretty good, but the stuff I've always wanted has to be forced by players to really work well.
>Religious wars which actually have any reasonable bonuses or reason to carry them out
>Cold wars
>Economic domination or domination of certain trade routes/resources/luxuries which give you power where you might lack elsewhere
>More significant scientific landmarks, such as "holy shit, we can into sailing and all kinds of shit now" instead of "boats, better boats, better better boats, better coastal gains, ocean boats"
i guess i'm just bad. It's my first civ game after all i guess i underestimated the difficulty
The difference is Hitler tried to genocide 6 gorillion people (at least what history teaches us) and all Stalin did was try communism and some people died (at least what history teaches us)
Plus communism is trendy now.
Stalin did literally nothing wrong, meanwhile Hitler did literally everything wrong.
Imprison this goy at once.
Hitler failed at everything he set out to do
What about the Ukrainian famine? Stalin deliberately caused famine in Ukraine because they wanted to be independent, his logic being "the fewer of them, the fewer can oppose me"
>25 Million Ruskies Dead
>6 Millions Jews dead
Idk he did pretty well
He pulled Germany out of a recession and turned them into an economic superpower just fine.
Their culture and food buffs sound pretty strong but his whole convert thing makes him sound like a useful tool for a religious civ rather than a serious contender on that victory.
>all Stalin did was try communism
Communism is pretty much a post capitalism post scarcity utopia and even soviets weren't delusional enough to think that they achieved it.
Socialism is far scarier because it can be actually tried and failed at and because it's deeply rooted into western governments at this point and is only getting worse.
Fucking niggers in my video games ruin everything
Oh wait this is not bf1
I thought the gorrillions were exaggerated. He couldn't even kill 6 million despite having them trapped.
>6 million
You forgot a couple of zeroes.
People dont need to be bothered with that kind of trivial information.
Doesn't the hammer and sickle logo look really cool?!?
You're counting the ruskies that died during WWII, you should instead count those sent to the gulags, those that starved in deliberate famines and those who were murdered by stalins government. You'd still end up with at least a few million
>>Religious wars which actually have any reasonable bonuses or reason to carry them out
These were literally confirmed. Keep up.
Turns rural backwater into works superpower with a space program in less than 30 years.
Loses a war, was a vegan, was virgin commited suicide.
Hitler is a nu male pick.
Yeah and.most of the german aryan race dead.
Gg hitler now we just got baldies and poopheads left.
>at least what history teaches us
It's not like historical documentation of Holodomor is hidden. What does seem to be lacking in the West is the fact that Hitler freed millions of people by weakening colonial powers as well as pretty much yanking the entire world out of a Great Depression. Stalin on the other hand did fucking nothing but use droves of his own people as cannon fodder, let the lower classes starve, set every country he touched back decades behind everyone else, and was so hated that he died alone in a puddle of his own urine.
>so hated that he died alone in a puddle of his own urine
Does this mean that every Sup Forums user is as hated as stalin?
Just the neets.
I had this problem with Civ 4 but now I can beat 5 on 2nd highest difficulty pretty reliably, haven't tried Diety.
The best way to learn is watching walkthroughs. Cultural victory to be specific since Cultural teaches you a lot, like wonder rushing and shit.
This guy helped me the most.
>It's a Sup Forums gets triggered by black people in a game" episode
So...who is this?
>pol instead of Sup Forums
How to spot a newfag in one easy step
king nigger
>no Sokoto
>no Benin (fugg)
>no Abyssinia
>no Aksum
>no Ghana
>no Great Zimbabwe
>no Mali
>tfw you will never play as Mansa Musa and use your Hajj unique ability to wreck every other player's economy
Nah fuck that, let's represent Africa's history with Egypt (doesn't count) and this Portugueeaboo fuck who inherited an empire on the eve of a cultural renaissance and decided he'd rather suck that tasty pale dick instead.
>Look up civ 5 speedruns for interesting tips on how to make your cities most efficient
>Literally everyone starts the game in the modern age on settler
>Game is over in 2 seconds
Speedrunning is a cancer
>it's the, anyone who mentions race or political pandering is the Sup Forums boogeyman, so I won't have to defend anything I say, episode
no really, who is this and what nation is he from?
king of the niggers. He's from Africa.
Kongo actually has a really interesting history
They were the first sub-saharan African nation to have European contact and they had cordial relations with the Portuguese for some time
So we have a loooooooot more historical records available for them than the average African country. They actually wrote stuff down, in the Latin alphabet too.
It also results in fun historical anomalies like a bunch of Kongo noblemen roaming around Lisbon and the Pope sending an elite squad of Super-Monks to help the Kongo establish their own Catholic Diocese and subvert Portuguese efforts to control their clergy
Okay but seriously though, who the fuck is this guy and what did he do to warrant being in Civ VI?
video games
Mvemba a Nzinga, a.k.a. Alfonso I of Kongo.
Look him up. It's a sad story. Inherited the Empire of Kongo at it's height, then converted to Christianity and invited the Portuguese to politely ram his ass. What could possibly go wrong?
Tried to stop the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Spoiler alert: he did not succeed.
Any good books about all that?
John K Thornton is the foremost historian on the topic, check these out:
The Kingdom of Kongo: Civil War and Transition, 1641-1718 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983).
Africa and Africans in the Formation of the Atlantic World, 1400-1680 (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1992, second expanded edition, 1998)
The Kongolese Saint Anthony: Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and the Antonian Movement, 1684-1706 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998)
Warfare in Atlantic Africa, 1500-1800 (University College of London Press/Routledge, 1999) [if you only read one of these read this one, it's extremely interesting and you can get it for free online]
Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles and the Foundation of the Americas, 1585-1660 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007)
Evangelical Missions to the Kingdom of Kongo by Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi da Montecuccolo, 1665. Translation published on internet, presently at bu.edu
A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250-1820. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012).
King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild is a really great pop-history of Kongo. It's more about the Belgian exploitation of Kongo, though. Belgium is why Congo is so ultra-fucked today, not Portugal.
(I'm not an African historian so idk)
actually got some neat information about this guy from what i thought would be a total Sup Forums thread.
thank you user.
No problem my dude, happy learning
Yeah, turns out they really was kangz n shit. Weird.
>Hitler freed millions of people by weakening colonial powers
Is funny because Gandhi liked him for this very reason, but thats ignored because Gandhi needs to be whitewashed
Stalin was a success, hitler was a failure cuck
>The difference is Hitler tried to genocide 6 gorillion people
Oh yeah hitler just TRIED genocide but Stalin actually managed to kill 40 million people.
I understand the difference now
Thats what the Ukrainian traitors get
Congolese people aren't exactly innocent. When the belgians hired congolese to do soldier/security work, they provided them with firearms, but they quickly found out the Congolese loved shooting at about anything because it made noise and sheeeit. Tired of having them waste ammunition, they asked their Congolese soldiers to show proof that the ammo was used to kill and not wasted by bringing physical proof of the killed. Well these fucking Congolese loved shooting so goddamn much they would rather cut the hands of still living people just to get more ammo than to stop. That shit's been blamed forever on the Belgians nowadays, hurr whites so evil they cut people's hands.
>was a vegan
wtf i hate Hitler now
>I thought the gorrillions were exaggerated.
It's only exaggerated in the sense that people spout this number as if it was the number of jew that died in the death camp. It's wrong, camp are responsible for the death of approximately 3 million of them. 3 other millions died outside the camp (shots, death march, various methods of execution, pogrom, and so on.) And by the way, there's at the very least an equal number of russian (civilians) that died that way but apparently no one care and we only ever speak about the jew genocide.
You forgot gypsys, gays, german communism/socialist and disabled people, who are also glossed over because they weren't jews
He didn't do either of these things. Learn some history.
Only God's chosen people matter, goyim.
Well, only difference between capitalism and socialism is that when capitalism failed, everyone still pretends everything is okay.
The fact that you actually believe this is funny. The USSR was literally outpacing them in economic development.
t. Goldberg
It's one sniper, do you even know what an actual firing squad is you dumb fuck?
Is that snoop?
Those videos are for people who want to unlock achievements usually, not for regular play tips.
naw it's this nigga who used to run with his gang bringing illicit substances to the people and expanding minds until the feds caught him.
(whereas Snoop never got caught)
Memes aside, it's because the game would be banned in Germany.
>Mention how the developers are choosing bad leaders out of the huge list of historical figures and how they are pandering to demographics for the sake of diversity
>Get called racist/sexist
There are definitely some good female and African leaders in the past and they picked them previously. Why are they pulling obscure ones out of a hat now?
he never forgot you, user
Shh bby is ok
Afonso was a good leader, imo. Not sure why people are complaining about him.
Soon, tumblr is going to find out that rather than being a stronk African kangz, Alfonso sold his kingdom out like a little bitch.
The poor guy is going to be castigated as an Uncle Tom and Firaxis will be shit on, just as they are now by Sup Forums.
Also fuck Barbarossa, it should have been Frederick II
>just as they are now by Sup Forums.
Just stop it with this tired ass boogeyman bullshit. It's okay to hate stupid shit without being either an SJW or literally Hitler.
He honestly looks pretty based. Like you'd see him at local BBQ's partying it up.
That's because he's modeled after Eli from HL2.
You're a filthy SJW. If you're from Sup Forums, you are Hitler.
>During his reign, Afonso extended Kongo’s relations with Portugal, reaching an agreement (the Regimento, 1512) with Manuel I of Portugal by which the Kongo accepted Portuguese institutions, granted extraterritorial rights to Portuguese subjects, and supplied slaves to Portuguese traders.
>In 1526, upon discovering that Portuguese merchants were purchasing illegally enslaved persons and exporting them, Afonso established an administrative system to oversee the slave trade, which reached considerable proportions during his reign. He also sought,
>Spoiler alert: he did not succeed.
I know not why I laughed but I did
>black guy sold black subjects to white guy
How totally unexpected.
They weren't his subjects, they were foreigners. Why would he care about selling them? If he kept them he would have to billet them, and they're his enemies to begin with, why is selling them a bad thing?
i have seen people bitch about the game being eurocentrism, and when they get called out about most civs not being from europe, they add Brasil, USA and even Egypt to the list of european, so basically they are retarded.