Does anyone know where I can get this game for a good price, or free...

Does anyone know where I can get this game for a good price, or free? 130 bucks on amazon and I can't find anywhere to download it.

found it in 5 seconds
use any generic torrent site and you'll find it

Pirate bay

Does it give you viruses and shit? Never downloaded a game from a torrent site only music

Where're you at? I got a retail copy of it, complete with the installation keys, I could mail it to you.

Oh tons of viruses on it. I just checked.

jesus christ user

Torrents are for millenials

Just download Jdownloader, Google the game and put 1 link mega and that's it.

Sorry dude just trying to get some answers, damn, why is everyone so hostile just because I haven't spent my life in a damp basement on the internet all day?

people are hostile because you are unknowing and incompetent

Why did I expect anything more from a pack of unshowered, moms house virgins

>Assuming people that know how to torrent/download free games are neckbeards
Damn champ, even kids nowadays can torrent, is not even limited to cracked games, MMOs do torrents for their upcoming updates and etc. Anyway, just fucking google it you ignorant fuck. Is the fucking first search result.

Virginity confirmed

>it's a Sup Forums pretends to be technologically illiterate to troll the rest of Sup Forums episode

Learn to fish. Asking for free fish is not a sustainable solution.

There are people out there that have only used their PC for youtube and Steam. Honest to god.

And they fall for it every time because their crippling autism won't let them resist the urge to boast their technological prowess gained from years of basement dwelling

yeah fuck off normie

Look can someone just tell me straight up is it easy to torrent the game with no viruses? Idk why everyone is arguing I posted a thread on the video game board about a video game, some guy is pretending to be OP when really I'm
Not trying to argue anyone

you'll be fine, just download norton and combofix and avast and make sure you don't log into your online banking account on the same computer

Any word on a lotrbfme 3?

Is this your first day here?

No user your computer will be filled with viruses also fbi will swat your asshole.

Sounds like a chore. I expected attic dwellers to have found a better way. Thanks for nothing.

>people offer you advice
>insult them
k faggot, leave anytime

Seriously just get the fuck off of Sup Forums. This website is not for you.

I resent that.

I washed just a few hours ago, I smell quite nice.

Fuck off nigger