Poor fag here

poor fag here.
why my ps2 doesnt play any dvd movies at all (original discs) but it does play burned games just fine?

Other urls found in this thread:


region locking?


they are all region free. In my country it's prohibited to sell region locked content.
it might have something to do with the mod chip? Icant play burned ps1 games for example, just ps2.

Format differences.

My old PS2 started having problems with the much more rare blue-bottom PS2 game discs, while the clear ones ran fine.


I used to fix these things for fun; sounds like an issue with the laser alignment.

The author tries to be witty, but it should get you through fixing it.

There will be a part where you finagle with a set of two small, white gears. I recommend marking marking where they connect at rest with a black marker or something so you always have a reference point.

Oh; I am not a professional, you run the risk of damaging your system, yadda yadda yadda.


thanks, will read.

i dont even see that message.
i select the dvd on the right side of the memory card icon.
>screen goes black
5 seconds later it goesback to the same spot.

>In my country it's prohibited to sell region locked content

Which country is that?


if i tell you that this thread will probably die.

Damn, why black people cant afford new consoles?

thread's already dying, make with the info

PS2 sold gorillions, but break easily as you can buy a new one.

This shit have like what, 40% of failure rate? PS3 and 360 also had a lot of issues with failure rates.

Not black tho.
will try what said. thanks everyone.

Nig, you have a mod chip?
Try this

Runningps2 isos from your computer hdd is the coolest shit.

and exactly why did your country throw a tantrum about region locks?

Moreover why did any distributor choose to care?

yes, matrix 1.93 though it's a pirate version i think.

manufactors cant sell region locked content.
thats because we almost doesnt have products beign made in our land, it's ll imported.
same with smarphones, carriers cant sell locked phones or branded.

>we almost doesnt have products beign made in our land, it's ll imported

yes bongo they don't make blu-ray players in other countries as well but you belong to a region

does this confuse people there

spoilers: we don't make blu-ray players in the states either

> we're technologically illiterate niggers so you have to pretend with us

Why aren't you being run by an actual country

anyway, our country is about piracy.
If people could, they could even piracy water, like electricity like this .



messed up my gramar. that's why you guys hate us ;-;

how did you host an entire olympics

at the cost of public hospitals, schools, basic sanitation, security and so on.
This place stinks with political corruption, abusive taxes and prices, not to mention the shit salary.
Politicians take all for themselves because they are above law.

i want to get out of here, i work like a horse and dont have a correspondent remuneration, we dont get any rich.

look at this shit, i pay a fortune for this connection and can't even watch 480p videos.

Hey, at least your people kicked that commie scum president of yours

sadly nothing changes....

Holy shit, that's 1999 internet speed, how much do you pay? I pay $16 dollars for this speed in mexico