Itt overrated pieces of shit

itt overrated pieces of shit

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What did he mean by this?

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Should've posted Morrowind, Planescape Torment or Baldur's Gate if you wanted a real thread.

That's not Dark Souls 1, even when Bloodborne is a close second tho.


The only reason youd think this is if youre pc souls fag whos butthurt about exclusivity, or if you only ever browse Sup Forums for game opinions.

In the normy world of gaming, bloodborne is unheard of or unplayed. The group of normies i occasionally hang out with who call themselves "hardcore gamers" never touched bloodborne because they dont have the patience to learn how to actually play a game.

Its a great game that has its flaws, and to be honest it even feels a bit unfinished or empty in some spots. It doesnt have nearly as much content or lore as Dark Souls, but the setting and story really immersed me, and the faster, riskier gameplay was a breath of fresh air from blocking and backstabbing.

I do wish this game was on pc though. I have it on ps4 and play it constantly, but damn if the framerate isnt a problem sometimes. A consistent 30fps would be just fine, but that shit dips in Old Yharnam, Forbidden Woods, and during any multiplayer.

I own a PS4 and the game is absolutely SHIT.

Seriously, fuck you Sup Forums for making me buy this garbage.

dragons dogma

Can you explain what you don't like about it?

>It doesnt have nearly as much content or lore as Dark Souls

Content, I'll give you (even though the difference with dlc is marginal). As for the lore, however, Bloodborne probably surpasses Dark Souls. See: The Paleblood Hunt, a 100+ page essay on the subject. The lore bits in Bloodborne are arguably better hidden and obscured than in DS 1, and there is less breadth of commentary on its lore due to console exclusivity.

>soulsfag literally does not have the attention span for dialogue

You cannot make this up.

Oh, ive read it. Believe me. Blooborne is my all time favorite game because of the experience i had piecing the story together as best i could. A few months later someone recommended this same essay and i grew absolutely astonished at how much i was missing (lack of eyes i suppose).


What does it mean when something is overrated Sup Forums? When a big group of people like a game?

not him but the frame rate makes the entire game unplayable for me. i actually bought a ps4 for bb cant cant play it because it just looks and feels awful.

metroid prime trilogy

not overrated

but severely underrated
for anal masturbation

Just started playing the dlc, is it supposed to be this hard? I'm lvl 97 and ng+ and fuck me I'm getting rekt

no man's sky. is much better.


holy shit so many prepare to die babbys on this board

I can tell you're a fucking liar. The frame rate issues are marginal and the game fucking looks amazing.

Stay mad single platform cunt.

>someone says they dont like bloodborne
fuck, bloodborne has the most cancerous fanbase ever, a combination of sonyfags and darksouls fags.

Well if you are fan of something it usually means you are underage so cant we just agree every single fanbase is cancerous?

anything less than sixty is garbage in my eyes.
>single platform
i own all consoles, a monster pc and a vita. dont understand what you mean when you say i'm lying. the game's rubbish.


Literally cancer. Neck yourself poorfag. Play some undertale on that "monster" toster.

Just because you can enjoy a game does not mean you're underage, its when you get mad that someone else does not like it that makes you underage.

I'm not bothered by a stable 30 fps, but I understand that it really messes with some people who are used to higher framerates. Sorry that ruined your experience.

>shitposters don't get banned

>i dont like bloodborne


>bloodborne is an overrated piece of shit

OP is stating the second one as fact. He deserves being called out for the buttmad "master race" gamer that he is.

This entire thread started as an attack on bloodborne. No argument, no discussion. Who else would start this thread?


Yomi is cute and soft. She is NOT overrated.