What went wrong?

What went wrong?


Sniper with no movement optioins in a game where mobility is king

That being said, there is nothing more satisfying than sleeping a genji who just used his ultimate

You didn't impregnate her when you should have.

healing sniper is a contradiction

no head shot damage like she should have

but I guess if she had that then widow would never get used.

Sexist bullshit

>Make old female character
>Give her young skin cause hot girls sells the game

eat shit, fag

And because the first we knew about Ana are her pictures and comic where she's young.

I'll bite.

Its because they are usingh the models from the first generation. same way the soldier 76 has his younger self as well. its to show you the original overwatch team in their prime.

everyone else never really aged.

It's her Origins model nigga, lots have them, even Widowmaker has a pre-brainwash skin.

She got a young skin because all the other OG Overwatch members got young skins. Reaper, 76, Reinhardt maybe


Her, you EARNED it.

>then widow would never get used.
she should never be used.

Does she still have that 2 minute cooldown for her mobility move?

This is the first time I shitposted in a longass time.
All these (You)'s actually make me feel bad.

I'm not offended, I know all the other old character has young skins. I don't actually care
But it doesn't prove my point wrong. This game is sex sells, girls find solder 76 young hot

Everyone except McCree and Rein have an OG skin though

Absolutely nothing. She's great.

That the shitters can't play her means that she'll never get nerfed.

Man, when did Sup Forums fall so far that we've got posters complaining about sexism. It's literally fucking tumblr here.

That's just Widowmaker with a French Revolution outfit and tons of makeup, she was never a trained Sniper before the brainwash.

>mfw powered up

that's not a pre-brainwash skin you fucking moron

Since her damage doesn't come all at once, without repeated shots a Lucio simply being nearby drops her damage potential a great deal.

You'd think Biotic Grenade would be oh-so-helpful against things like Zenyatta ults, but it's not because it's finnicky and not actually all that wide - it's better for tighter confrontations.

Sleep Dart is pretty great but people are usually shooting towards or near priority sleep targets in the first place. Or they just cherrytap the sleep target instead of just slapping their shit.

Nano Boost I'm pretty happy with, but people flying in the way will happen many, many times.

I like her, old ladies are rad.

Hanzo and Genji are already sexy, but they have young skins as well.

Whoever drew that has never held a gun in their life. Why is she scratching at the pistol grip instead of actually gripping it? Why isn't she holding the forestock?

And why doesn't that rifle have a stock? Where does the recoil go?

t. triggered artfag

>power up a rein
>he charges in
>dies immediately even with me healing him


mobility in overwatch?

>try to hit reinhart to power him up
>genji walks in front of him at the last second
>genji pulls out his sword and wipes the enemy team

I have yet to hear any girl in the game.

There is a stock, it juts out from the pistol grip and come back up near the crease of her elbow, you can see it its just mostly occluded by her forearm.

nana boost administered

I think so

Nanoboosting Rein will still usually get results atleast on the lower rated games (60-70).

>tfw Ana powers you up with everything on cooldown

>tfw Ana powers up a mechless D. Va
>tfw that mechless kills you and a bunch of your teammates

shit taste, end your life

That pistol doesn't fuck around, user.

her pistol does do more damage than her shotgun arms

thanks, nigger faggot

>tfw Ana nano boosts you three times
>tfw you choked on all of them
>tfw Ana boosts the Genji, Pharah, Junkrat, or Hanzo for the remainder of the game

>choking when Ana Nano boosts you
>not once
>not twice
>but thrice

grenade has a tiny as shit radius
other than that, shes fine if your accuracy is good
>get nano boosted as junkrat
why do they do this



>choking while Granny is watching
That's your own fault.

>Nanoboost Symmetra
>She proceeds to microwave the entire enemy team

>try healing guy taking damage or shooting low-health enemy
>asshole teammate with full health keeps jumping in the way

>try staying close to aim better
>die in 2 seconds because you have no mobility and only defensive options are a sleep dart that breaks in half a second in a firefight or a 100 HP heal that requires you to manually aim at your feat and has a 10 second cooldown

She's fundamentally broken from the ground up.

imagine having those straps tightly gripping your youthful feminine butt haha