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>/fa/ main characters
>no playable female characters
>clusterfucker ARPG
>terrible graphics

Final Fantasy sure is dead.

>/fa/ main characters
>terrible graphics
Sounds like normal FF though

I'd say the SNES games were the only ones near the top of the other SNES games.


If only her English VA wasn't trash

>/fa/ main characters
They look good especially when they age up
>no playable female characters
>clusterfucker ARPG
No it's actually great.
>terrible graphics

I just wish they didn't name her Cindy in the NA version

>if only the game wasn't trash


>>no playable female characters
That's a bad thing? FF females in general are shit.

She sounded fine to me.

I need direct feed video from Square. I NEED ARANEA.

Remember to thank tabata

Good that Luna first female lead char that doesnt shit. Square did good job here.

Daily reminder that Nyx is Ifrit.

>ywn parry her jump attack and flip her ass over your shoulder onto a bed

Yuffie and Tifa are pure sex machines, if you think FF females in general are shit then you must have horrible taste in women, that or just incredibly high/twisted standards.

XV is quad audio.

Thanks Tabata for finally releasing FFXV so they can work on better games

who the fuck are the astrals on the left supposed to be?

>tfw no playable Cidney DLC

i'm thinking mateus...but maybe diablos/bahamut and siren?

Bahamut and Leviathan maybe?

"uh, pretty boy"

>doesnt shit
But she is.

>pure sex machines
If that's your definition of good then ok.

I believe at Gamescom last year they mentioned in regards to that image that Yuki was asked to draw Leviathan as an elegant woman, which would imply that the mermaid in that image is Leviathan. The girl on the other side is obviously Shiva, even in the same outfit as the Amano FF3 Shiva.

The horn guy is either Bahamut or Diablos. By the way in the XV logo itself Leviathan and Bahamut are on it both to the left of the goddess, so I think horn wing guy is Bahamut.

Cidney Tow Truck Simulator when?

I want to be Noctis' Queen!

>tfw shipping AraNoct

The sex would be so fucking good.

>But she is.
She is not.


I know you said all FF girls are shit, but I'd be curious if you had to pick two or three of them that you find attractive then who would you pick?

Want to see what you consider "good"

Kys yourself my man. Promptis is the only acceptable shipping.

Gentiana and AraAranea are cute! CUTE!

why are older women so into noctis

Did Prompto ever put his legs on Noct's shoulders? Didn't think so.

Noct is Ara-Ara's prettyboy.

Promptis is Prompto + Iris? I thought Prompto is faggot actually.

>tfw no tallfus

>it's 2016
>Square still can't afford English VAs who sound like people

It was funny in 2001 but this is just embarrassing.

>Ravus has boobs

So he's a tranny just like his manfaced sister.

He is, he wants Noctis to fuck him in the ass.

It's just the curve of the black part of his outfit

Ray Chase, Amy Shiels, Darin De Paul all sounds great.
Ignis and Gladio voices are bearable.
Kari Wahnglen is perfect on Aranea.

>Open grass area with no complex geometry
>13 characters



Gladio, you mean.

They all sound good though. youtu.be/r3_l2zVsF_0

Especially like Luna's and Ardyn's voice. Aranea's english voice also sounds nice and sultry.

it's weird, the source vid was pretty low quality too and the stuttering was in it. wish there was a better version out there

You know that isn't even gameplay right? It's from a video livestream from cedec.

the crash right when we get Aranea

Not him but I liked Gladio's voice direction a bit better in Episode Duscae. He seemed a bit calmer. I'm just glad Tabata came through on Noctis' English VA. There's like a night and day difference between Duscae and the most recent shit.

Not one of them had anything interesting to say about the characters. I already knew the story was going to be shit, but this further confirmed it.

Ardyn VA is the only one who seemed to give a fuck

They guy is having a good time doing Ardyn

>this booty won't be in the game
biggest tragedy of them all 2bh

People want FFXV's graphics to look like this.

>I already knew
Sure you knew, retard.

It's a shame. I really like Ray's Noctis, but I hate what Tabata turned him into.

I-is he wearing leather pants? I thought only faggots did that? I guess it's acceptable in video games, I know in real life leather pants are frowned upon unless girls are wearing them.

Why you faggots even exist on these board? Or you're just a girl?

>Not one of them had anything interesting to say about the characters
Wow who fucking cares? The point of that video was to give a basic rundown of who they are playing. Why are you faggots such fucking faggots?

After KG and everything we've been shown and told about XV generic clusterfuck coming of age retardation? With type-0 and CC director at the helm? Yea, it was obviously going to be shit.

No, i want it too look like all thet railer that we saw until a month ago and not like a PS3 game.
They're not even smart enough to use low quality shadows for LOD. You literally have shadows clsoe to you or no shadwos at all 2 meters away from you

I just watched Kingsglaive.

Where did Ultros come from and for what?

Why was Noctis outside of the wall? Why would he EVER be allowed outside of the wall?

It's 2016, there's no excuse for them not to.

>Aranea's english voice also sounds nice and sultry.
As much as I'm okay with her current English voice, I think this is more what Camilla in Fire Emblem Fates should have sounded like.

>hating on faggots

I keep seeing comments around the internet along the lines of "I can't wait for the Neo version"
But is there actually going to be a Neo version? And if so, wouldn't it just be either higher res/fps rather than higher LOD?

>generic clusterfuck coming of age retardation

Oh it's just Nomura-kun.

Don't worry guys, for future reference anytime you see "coming of age" said about XV in a negative connotation, it's Nomura-kun. Same with "Tabata is a hack", and other such nonsense.

>basic rundown

Yea, and they all sound like generic cliche boring characters.

I'd settle for it just looking better than FFX HD

>they aren't playable party members
Tabata pls i'll pay dlc for this + Cor

Regis sent him outside because Regis knew the invasion was happening, he wanted to get Noctis as far from it as possible in the short amount of time he had.

Ultros is one of the monsters that exists in XV, Niflheim has the capability to control monsters and use them in their military, since Ultros was on one of the airships that was heading into Insomnia it seems they were planning on unleashing him in Insomnia.

Why are the main characters being all "ha ha friends let's go on a fun road trip!" when their fucking home city is in flames?

It's all up to the dev and the engine they're using
They can go for resolution or fps or settings etc. But NEO still has a big CPU bottleneck and the same ram pool. So we will probably see texture and shadow improvments and fps, but no big CPU intensive things

And Aranea should've kept her thigh window like this

I don't know how anyone with human mind can hate this game or dislike. Its just perfect.
maybe camera a lil bit shit but its isignificant

Empire capturing monsters

Regis knew it was a trap and the invasion was coming, so he sent Noctis away

>Where did Ultros come from and for what?
Fanservice, just like the Diamond Weapons.
>Why was Noctis outside of the wall? Why would he EVER be allowed outside of the wall?
Regis knew the peace treaty was a ruse so he wanted Noctis safe outside of Insomnia.

That's because Ardyn is the only well written character in the game

Uh huh. Because Nomura describing Stella as "being a nice girl that sticks to her beliefs" as the only description about her personality is totally not generic or cliche.

Regis sacrificed Lucis' sons to save his own.

Niflheim can control Diamond Weapons. Ultros is nothing.

Which FFXV guy would be the best boyfriend?


You can make any character sound boring from just a few sentences. Not that I have much faith in Tabata but come on bruh.

Please tell me this painting was not retconned alongside versus FFXIII.

Because they don't know their home was invaded yet. The story takes a serious turn once they find out.

It wasn't fanservice, Ultros is even in the mural in the OP pic which is a core part of FFXVs lore.

Gladio, no contest

>Prompto is just comic relief
No wonder Noctis tells him to fuck off

Except he says he isn't just that.

>come on bruh

No, you come on. KG was a wreck, and everything we've seen from XV is full-retard.

>any character sound boring from just a few sentences

Thank you Captain Obvious. The point is they are trying to sell you their character and they can't. because they have nothing interesting to say.

My bby waifu Ignis.

Cor for me.

Gladio. Noctis if you want the status of being the s/o of a prince/king.

Spoiler alert
>news says the royal family is dead
>it's assumed Noctis is laying low and going along with the false information floating around
>Noctis talks about talking to his father like he's still alive
>Noctis was actually killed in an ambush during his trip while his friends were away getting camping supplies
>the whole game Noctis has been dead all along
>Cidney keeps popping up everywhere even though a single tow truck driver constantly bailing you out is unlikely
>Cidney is actually Charon, the ferry of the dead trying to guide Noctis to the afterlife
>Noctis begins having dreams of Luna and his friends when napping in the car
>it's actually Luna putting on the ring attempting to contact Noctis from beyond the grave
>Luna and Noct's friends ask the former kings to bring Noctis back, they agree but one of them has to sacrifice their life in return
>Glad, Ignis and Prompto begin arguing on who should be the one to do it, all three of them wanting to be the one to die for Noctis
>while they're arguing Luna takes the deal and gives her life to bring back Noctis
>Noctis holds a dying Luna is him arms knowing she was the one who made the ultimate sacrifice to give him a second chance at life
>Noctis puts on his ring and launches one final suicide assault against the empire with his friends

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

The painting was show at the end of Episode Duscae, by the time that came out Stella had already been replaced with Luna and the story changes were put in place. So the painting is still canon. In fact it actually appears in Kingsglaive inside the Citadel.

Sounds worse than the other fake spoilers.

Were those really canonically Diamond Weapon? Or was the design just a throwback?

as long as it's not Cor who gives their life up, I'm okay with whatever.

This. He can be a bit cold at times, but at the end of the day, he'll always love you and treat you well.

Not to mention, pretty protective.

anyone else notice that whenever you switch to the engine blade that it makes an engine motor noise?