Anyone still playing this? About to hook up my wii u and would love to get a thread going

Anyone still playing this? About to hook up my wii u and would love to get a thread going.

Post maps, play maps, it's Mario Maker time.

Other urls found in this thread:

I still play pretty regularly, but I can't tonight. I might post some old courses if the thread gets going.

Play one of mine and I'll play one of yours!

Nintendo set up a bookmark site late last year. This is your profile.

Don't die thread.

Oh hey, thanks.

Can't play since at work.

No problem. I figure a lot of people who were active in the first few months after release might not know about it.


OP bumps only work if they're at least 15 minutes apart. It's been like that for over two years.

Oh wow really?
I actually never knew that.

They wedge little "improvements" like that into Sup Forums every once in a while without announcing them or anything, then we all have to try to figure out what the hell is going on.

OP, have you made any courses you'd want to post?


Cool, I'll bookmark them for the next time I play.

Hey OP
I got to many to list but pick any from my profile
I recommend Underground Escapade, Daisy is in this Course, and Trials of Terror

Of course I forget the link fuck

I'll post a few of my levels that I think are stronger, sure!

Not as much as I used to, haven't had the time plus I've been busy actually working on my own game.

>tfw i still have my stupid splash image

I miss these old threads, was with them since the game launched.

My stuff plays like a classic 1-1 to 8-4 campaign, but with heavy draws from the adventure style progression, like SMB2 and Yoshi's Island, though I would say it's geared towards intermediate players, who've played a decent amount of Mario games.

There's 2 full games, with the 2nd building off the first. Level theming, bonus stages, the works. Even had a custom soundtrack for it when I got sick of the same tunes over and over again.

Started working on BC3, but there just isn't enough time in the day for it. Ah well, maybe someday.

Shit, I haven't played this game in ages, probably because I haven't seen a thread in ages. I should finish the level I was working on last time. Here's my courses if you give a shit:


This guy again
My gamepad screen is cracked so I have been restricked from making levels gor months
Ninty wants 100 shekels for fixing man


Holy shit, there's threads for this game again? I'll check out and post some in a bit. Just gonna bump for now.

i'd love to play but i can't connect to my internet on my wii u for whatever reason
it sounds fun rn though

These are just short, easy levels that I made with the intent of speedrunning them. You can take your time though.

30 second level where the "platforms" fall into place.

I went to find the code for a level I made recently, and learned it was taken down... I put a couple day's work into that shit

I know that feel bro. I believe Nintendo took two of mine down, one of which I was actually proud of.

>60 dollars (70 canadian)
Fuck that, hopefully I can find it at a garage sale or flea market

No portable SLOPES

>finally get a Wii u
>two of the games I wanted it for the most (SMM and Yoshi WW) get ported to 3DS

Idk about Yoshi's WW, but it sounds like Mario Maker loses a few features when ported to 3DS. Doesn't sound like much of a deal to me beyond being able to practice a level on the go.

Too bad they are both inferior on 3ds.
>B-but poochie

WW is apparently the same game with bonus features. MM port is a straight downgrade, and only worth it if you like playing 100 Mario mode, which is all I play it for, really.

This is my profile, I haven't played in a while though so they don't make use of any of the new features added.

Oh, 100 Mario Challenge on the go sounds pretty fun actually. Wait though, wouldn't it only be able to work with an internet connection though? Sorry I didn't watch the Direct at all.

Pretty sure, yes. You'd have to download the courses as you play, I would assume

Posting one of my best stages. If you want to check out my profile, I created 22 levels total.

> TFW wii u emulator has no online as expected
> can't play or share levels which is the true joy o the game
> too poor 4 wii u
This is my favorite of the courses of created.

No online? Damn. Playing Smash 4 and MK8 with Sup Forums is great.

How can anyone not afford a Wii U?

Bookmarked. I'll play it once I get back home from holidays.

I see more smash Sup Forumseekends these days than MK8 ones. Do they still do the skype channels too?

Thanks, much appreciated.

Yeah, mk8 weekend kind of died off. Ocassionally a thread pops up and I join it.

Check me out fellas.

I should really try my Wii-U more often.

Did you catch em all?

I have the same shitty problem. Except I can share levels in Mario Maker and Starfox Guard. But my modem doesn't allow me to play multiplayer games like Splatoon.

I've bookmarked everyone too so I'll play once I'm home.

Nope. I still miss half of them.

Bookmarked PacMan takes a walk.

I just realized that pic is missing about 5-7ish, but oh well.

Cool season themed level user. It's just about the appropriate time to post/play it too.

can you save people's levels for later?

these things will eventually go offline like LBP did.

Sad but true thought user. You can actually download levels onto the hard drive and play em later.

I guess so. You can even modify them if I recall correctly.

oh wow. going to buy this then , thanks

Thanks, user.

Whoa, I actually played a few of these back in the day! Apparently still have the record on some too.

Do you guys think we could give another chance to Nintendo Online General?
It was a general to reunite people that wanted to play online on Nintendo consoles but it never flied off. I guess with a bit of organizzation more it could work.
We could organize MK8 matches, Mario Maker sharing and other smaller things that aren't Splatoon and Smash.

Are you talking about in /vg/? It could possibly work, the only issue is that there's already a general for all things Nintendo, and that general is just shitposting with a bit of Nintendo.

Nice level user, felt like a traditional level.

Yeah, /Nintyg/ is a cesspool that people better ignore.
No, we should make a separate general on /vg/ regarding Nintendo online games. I'd love to include Splatoon and Smash both both of them already have very active (and elitist) generals.
With /nog/, we could share Mario Maker levels, organize MK8 matches, play older games with online (Bayo 2, Devil's Third, Triforce Heroes, Luigi's Mansion 2) and wait for more online games (like the new Mario Sports game on 3DS).

Anyone here still play Pokken?

I feel ashamed, I have yet to buy it. I guess some people still play it though.

I haven't bought it yet either, kind of why I'm asking. I love the demo though. Kind of hoping Sup Forums would still be playing it though as I've heard the local multiplayer is kind of lackluster.

With a Nintendo Online General, we could add Pokken too.
Hell we could even organize multiplayer games on Dolphin (if I had the slightest clue how to do it).

Hm, it actually might work. I'll definitely do my best to keep it alive if it does pop up. We could have people put their friend codes in the Name part of the post. I'm trying to brainstorm stuff that we could put in the OP, like various pastebins of information and etc. For something like /smm/, I guess we could organize another LPC or something like that.

I remember those challenges, I miss them.
I don't know, we could add a list of pastebins, one pastebin for each game with online, and in each pastebin a description of the game and how to play a game, plus a list of names of players.

Also, we could put a series of rules, like how someone can start a lobby and so on.

Is Nintendo still updating the special collection course packs?

Not as often as they were back around Spring. Newest one was the Squid Sisters (Callie and Marie correct?) back around the time the final splatfest took place.

...Unless you mean the official course makers, which they did add some when the key update came out, but I have no idea which characters gained new levels.

Here's my profile.

I might pick the game up but it's depressing that the community is pretty much dead and these levels will all be lost to time eventually. On a brighter note, the 3ds version might revitalize the community for a while.

Yeah, I think the lobby thing is especially useful. I feel most people on /vg/ would know how to play a game they felt like playing/browsing, but maybe a list of advanced techniques and how to do them or some common strats or something for certain games? Firehopping for MK8, midair spring jumps for Mario Maker, etc?

Would anyone be so kind as to take these old fellas out of retirement?
They're quite lonely.
For Fun mode:

Are you a bad enough dude to take the hard route:

Beat both for ya user.

Here play my shit

My most popular levels are Familiar Hill Zone and Luigi's Land

Going to bed now but will idle and ride thread to bookmark and play.

Which route did you take in the maze? There are 5 routes: Casual, Easy, Normal, Hard, Yuropoor Xtreme.

Local multiplayer runs at 30fps unfortunately.

I took two different paths, I'm assuming one of them is casual as it seems to be the shortest, I'm unsure of the other.

exactly why ive heard its lackluster (as well as the fact that 1P has to use the gamepad as a TV screen)

The higher the path takes you, the harder it is. The very bottom is casual, and nets you the bottom of the flagpole. Xtreme grants you the 1Up.
Aside from me, I don;t think anyone has beaten Xtreme

Thanks for visiting though user, the loneliness withdraws from their aching spines