>brb girlfriend is horny
Brb girlfriend is horny
>"BRB gotta have a smoke"
>15 other people waiting
start smoking then faggot
>brb need to eat
Tell'em to start vaping.
>brb gotta take my dick out of the grapefruit and clean my dick
kick the faggot then
and replace him
Do people actually say this?
What a obvious cry for attention.
Normally i'm fine with that. I can use that time to go to the bathroom and get something to drink.
>"brb letting dog out"
>last online 493 days ago
>actually bbl
>team member is being useless during the whole game
>"I'm drunk right now guys."
>kick him
>Brb from brbing
they never be right back...
Why is the controller plugged into the 4th player slot?
>brb just going to shit up Sup Forums
>last online 35mins ago
Keep talking Onsokumaru
There ya go.
>tfw lie about what I'm doing when I
go afk to smoke weed or talk to my girlfriend
>tfw I don't want the anons I play video games with to know I'm a normie
I'm such a faggot
i always wondered if there was an original photo of this and someone just used it as a reference for pepe memes
Not him but nice flip bro
>Arizona tea logo facing the wrong way
why is his hat backwards and the text on the screen backwards
Ah, this is from Wizards isn't it?
>"lol I'm so high right now"
>no one cares
>he keeps raging in the chat
>kick him for spam
>he's booted from server
Feels good.
>brb someone knocking on the door
>Last online: 681 days ago
yeah great movie
>brb just gonna put the kettle on
AGAIN? never play co-op with a britbong
There ya go.
funabori noooooooo
Fucking ruined it with animes
Why do you think he lost?
There ya go.
>brb boyfriend is horny
>last online: 300 days ago
>tfw feeling horny
>just say alright brb gotta make some dinner
>go and have a quick fuck and come back to vidya feelin all refreshed.
Gotta' love bitches.
That's much better
>they come back after making you wait 10 minutes
>uhh I think I'm gonna get off for a few hours dude
How to piss me off in 2 sentences right here
>haha ya same dude totally
My wife literally blows me while I play video games, why would you need to leave the game?
This. Especially if you know it's going to be a 40-90 minute session.
Why is the SP backwards?
Why is all the text backwards?
The SP is backwards.
The game cartridge writing is backwards.
How would it get rid of her being horny
>tfw u get some grapefruit in your penal tunnel
I don't really know, but it seems to work for her since she's the one volunteering it so often.