Does Sup Forums play any dead games?

Does Sup Forums play any dead games?

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Is Vindictus really dead? That's a shame. I've been looking for a game with hot girls, parrying and a gear treadmill.

It's not completely dead.

You'll just have to solo levels 1 to 80.

There's also an easy mode now, so you can easily beat an 8 man raid by yourself.

That all sounds fine, actually. When I played it I did it all solo up to around 40 then it just got too slow and I stopped. Soloing group bosses was a goal of mine anyway.

>You'll just have to solo levels 1 to 80
Dead as fuck.

>You'll just have to solo levels 1 to 80.
>It's so dead that the only people that are still active are the dedicated hardcore guys who are already maxed level. Enjoy soloing until then

is a lot of stuff in this game behind a pay wall?

Only the end game gear. If you care about getting fully upgraded ones.

I stopped around 40 too for the same reasons. Maybe we should be friends and level together

How much money have you spent on underwear? I only play with other perverts.

I logged in like 20 days in a row just for those Gilded keys but all I got was fucking AP capsules and unbind potions. Dropped desu

is there a Vindictus guide for new players?

I used to play Conduit 1 and 2 until they stopped responding to my controller good. I also logged onto DragonFable and played an entire hour before getting bored.

In olden times /vg/ had a general for the game with a new player pastebin in the OP. You can see if that's still a thing.

I haven't spent any money on this game.

Yes. There's threads for multiple games in /vg/. Spengies, RO, MWO, KSP, Minecraft, Tera, Starboud. The list goes on and on.

>They sell boosts in the store as bathsoaps

any mmorpg older than three years

Yup, I play C&C at least once a week.


The first one, RA, Tiberan Sun?

>Neotokyo on fridays

All of them. Though I haven't tried the 4th one because it doesn't exist. Some say it's the dream of madmen. Others say it's the nightmare of the sane

Thank god for openRA though. Can't wait for them to finish support for TS.

only when I get gud at FPS

what's your favourite

The first one, though Firestorm was always good for LAN parties. I'm more of a fan of Total Annihilation, but almost nobody played that at all around me, so I was stuck grabbing user made units and using them against the AI.

>The first one, though Firestorm was always good for LAN parties
Good taste. TS is a fucking blast when you can get a people to play it with you. Too bad those days are gone

>I'm more of a fan of Total Annihilation
I've actually never played any of the TA games. It was always AoE and C&C for me with WC mixed in.

Fight the good fight fellow RTS refugee

I play Mabinogi still.

It's not dead per se, there are plenty of afk players, but it may as well be because the devs simply do not care about this game. Or they just can't do a good update if their lives depended on it.

Maybe I just suck at socializing, but I'm having trouble holding friends in it too.

Which you'll have to get or you won't be allowed in groups and if you do get in you'll do no damage. Nexon went full jew, or at least 90% jew, they still need to start selling unique OP gear exclusively for real money.

Wait this user is just shitposting right? Because if he isn't i can understand why the game is dead.

>new ip
>loveable, game goes on strong, big playerbase
>nexon rubs hands together, begins to jew
>updates start feeling empty/meaningless
>challenge in the game starts to get updated out
>game becomes husk of what it used to be
>people leave, nothing new/interesting to keep them playing, turned off by cash shop
>money starts drying up
>nexon starts jewing harder to squeeze the last shekels out of the playerbase
>game basically dies

Nexon needs to back the fuck off of my games.

Dragon's Nest sever shutdown soon! RIP in peace.

Shit. That with firefall last week. And EVE going F2P. The wells of MMOs are drying up. Maybe we can finally get something that isn't a WoW clone or a theme park.

Anyone else feel like DevCat (vindictus developer) is an underrated studio? As far as grindfest Korean-MMOs go, they actually made a solid game with pretty nice gameplay and designs. The gameplay was fun enough to keep me going back, even with the grinding. I feel like having to work into the traditional K-MMO model squandered their potential.

I read somewhere that the developers didn't intend the weapon/armor upgrades to become so elevated, but Nexon happened.

>tfw working on a host your own mmo like game
>interest base leads me to believe it will be dead on arrival
Even the "make your own game" argument fails to comprehend how dead MMOs are.

I just started to play Kritika, but I think I came in way too late, or picked the wrong server. It's pretty fun though, I want to level up still because there seems to be a Bloody Palace mode.
Fun characters at least, stance swapping chain-scythe girl, the cat brawler that goes 'nya' all the damn time, and the new chick on SEA server is a Vergil/Gilgamesh ripoff and is super fun to play.