ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong.
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
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I'm not sure about "nothing wrong", but they were certainly better than who they were fighting against
GG started as a joke here, though. Then people started taking it seriously and thought they were changing the world or something.
desu feminists can get to heck desu senpaitachi
i like your image
>ITT: "Villains" who did nothing.
fixed that for you
>GG started as a joke here, though.
Fuck off revisionist tumblr fag
check this 4
>le goobergayte
just let this shit die famalam
also check my 8
They cost Gawker millions of dollars, which put them in a shitty spot even before Hulk trashed them.
They got most other journalist websites to review and publicly update their ethics guidelines.
In other words, they did exactly what they set out to do.
>useless idiots who actually became a sad man's personal army after his bad break-up
GG is nothing if not a complete embarrassment.
They did nothing wrong because they literally did nothing
get out
I don't get it. There seems to be a strong opposition to this on Sup Forums today, despite that most of you hate censorship on Sup Forums (which threads were actively removed at the time), and you hate "indie bullshit games" get automatic good scores.
What am I missing?
soz I took it lol
gg shit was always immensely stupid. gg absolutely ruined this board. "hurr guys my ex is like a total whore cunt please personal army for meeeee!!!" was the dumbest "movement" in history
Sup Forums is eternally contrarian. Being anti /gg/ made people mad. So a lot of shitposters started posting anti/gg and it snowballed from there.
>They cost Gawker millions of dollars
No, Peter Thiel did that, they just made YouTube videos and complained on Twitter like it meant something. The Hulk lawsuit was the only thing that actually did anything of worth to Gakwer.
>They got most other journalist websites to review and publicly update their ethics guidelines.
And they still behave the same way they always do.
GG was Baby's First Political Movement that got fucked over and made irrelevant because they couldn't actually be bothered to go after the major video game companies that helped instigate ethical problems in the first place. It got co-opted almost immediately after because they were too afraid of anything beyond slacktivism.
Thanks to them redditors are no longer a minority. Thanks for making Sup Forums such a diverse and accepting place.
Except it was about some Kotaku writer giving favorable coverage in return for sex and how this was fucking sleazy and setting a negative expectation for indie game developers, implying they need to give something in return for a "good" coverage of their game.
Just fuck off to /r/gamerghazi senpai.
gawker themselves admitted gamergate had cost them 7 figures
>Except it was about some Kotaku writer giving favorable coverage in return for sex
yeah because a bitter ex claimed that. dude, bitter exes lie ALL THE TIME. anybody taking some bitter dudes' complaints about his ex seriously is an idiot. i've listened to friends ranting about exes too many times to know you can't take what they're saying seriously
Gawker said it themselves.
>And they still behave the same way they always do
Not as badly. You notice disclaimers often when there's conflict of interest.
And it wasn't a matter of fear either. The movement was always mainly intended to piss off SJW's, and in that it succeeded brilliantly.
Tell me more about how goofygoobers don't harass womyn
Place yer bets everyone! How many posts will this thread last?
Do I hear 50? Anyone giving 50?
300+ posts
Well good to hear it wasn't about ethics in journalism.
but he provided proof of his claims
Histrionic personality disorder at its finest. What a horrible person.
Sure! They don't.
none of his proof was remotely convincing unless you're gullible beyond belief
It was to piss off SJW's via demanding ethics in journalism because if the "movement" didn't have a legitimate goal it would not gain traction.
It worked. On both accounts.
Why wasn't it convincing?
Sorry I'm not up to date on GG.
Are you telling me it had nothing to do with ethics in journalism, and that developers were NOT suggling up with writers for extra coverage and reviews on their video games? I stopped paying attention around the time some retards started doxxing, but that didn't represent the movement. But now I read something like wikipedia, and it claims that all of that was a lie, and it really as about attacking women.
>implying anonymous internet posters can't just join any other misogynistic movements online and need to create a video-game themed movement to do it
let's get this thread rolling guys
>The whole story of Gamergate
Who fucking thought something so little would go so deep.
It was slightly scary to watch all the reactionary articles go up almost in tandem.
Saged, reported, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed the admin, called the cops, called the state police, called the county sheriff, called your ISP, called the District Attorney, called Interpol, called the NYPD, called the State Attorney, called the LAPD, called Child Protective Services called the FBI, called US Homeland Security, called the CIA, called the NSA, called the US Marshals, called the local courthouse, called your State Constable, called London Metropolitan Police, called the German Police, called the TSA, called the US President, called the attorney general, called the National Guard, called the US marines, called the US Navy, called the US Air Force, called the US army, called the Royal Navy, called the governor of every state, called the Federal Air Marshals, called every sheriff deputy, called the Coast Guard, called the US Customs and Border Protection, called the RCMP, called every park ranger, called the mayor of every city in France, called the British Army, called the Queen, called NATO, called the Russian Air Force, called the Federal flight deck officers, called the UN, called the Corrections Department for every state, called the Australian Federal Police, called SWAT, called the Supreme Court, called the Mexican Police, called the White House, called the DEA, called the inspector general, called the Secret Service, called CNN, called ABC, called the vice president, called the senators for every state, called congress, called the pope, called CHP, called the Department of Fish and Wildlife for every state, called the internet police, called the US Capitol Police, and called the Party Van.
That's a ding dong neogaf bannu!
Kill yourself furfag.
>tfw to intelligent to participate in GamerGate
jk I just didn't visit this board until after it happened
Pissing off SJW =/= Misogyny, tumblr.
You think that's fun, wait to see the antis mass report this thread and spam it with porn.
Always got something to hide.
The ex didn't say that, he just said that she slept with the Kotaku writer. Sup Forums found the favorable coverage from the same time and connected the dots.
Zoe has pretty much admitted everything Eron has accused her of and worse in the CON logs.
Either you believe it or you're willfully ignorant or disingenuous.
The best thing about it is it only stayed alive for so long because journalists and sjw's kept doing stupid shit like that. It would have been over in a month at most if no one gave them too much attention.
Wasnt moot put under pressure as well to stop all the talk on the site?
check the article
Save us from the furries.
gamergate trolled the fuck out of tumblr fags, costed journalist faglords millions, and made feminists buttblasted
if you hate that then you are likely one of the 3 who now come to browse Sup Forums cause you are so butt ravaged, or a fag which there are plenty of.
literally a victory, a win:win, they angered people i hate and put their foot in some asses while doing it, there is legitly no reason to hate them unless you are on the sore loser side of history.
>if you hate gamergate you are a fag from outside of Sup Forums
Ew, sunset shitter.
Oh no, it absolutely did, user. But the reason it began was because it was identified as a tactic to piss off a lot of tumblr SJW's.
And holy shit did it work.
History is written by the victor. GG never stood a chance against the kikes.
The Fappening also happened around the same time, so that basically put a target on his back.
but considering how Moot was able to get a job at Google, I could see a few people from the SJW Tech circle trying to get him to stop it.
No I hate that shit because ITS NOT VIDEOGAMES!
Wikipedia is run entirely by SJWs
It's really complicated. It's primary aspect is its criticism of games journalists. And how lot of these different games news website colluded to create this narrative of misogyny in gaming to deflect from these criticisms.
The journalists managed to spread this narrative further with their connections to mainstream media (such as TV news outlets) and mainstream websites like Wikipedia. If you look at the Talks page of Gamergate article on Wikipedia, it's really long with lot of arguing back and forth and editors who are in favor of the games journalists trying to get neutral editors banned.
She's not that bad...
>it's about ethics in gaming journalism
>here read this breitbart article about it
gamergate was hilarious
It's also why Gawker fell because they got cocky as fuck dealing with GG and thought they'd be able to just ignore the law and courts with Hulk Hogan. Now they're bankrupt and owned by Taco television.
As remember Furfags are anti GG
Better than what the opposition provided. I.e. nothing.
If Zoe didn't do what Eron claimed, then she would have easily provided some evidence that the logs were fake, or anything, really. As it turns out, she didn't. All she's done is ask people to ignore said evidence and believe her side of the story, and then go on to press charges against the guy which backfired on her hard.
One of the two seems more suspicious in this scenario, and it's sure as hell not the "bitter" ex.
I still dont know what happened
>hey guys, lets get together and fight the corruption in vidya journalism
>two weeks later they're just arguing with sjws on twitter
Well, at least the anti-GG aren't posting child porn to crash this thread like they tried to do with 8ch.
>gamergate trolled the fuck out of tumblr fags, costed journalist faglords millions, and made feminists buttblasted
Like 90% of Gamergate was worthless shitposting, you contributed nothing.
>started as a joke here, though
Adam Baldwin would like a word with you
>Tell me more about how goofygoobers don't harass womyn
This could have been legitimately good bait (i.e., people might have taken it seriously) if you didn't make it obvious by using "womyn".
so many SJWs on Sup Forums bitching about losing to GG, i feed upon your salt white knights.
cause furries are liberal cucks
they are gay desperate autistic faggots who have no personality except for being a furry
it was fine when it was just a fetish now these fucks think its a lifestyle
the best part is they are no different from bronies yet they fucking strangle eachother cause they hate looking in the mirror
ay we dont like furries for real reasons even they cant deny
>GG is nothing if not a complete embarrassment.
> exposed schmucks
> got the FTC to set rules on CoI
> got PoC to stand up for themselves instead of letting shitbags speak for them
Yeah, complete embarrassment
infinitychan was just filled with pedophiles.
I want to MARRY vivian!
Video game?
The burden wasn't on her to prove he was lying, it was on him to prove that he was telling the truth. In many ways she admitting that he was in fact telling the truth.
Does Shadman count?
Obrigado, doutor.
It was literally videogames. Games journalism is directly related to videogames.
from what im seeing it looks like youre so booty blasted that even to this day u still act like a little bich