Join our Steam group chatroom @


>Receive the pirate link and server IP there.

>What is Wurm Unlimited?

A one time buy to play version of Wurm without the monthly premium cost and other restrictions that were previously behind a paywall. There's also private servers.

>What is Wurm?

Wurm is a true sandbox game where players can do anything from mining, free-building milking cows, terraforming, to pvp.

Wurm also has a player driven economy as well as player driven politics between kingdoms and their respective kings.

>Server Mods:

Better Digging, Boatmod, Bounty mod, Bulk transport mod, Creature mod, Crop mod, Inbreed warning, Meditate mod, MoveToCenter, Prospect Mod, Salve Mod, ServerPacks, Skill Mod, Priest Mod & Action Timer Fix.

Calling all Sup Forumseterans and newfags, Broskilde is our latest incarnation. This is the culmination of everything we've been waiting for. We have OUR own server, we have OUR own code and we have OUR own kingdom skins, but more importantly there is no more need to shed your NEETbux any more. We are PIRATE FRIENDLY.

You've been waiting, biding your time. Messing around with cheap thrill titles and trying to scratch that eternal autistic itch.


Do not resist it any longer, come back to your sweet, painful addiction. Let the hours drain away and the bags under your eyes grow. Wurm is back, and it's at the pinnacle of Sup Forumsirgin comfort.

Again, join our Steam group chatroom @


Come home Wurm man.

Tame giant wolves,

Mix and match armor however you want,

Come chill at our comfy inn at night, work hard or fish all day long.

Harbor and Inn in progress

I'll be here answering questions if you wanna know something.

This game reverses my internal clock

>tfw warhammer affinity
At least I can bash walls faster.

Lava spiders... lava spiders everywhere

Jesus Christ nigga, where on the map is it.

Across the lake from my base.

>tfw someone reposting my image

Planning to clear that soon with Khrisnig, as soon as we raise abit of FS.

Well shit, guess someone knows where I am! There is way more dangerous stuff over in that area though.

i did some reckon earlier


inventory management so systematic that its on the spectrum

if anyone wants to chill im solo as mol rehan

So Sup Forumsirgins, what's your profession?

you see that colossus? you can climb that

shipwright, of course

>comfy gaems

Is it actually fun?



its not overtly fun but there is plenty of ways to party

I died once and I settled pretty far away, but I can't spawn in my tent. Is this normal?

yeah, what you gotta do is join Broskilde :^)

I started with Freedom. I prefer to be by myself and possibly with another buddy of mine if I can drag him along. I've played Wurm for a fuck long time and I started playing on the server recently and I really like it, especially the map, but the server kept shitting itself a few hours back and I got killed by a scorpion as I tried to aggro it away from my mine.

>tfw finally find iron

>newfags don't know about hunting lodge

i could use lead for a mooring anchor

Maybe I can trade once I get myself properly settled. I have so much prep work done to start the foundation for my hamlet I have planned but the lack of iron slowed me down that I went into a mining binge and spent the better part of an entire day mining away to find it.

I believe tent's down count as respawn point, just a place you can store stuff and get sleep bonus.

Kinda sucks I guess but whatever. It only upset me because that damn scorpion was chasing me right as the server started having issues, so it killed me during the downtime. I've usually played in servers where tents can be used as respawns, so it was a little of a bummer to have to walk all the way back to where I was.

Do deeds still work the same way? As in you need a bunch of coins to throw one down?

>2 story buildings

I remember this game from years ago but never got to play, didn't Notch work on it or something?

I'm in there lads

Yeah notch worked on it then left it and became a trillionaire and i'm sure rolf is buttmad :^)

Notch was smart to take the idea, casualize it and most important of all, shill on Sup Forums.

He stole the idea for Minecraft from Infiniminer.


newfag here what does that light mean? i see it from a distance but don't bother with it

won't steam take action against my account for pirating it ?
I want to try this game but haven't seen it on sale with a comfortable price

I wish I could play this game but without you fags

>Game costs $30
>No torrents include server software

Doubt that, game doesn't use steam's servers.

Is there any way to play this game offline? I downloaded the client but other than changing the IP and port it doesn't seem like there are any server-related settings you can change.

I already play Wurm Online so I get enough socializing through that. I just want to start somewhere completely fresh.

for what purpose

They've been around for a while my man.

Also, we finally have bridges.

It'd be nice having complete control over everything I guess. Also, I wouldn't have to worry about the servers suddenly disappearing and taking all my progress with it or something.

I am playing this game and haven't joined the chat and haven't seen a single soul so far. All I've seen is a derelict rowboat named after a 2hu and some fag's boat that shortly left after an hour, never saw the owner though. It's a good time to join now, the best time to play Wurm is on a fresh server that is just getting off the ground. Seeing everything evolve and being part of it is great, even if you're on the sidelines like me not interacting with anyone.

check the steam group link for the mega link. its perfectly usable

>tfw weapon smith

h-hi lads


The fuck are you doing in this game, what's it's end game? can you die from hunger? I see you can build towns and shit, but do you need to or you can just be a hobo?

It's mostly a sandbox game, either you rape and pillage everything, play politics, or just build stuff.

Why haven't you join us? We aren't as cancerous as you may like to think.

It's pretty freeform in what you can do. You can join a pre-existing village/town and specialize in a profession like being a blacksmith/fisherman/cook/shipwright/whatever, be a noob bulktrader (bulk-trading is fucking painful, basically be slavelabor for some rich aristocrat and craft hundreds and hundreds of planks or dig up hundreds of piles of dirt for some coins), or set up your own cottage and stick it out on your own or with a few friends in the wilderness. You could even go exploring around the world and live off the land, pitching camp wherever you are when you need to stop and eat.

ive seen the op comment suggest joining HOTS, but the consensus is go for MR? whats up with that?

I will admit that my predisposition to Sup Forums groups is one of the reasons that I'm not joining the chat. Every time I've joined a Sup Forums group it's been crammed full of awful memelords and special snowflake attention whores.

Mostly though, I have no reason to join right now. I'm building my own little settlement in the wild and I really don't have much time to play every day since I work a lot, so I haven't seen much reason to join. Though me going out by myself is more of my playstyle, I prefer to build my own hamlets either by myself or with one friend rather than joining a village, it's just the way I play Wurm. Give me a little bit to get my house built so I can stop worrying about mobs killing me and when I have more free time to play and I'll probably join the chat with everyone eventually.

Well, that's understandable. Can you at least tell me your in-game name so I can add you as a friend?

Boop, thats my ingame. Not online right now though, have to work in the morning.

Anyone? I was told I could do this but I just can't figure it out.

There was a wurmpedia about it just look em up, though the wiki is somewhat outdated.

Oh, didn't noticed that. I just copy pasted the first result from the archive. MR is the most populated, though there are quite a few people in HOTS.

can you make an underwater base?

Unfortunately, no. You can dorf it out though.

Can i be a wizard?

It wants the client to have a Manage Server button or WurmServerLauncher.exe, which isn't included in the custom client linked here.

If it isn't possible then that's okay.


priest yes

What can a priest do?

dont hop on because of what a preist can do, hop on because you genuinely want to try a game like wurm out fuckboy

>enter the server
>everything is dark since it's night
>I hate dark
>no idea what to do but hunger meter is slowly decreasing

Alright, give me a sec.

Nigga, didn't you think of trying to find food by foraging? then finding a shelter by making a cabin?

Nah, darkness is gay shit and I have to go soon.

I'm the same way. There's really nothing fun about playing in the dark.

Does what kindgom you pick matter?


Bill I want to play again, but last time we did I wandered the world and never died, then the community died before my character ever did