The power it holds can bring forth either salvation or destruction at the whim of the user

The power it holds can bring forth either salvation or destruction at the whim of the user

.hack// thread

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thought it was a good game but got repetitive quickly, heard the GU series was better but never got to play.

also requesting pics

Has anyone tried throwing a weapon into the well at Bursting Passover Aquafield? Seems risky.


Yeah but because it was episodic, if you played them when they were first coming out, you would be getting bored and playing other stuff and a new one would drop to bring you back. It is a slog marathoning them.
GU improves the formula a lot, and makes the repetitive nature feel better overall. Much easier to get through the GU trilogy in one go

That is a very headpattable character.
>that comfy yet melancholy and slightly alien feel
This game really nailed the "offline MMO" and "oh shit this game is getting fucked up by some cyber-horrors" atmosphere.
Playing this game I used to always feel a little sad in the back of my mind, but I never realized it was loneliness until recently.

I remember being kinda disappointed, though. I watched .hack//SIGN before I played the games, and the towns were so disappointing. Carmina Gadelica looked nothing like what we saw in the show. Mac Anu was just so fucking tiny and you couldn't even ride the boats.

I'll post my .hack collection when I get home. Keep this thread alive for an hour.

I will tell you
`bout the sun

G.U. did a much better job. Not only are the towns bigger, but they feel more alive.

Nah, G.U. wasn't much better. You still couldn't ride the boats and the town was pretty empty. You couldn't enter most of the buildings. Also, didn't you notice? The towns got progressively smaller and smaller. Net Slum Tartarga was only very slightly larger than the original Net Slum.

I agree with the towns getting smaller and smaller, and also that it still didn't do a great job, but I think that the liveliness of the NPCs made a big difference in making it feel like a real MMORPG.

Ain't got much, but have some 4th best girl.

I remember one of the more metropolitan looking towns in the third G. U. game was pretty busy, but it's been forever since I've played these games.

G.u. Cutscenes are legit jizzworthy. They are still fucking awesome today. That arena fight where haseo loses his mind, or any of the endings or shit leading up to the final shooty fights

You're talking about Breg Epona, and it's actually small as hell. It has lots of PCs running around, so it looks busy, but that's actually because the actual area is tiny so all the characters are bunched together.

played the first game, liked the story but hte combat really was boring because of MISS MISS MISS MISS

any good items I can get early on in the later games to make it not as much of a slog

The message boards/news/image board were god tier in GU. Nailed the atmosphere perfectly.

>Thanks to you... Shino... and Alkaid... and Atoli! You'll pay for this! You... will... pay!
>And so... Now Haseo, become strong! Surpass your limits! And kill me!

Fuck I loved Ovan.


That death scene was intense as fuck.


Shit still gave me the chills when I replayed the game.

I wanna impregnate Aura

Old meme coming through

Cool. An excuse to post this.

Why's that girl so pissed?

Never played the games.

Can we all agree that this AI girl has an unhealthy obsession with a certain orange wearing young boy and that she totally should have confessed her feelings?

She wants to be a god, but her babysitter won't let her.

This, I actually read/watched the news in that shit.

Morganna keeps comatosing people

She didn't really give too much of a fuck about Kite. The Book was originally given to Orca but when he got BTFO it was given to Kite because he was the only one around at the time.

user, she grew to love him over the adventure, that's why she keeps making new version of him over the games. It's her weird way of wanting him near her, even though she never confessed her love.

I'd say that was more Bandai being lazy since Kite, Orca, and Balmung were crazy popular.



Posting cutest and most valuable party member

Alkaid best girl

I still laugh when Mia randomly starts to fuck him in GIFT

>most valuable party member
>hey kite i know you're saving the internet and all but could you give me that ultra important thing so I can impress my furry girlfriend who I don't actually know anything about IRL?

That's funny I actually just started rewatching SIGN a week or so ago, got a few episodes left. Planning on going through the entire franchise in production order, anyone have a good list?

Also who else here praying for a real version of The World or a new .hack game now that VR is a thing?

No i dont want to become a lost one or fall into a coma

I liked it better when it was called Otherland.

Maybe you're already in a coma and this is the game user, you ever think of that?

Reboot the franchise on Playstation VR. Genius move so obviously they won't do it

Where is ButtRice?

I would fucking cry if this happened

Man .hack was too ahead of its time

IMOQ + Liminality
Legend of the Twilight (manga)
A.I. Buster 1+2
GU (game)
Link (game)
Beyond The World

if you want to include other stuff:
Another Birth
Legend of the Twilight (anime)
GU (novels)
Link (Manga)

That should be most of them. Order isn't production order but good enough.

Meant for

Then I want a refund this game blows

Is this the one about people stuck in video game world? Sword Art Online did it better

>read the LotT years ago
>finding it decent, not groundbreaking or anything, but good to read
>watching the anime after that

Considering this is almost a 20 year game quadrilogy and 10 year trilogy
I would assume that they most likely took a couple aspects from .hack

I smell bait.

And trips.

bad bait, but nice trips m8

>Run in a room full of these assholes

The real bitch move is that for the most part the first 4 episodes were more or less the same as the first 6 chapters of the manga. Episode 5 started the same as the beginning of chapter 7 but then went into a completely different direction and ended up being a completely different story.

>data drain
>data drain
>data drain


>Infection Level: DANGER

>Walk into a room
>House Golem spawns
>Phys tolerance
>Party is all melee

Oh o-ok


>be me
>12 year old lonely kid mostly friends with internet flurries
>became crazy fighting skinny model-tier gay androgyne

He was always my favorite anime/game character.

>Entry Level Art Online

Got any more of these images? I like them.

These were from the Link OST


Best OTP

Wow reddit I had no idea that you would be yourself!




Years later and I still think those are some dumb ass gloves.

>when you get .hack fragment working and ride on grunties online together




I found the anime and the original games comfy as hell, if somewhat repetitive, but breaks always helped.

Wonderful character designs and mood/feel, as well.

This is all for Link OST wallpaper. Might dump GU Trilogy images next

It's OHMrice.

>Started watching the Sign anime

I didn't think it was going to be this deep.

It is super deep

Be prepared for character analysis for nearly every episode

Most people who watch SIGN without having any experience with the .hack series expect it to be a generic battle shonen and get upset when they watch it and it's not.

You can say that as much as you want, but it still looks like a butt

It's in you



>not liking lettuce






The OSTs are unparalleled. I love how SIGN is such a slow burn as well, focusing more on player interactions than action shit, it doesn't shove things in your face like a lot of other anime but lets you figure things out and interpret things for yourself.


Are .hack// and Phantasy Star Online similar in any way whatsoever?

Why is the grass green?
Why is the sky blue?
And why is water wet?
>TBA Untitled VR Game[1]

Post yfw it's happening

Those HD remakes can happen any day now.
Just imagine.

About to enter Moon Tree in Volume 2 of GU.

Sakaki endangering possibly hundreds just for a power play in a MMO guild is the most retarded fucking thing ever.

Feel like knowing about Ovan's role ruined the story for me, but I guess Azure Kite not being Tri-Edge threw me for a loop. Really hope the game twists things and isn't just about chasing Ovan around later on