Anyone have a buildstore account I can use?
Anyone have a buildstore account I can use?
Is there a way to transfer an authorized device? My phone broke and I don't wanna drop 10 more bucks to play GBA if I can help it.
It's only 10 dollars you greedy little shit.
or you can find another fucking way to get your shitty emulator on a phone.
Use Retroarch, retard.
Can't use retroarch because its not jailbroken. I have money, the website keeps telling me my visa isn't usable with them.
Jailbreak your fucking phone then you quadruple retard.
Not possible at the moment, no computer.
You better use RetroArch amigo, it's the best emulator on phones
Why? Did you spend all your money on a fucking iPhone?
Maybe you should've gotten an Android + a PC instead
Such as? I'm retardely not tech savvy.
Yeah but if i can save them i'd rather save them.
like I said, I have money, it just wont let me use my card. I dont have a solid computer because I have minimal use for one. My neck is beard free. Outside is a great place. I just wanna rip a couple childhood games on my phone and was wondering if anyone had an account I could use, mostly because its an annual fee and someone out there might have paid that and barely uses the app.
sent ;)
This guy baiting or what? You can jailbreak your phone using safari on 9.3.
>I'm not neckbeard enough to own a computer
Holy shit
>I dont have a solid computer because I have minimal use for one. My neck is beard free.
I'm fucking dying
At this point just buy a gameboy if you're going to be so stubborn