What is even the point of playing video games?
Escapism? A good book is more immersive then the best game.
Community? Do you really want to be surrounded by a bunch of faggots who spend all their free time role-playing as fictional characters?
What is even the point of playing video games?
Escapism? A good book is more immersive then the best game.
Community? Do you really want to be surrounded by a bunch of faggots who spend all their free time role-playing as fictional characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's fun.
books are cant simulate a good head shot and a for virgin nerds
only fags play RPG's, its al about that COD
I read on jail senpai
Low is better than Heroes to be h
>A good book is more immersive THAN the best game.
Lying through your teeth.
hmmm...4 letters...
...also 4 letters...coincidence?
Books are for stupid people trying to appear smart.
Vidya is for men with class.
Who's with me?
Shit's fun
kind of on topic I was just playing rock band 4 and I got irrationally upset when I looked through the DLC and realized that Rebel Rebel isn't on there. That song's gonna be stuck in my head for days.
I agree famalamadingdong.
Both are great.
Station to Station is GOAT
Do you even realize how much of a faggot you sound like when you call things "fun" in your mid 20s on?
You turn every pussy in a 20 mile radius into the fucking sahara.
And of course you're going to give me the typical fedora faggot reply of
>Caring about sex is for stupid Chads!!11!!
I'm sure you're able to overcome the basic human need to form and maintain relationships, especially sexual.
popular forms of entertainment are popular because they are superior forms of entertainment than the unpopular
the most popular form of entertainment is interacting with other people
videogames is somewhere in the middle
books are somewhere near the bottom, unless you like educational material
fantasy books are true bottom rung
>the only reason anyone would play a game is immersion
what happened to the thrill of using your reactions to win the game while bullets and obstacles fly everywhere, or getting a high score?
seems like most people these days just want to walk around in some other world pretending to be someone else. probably half the reason games are so shit these days.
Bowie's one of those guys I always liked whenever his music came up but never really looked deeply into until his death. Not sure why I let all that great music just go ignored for so long.
>Do you even realize how much of a faggot you sound like when you call things "fun" in your mid 20s on?
Jokes on you, guy
I'm only 19
Jesus, who pissed in your corn flakes?
>what happened to the thrill of using your reactions to win the game while bullets and obstacles fly everywhere, or getting a high score?
Because you play those games for the adrenaline rush, and afterwards the endorphines.
All the well adjusted people who were into video games realized there are much better ways to get both and now all that's left are furryfaggots, little autistic kids, your mom, grown autists and feminists that were touched as children.
>calling things fun will make women hate you
>every woman wants a super beefcake guy who beats up people and is super serious all the time
are you fucking seriously this retarded? go back to /r9k/ and also kill yourself
> I don't understand something normal
> posts picture of man whose entire musical oeuvre was "I can't have normal emotions that makes me interesting"
go you
That's why you say "it's just something I do for entertainment" or some shit.
The wording is what seems childish, not the intent.
Suggest good books where you feel like you are commanding the troops of an empire. Emphasis on the you part.
Suggest good fantasy books where the fighting/dueling feels rewarding and is more than 1-2 pages of the whole book.
Suggest a good action packed book that is like an 70s-80s action movie in how many niggers the protagonist kills.
You really don't have to look far to get that in video games, and some of them even gives you different results when you do things in other orders.
Then have fun being with an unwanted woman with daddy issues just because you're the only faggot who would settle for her.
Because she's the only one who will deal with your pathetic obsession to get mini highs from video games.
They're gonna run out user. In your 30s. When it's too late to change.
go back to shitposting on Sup Forums, oldfag
Quentin pls
Are you fucking kidding me? Is your life so shit that you have to escape from it rather than just deal with whatever shitty problems you have?
What the fuck is this need to self insert?
Go record yourself while you play and try not to puke while watching it.
>unwanted woman
>pathetic obsession
projecting harder than a projector. i'm in my 30s now. i dont play games that much. definitely not an obsession. and i have a lady that likes vidya.
have you ever spoken to a woman? or do you hate them all because they're all stacey roasties and you're not chad enough to approach them? you cataclysmic faggot
>Do you even realize how much of a faggot you sound like when you call things "fun" in your mid 20s on?
No, are you some asocial fuckhound who thinks he's got all the answers because news flash, you don't
>Escapism? A good book is more immersive then the best game.
You're speaking for yourself more than games, OP. Games are literally the most physiologically stimulating art we've got, but there's such a thing as being too tense or insensitive or disillusioned to actually pick up on how they can make us feel (which is all that matters).
What is the point of doing anything?
It doesn't matter when you're dead and in the ground in however many years.
No, the most physiologically thing we have is real life.
No art is designed to be a real life replacement like video games are.
This thread literally started with:
>Escapism? A good book is more immersive then the best game.
What the fuck are you doing in this thread if you don't like escapeism, fuck what are you even doing on Sup Forums outside of /div/ and Sup Forums?
>Do you even realize how much of a faggot you sound like when you call things "fun" in your mid 20s on?
Have you considered that maybe all of the faggotry actually lies in your idiotic conception of the word 'fun'?
It's fun
Why do mods allow these threads?
>W-Whats the point of doing anything then!!
That's not the arguement I'm making here.
I'm saying that there are much better ways to use your time then playing the same shitty games over and over.
It's amazing actually. I see faggots playing LoL for hours on end with the same map, character, music and even route or whatever they fucking call it. It's pathetic.
Your definition of fun is trying to go back to your childhood where everything was better.
You clearly missed several stages of mental development and need to see a specialist.
>I'm saying that there are much better ways to use your time then playing the same shitty games over and over.
Why does it matter though?
Why does it matter to you how other people spend their own time?
It's not like they're forcing you to watch them do it.
As someone whose collection is comprised of nearly 1,500 "good books", video-games provide a sense of immersion a novel never will.
Perhaps it's because I live in a rural area, but most women in my experience enjoy experiencing so-called childish fun, and can easily relate.
This post doesn't pertain to your original argument. You've lost focus, anonymous.
A book is immersive for how long? 10 hours? 20 hours if its a 1000+ pages?
And all the while you're actually using your brain, rather than just going through the same shitty gameplay over and over with some cutscenes in the middle.
Addtionally, a book will actually let you use all of your brain, and give you time to actually fucking live life
What are you even saying 'no' to, you mongoloid? I said they were the most stimulating art, who said anything about life? And as for that, "art" is THE object that is designed to "replace life" more than anything else (through its resemblance to things it isn't). That doesn't mean they replace it, but they can elevate it when it's boring. I'm sure all of this sails right past your stupid head, though.
What if I read books inside video games?
You never reread a book before?
You've never analyzed its themes and implications? The context of where and when it was written? It highly depends on the content you read, and how you absorb it. The notion it "give you time to actually fucking live life" is hogwash.
game is also 3 letters
>Your definition of fun is trying to go back to your childhood where everything was better.
This is probably your own bullshit belief coming out to play. Your definition of a conversation must be something like a circulation almost entirely in your own head.
Do you think all games in general are stupid? Like board games and sports? Because the difference between playing on a screen vs. a physical surface or with your eyes+hands vs. other body parts shouldn't matter. Thus if any category of games sucks or doesn't suck, they all should with your type of thinking
Keep deflecting faggot
>Implying that video games stop you from living life
I can finish a COD campaign faster than most of the thick books in my house.
Same with most RTSs.
Do you even know how many people play video games and live normal lives?
Sup Forums is the edgy version of a fucking internet book club that has gotten of reading their books.
And most books are brain dead dribble on par with most movies and video games, or just dry "facts". Don't fucking fool yourself into believing anything else.
You don't play monopoly for 40+ hours a week like people addicted to games do
You've never met my in-laws.
i know escapism isn't healthy, but if it weren't for that i probably wouldn't even be here shitposting
Only a master of mental gymnastics could shit on the word 'fun', which just means 'intoxicating'. You might as well convince yourself to eat shit while you're at it.
Monopoly is the board game equivalent of Atari games, use something complex and time consuming like Twilight Imperium instead.
Escapism IS healthy, it is just that like with all things in life, moderation is key.
Same thing as watching movies, tv, and sports.
they pass the time between teatime and bedtime
>Escapism? A good book is more immersive then the best game.
Name some immersive books now. I can have this experience when daydreaming and listening to Lotr on an audiobook but that's about it. Also reading the end of Order of the Phoenix in the ministry with all the action and the Dumbledore duel when I was 9, that shit was intense. then visual snow hit and I don't read for extended periods of time anymore
It isn't.
My life only got better when I faced my problems and stopped running away
Competition, whether against other players or the game itself
Facing your problems head on at Sup Forums now, eh?
What is the point of shitposting on a Vietnamese Shadow Puppetry forum?
Consider checking out Brian Eno's discography as well. If you liked Low, "Heroes", and Lodger, then you might like Here Come the Warm Jets, Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy), Another Green World, and Before and After Science.
>A good book is more immersive then the best game.
So you stopped playing video games at all and just comes to Sup Forums to be a shit poster now?
>better than flight sim
get a load of this nerd
There are autists for anything and 40+ h/w for a lot of things will lead to a questionable life balanace; doesn't suddenly make every hobby pointless. Tailor an argument specific to video games unless you wanna start arguing all hobbies are pointless
Youre implying story matters at all which makes you a faggot
Youre implying all video games are mmos which makes you a faggot
Seems like your shit taste means you belong here
>You turn every pussy in a 20 mile radius into the fucking sahara
Good. Vaginas are disgusting.
It's a more appropriate escapism for my deteriorating mental acuity
Yes there are better thing to do with your time than play video games like argue with people that play video games
You fucking moron
>visual snow
show me where the Benadryl touched you
What's the point of making increasingly bullshit variations of "Chinese cartoon"? None of these are funny and it's turning into "who can say the dumbest thing next?" competitions.
>A good book is more immersive then the best game.
That explains why there are so many stories of people abandoning their real lives to read books for 18 hours a day.
Shame. I was expecting a David Bowie thread.
What's the point in replying to my post?
let's dance is my favorite album of his
I was expecting Araki
All hobbies are pointless, man should only eat, work, sleep and read the bible.
I think they're funny. That cancels out you saying they're not funny so now it's 0-0. Fucker
To call you a fucking idiot
Because it is fun
nice opinions
Why are you on Sup Forums instead of building tables?
w-what is this burgerland medicine google is showing me?
What's the point of attaching images to posts?
What's the point in calling me an idiot though?
We're just two anonymous posters on a Taiwanese Arts and Crafts sub.
It is either to get (you)s asking for source or to make people mad about smug chink scriblings.
Some games I play to compete, because I like competing. Cant exactly compete in a book
Other games I play because I like collecting shit, makes me very warm and fuzzy on the inside. Those tend to be single player games or MMOs with lots of solo content
Because I want to increase the quality of video game discussion on this board. We need more adults like the guy here talking about how much he hates video games to cancel out the children. Granted, I guess the site would die in like a week if it were just guys like that.
>Other games I play because I like collecting shit,
Video games suppresses hording, until you start hording video games.
I've really been trying to quit op.
The good news is that games have been so terrible lately I don't get enjoyment as I used to from them.
On top of that... They really no longer fill the void....
>I want to increase the quality of video game discussion on this board
I hardly see how getting angry at someone for saying something dumb in a stupid shitposting thread is going to help anything.
This Chinese Cartoon board called Sup Forums is too far gone to save anyway
> We need more adults like the guy here talking about how much he hates video games to cancel out the children. Granted, I guess the site would die in like a week if it were just guys like that.
I thought that that was all we did around here when we aren't shitposting.
>Because I want to increase the quality of video game discussion on this board
its too late
They are rewarding.
Go climb a mountain while I sit and beat dark souls. Bet we feel exactly the same afterwards... Only you will be exhausted.
Real men have fun doing their own thing and tell anyone who tries to stop them to fuck off.
But yeah carry on doing what women want you to do, Im sure they'll sleep with you then.
After all, women hate independence and a confident man that knows what he wants!
Shouldnt be basing your life around relationships with women anyway. Just do your own thing that makes you happy and fulfilled, let the pussy come to you. Dont chase pussy
You have incredibly bad taste in comedy. Is this like the episode of The Fairly Odd Parents where Cosmo thinks hearing "pudding" is funny? It's just non-sequitur on the same tier as randumb "absurdist" shows like Adventure Time and Tim and Eric that are just anti-humor without an actual joke. I can spout nonsense as well, doesn't mean I'm actually funny. Check this out.
Onion soup
Cheese monkey
Diabetes toaster
Canadian Studmuffin
Black quarterback
I am now a reddit humor genius, huh?
I like having something to do with my hands.
something passive and continuous. I get really stir crazy if I'm not fiddling with something, and a controller/mouse-keyboard keep my hands busy.