Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

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Because the controller design is unintuitive, so keeping hold while having access to every button is difficult

>Why is this so hard for people to grasp?
>so hard for people to grasp

>YFW the Wii nunchuck was just the middle stub of the N64 with an extra button

How do you use the Z button?

Its not rhat its hard to grasp its just made for alien hands

>extra button
you're forgetting the pause button

All other major console controllers are designed so you put your hands in the same position for all games and have access to all the buttons. Once you understand how the N64 controller is supposed to be used, it makes sense and is fine, but most people had to have it explained to them the first time because it's so unintuitive.

>tfw want a hori n64 controller

>78 years later and n64fags are still claiming "n-no you just don't GET it"
We know how to hold it, that doesn't stop it being fucking retarded.

oh yeah

>"Here's your controller bro"


Because people are retarded. Sure, the controller's shape is extremely odd but it isn't difficult to hold and use by any means. The L button and the d-pad are the only buttons not easily accessible and none of the good N64 games used them often.

I was recently cleaning up and found the weird wheel/controller thing. So bizarre.

>have buttons and sticks on the controller
>have games choose their own control scheme so that you're forced to hold the controller in certain ways that hinder you from accessing all of the buttons while holding the stick
>advocating less control


Back in the day, I had a friend who would hold the controller like this so he could hit all the buttons without relocating hands. The right ring finger operates Z while the thumbs operate the face buttons and the left middle and right index operate L and R respectively. I thought he was fucking stupid.

Sounds like a born genius to me. To invent his own form of the claw years before the internet.

>Because the controller design is unintuitive, so keeping hold while having access to every button is difficult

No game requires you to access every button though. It's either the outer prongs or the prongs in OP's post.

More like a born retard. Kid would have never even got 1 frag playing goldeneye like that.

>here's your controller bro

>no games use both L and Z
>no games use both the Dpad and stick
The left and middle prong were mutually exclusive handles meant to differentiate games played with an analog or digital movement system.

>no games use both L and Z
>no games use both the Dpad and stick

They could have, but because of this controller design they didn't. It's not the devs fault we can have more complex N64 games or good FPS games which didn't need two controllers.

There are games that use both L and Z. Turok and Zelda both use L to toggle the map. It's a moot point, but I just wanted to call you out.

Also Jet Force Gemini uses the D-pad to set weapon shortcuts and Turok uses it to toggle run. And Pokemon Stadium has a mini-game that uses the elusive left-middle controller grip. I think Bangai-o might do the same, but I'm not sure.

The games were probably designed that way BECAUSE it's physically impossible to access every button

I think you're jelly cause I wiped the floor with you in Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart.

Because it has three grips, silly.

The games were designed in a way that you never needed more than either handle to play it.

They were designed that way because 3D was still new technology, so people thought of it as an EITHER OR thing. That the game would require 3D analog precision OR the D-pad. Not both.

still a better controller than this

LOL what moron designed this, you need 200 fingers to use all the buttons

People now haven't even played N64 games, and they don't know that the vast majority of N64 games didn't use both the analog and the dpad.

They think you had to use both since most games today use both the dpad and the analog stick.

Because it's a terrible design?

That's complete bullshit. As few as 150 fingers would be more than enough. No games use all the buttons anyway.

You don't need access to every button genius.

There was no confusion about the N64 controller when it came out. I never met anyone who "needed it explained to them." Even my parents who didn't play vista understood it fine.

Anyone who complains about it being unintuitive is underage and grew up with modern controllers before playing the N64

Why was there even a left side?
That dpad was dogshit.

Because I don't have 3 hands.

With his penis

Except it's not at all. It was more than adequate for games designed at the time.

You have access to ass many buttons as a 360 controller no matter how you held it. And games back then never required you to switch between dpad and stick.

This meme is dumb. You just weren't around at the time and don't understand the context of the industry when it was designed.

But almost every game I've played in the n64 has had me place my hands in the same spots

For Mischief Makers.

Also killer instinct and.......... rakuga kids

In case 3D sucked ass the controller could be used as a SNES controller with two extra buttons. If only Nintendo planned ahead like that these days.

I used the claw on the SNES, particularly for Mega Man X. I'm sure plenty of people did, it just wasn't called that until years later.

Nah it was always shitty. Game pro even made fun of it, asking if play testers all had 3 hands.

At least someone feels my pain. I remember going through MM the whole time using the C buttons thinking it was easy mode. Then Came the sports festival and i couldn't win a race for my life. Thought the fucking game was rigged until i tried using the D-pad. Why the hell was the boost so much faster? Sneaky Japs.

No shit they were retarded journalists. They know just about as much as you know

I've literally held the far right and far left sides of the N64 since I was like a 4yo and never had issue playing anything. I seriously don't get how it's hard for people.

left pointer can switch between L and reach Z pretty easily, thumb for start and joystick.

I seriously think people who can't fathom this are full autismo. I've never known anyone irl who though the N64 controller was hard to hold. Just memetastic Sup Forums threads

5 star post user.


Except you have access to as many buttons as the ps1 controller either way you hold it, you tremendously retarded faggot

Were there any N64 games that would even benefit from that? They're usually designed around the assumption that you wouldn't use the joystick and the L button at the same time anyway.

I used to have that. It was nice, felt like you were playing on an arcade machine.

Personally, i just don't like the concept of not being able to reach every button comfortably with one normal grip. I don't think it's good controller design. The fact that you never have to reach every button like that helps, but i just feel like it's a fundamental flaw in the design that limited games and capability. Like, yeah, no one would have made a game where every button was used a bunch, but why cut off the option for it completely like that in a way that literally doesn't even have a work around? It irks me.


>I don't think it's good controller design. The fact that you never have to reach every button like that helps

Helps? Little bit of an understatement don't you think? That fact makes it literally a non problem.

>but i just feel like it's a fundamental flaw in the design that limited games and capability.

How so? It has more buttons then the ps1 controller. Either way you hold it you have as many to access as a ps1 controller

>Like, yeah, no one would have made a game where every button was used a bunch, but why cut off the option for it completely like that in a way that literall

No. No they fucking didn't. They had MORE buttons. JUST as many accessible ps1 controller. If anything there's MORE design decisions because you have options to design based on how it's held.

Your opinions make no sense

Doesn't have a work around? Holding it the other way is the workaround. Either way you have access to 8 buttons and a movement input. Standard for the time. Standard for today even. Only difference is it's easy to switch between dpad and stick.

I can access 14 buttons on an analog PS1 controller with as little as 0.10 second delay when shifting thumbs. Try that on an N64 controller.

At first I thought this post was serious

I could access the analog stick on my N64 with as little as a year before the PS1 controller had any

Oh and I didn't think of Start and Select. That's 16 buttons.

It is, what's wrong with it?

Did any games use that middle pic hand position?

PlayStation 1 controller didn't have L3 and R3 retard. No game needed you to be able to press start and select at a whim, and you'd have to hold the controller like a retard.

You're also counting the "analogue" button. Which is lol

No, my man. What is wrong with YOU

>tfw left handed and could never hold wii nunchuck in a comfortable positioning

>16 buttons

List the buttons please.

Lol. Can't wait to see this.

because people are legitimately retarded when it comes to video games

i think mischief makers

>PlayStation 1 controller didn't have L3 and R3 retard.

Except it did?

dpad up
dpad down
dpad left
dpad right

>16 buttons
>ps1 controller

Are you retarded? Where did you even come up with 14?

Do sonyfags just make shit up and believe it?

Except it didn't?

Also counting individual dpad directions as buttons


It's over. I already delivered my final blow to you in my last post. See ya

You idiot, it's designed to be 2 controllers in 1; you either play with your left hand on the left grip or on the right grip. Left grip for 2D games, center grip for 3D. Remember the 64 was one of the transition consoles between 2D and 3D, so they had to come up with a controller that could handle both.

I never had trouble holding the 64 controller but seeing it like that still makes me cringe.

Controllers are made for hand symmetry. Not this.

>mischief makers



Its not hard to grasp but it sure is fucking stupid
Why force using either the left or middle handle when they could have just cut out the middle altogether?

Pic related predates the Dual Shock, which was also a PS1 controller.

>Also counting individual dpad directions as buttons

Are you implying they aren't? Also, they're pretty relevant to the argument we were having, since you can press them (and L) when adopting the left grip in , limiting your plausible inputs.

Very few games required the use of the entire controller. You're only supposed to use two of the handles. In every N64 game I've ever seen, the right hand goes on the right handle; meanwhile, most games require the left hand to be in the middle, while some games require or allow the left hand to be on the left.

The design of the controller is simply to allow a choice between a D-pad or a control stick. In either case, you also get one trigger.

Duke Nukem 64 and some other games mapped additional functions to the D-pad or L trigger, but were meant to be played with the left hand on the middle handle because those additional functions were not used constantly.

No one who is old enough to have owned a Nintendo 64 was confused when it came out. The only people who don't understand the controller are kids born after 1999 who never actually used a controller with fewer than two analog sticks.

The N64 controller sucked for first-person shooters but so does every gamepad.

There's 13 digital buttons on the dualshock.

No. Dpad doesn't count.

And holy fuck you're counting the analogue button. Literally turns sticks on or off. Why the fuck would you want to press that?

>since you can press them

>No. Dpad doesn't count.

In modern games it counts. Retro games were never part of the argument.

Post a ps1 game with a function mapped to l3

Not him, but it most certainly does. I just don't think any PS1 games actually used them

Hello fellow left-demon.

Hell if I know, still doesn't prevent me from pressing it and switching to d-pad in a fraction of a second, because the controller design isn't retarded. There's this thing called future proofing, and that's why this design is still in use today.

So? if you count dpads then n64 controller can hit 14 buttons if you hold it like a retard.

And guess what!?

None of those buttons have zero in game functionality like the "analogue" button.

Better knock ps1 buttons down to 13 kiddo

Either way no one is going to hold these controllers this way

>so people thought of it as an EITHER OR thing.
Considering how I remember the 5th gen, that's complete bullshit. Aside from very few outliers, companies practically demanded 3D graphics for fucking everything. 2D games were seen as outdated, irrelevant, and inferior.

>Retro games was never part of the argument

Except it was faggot. People defend the prong design BECAUSE of the design standards of games at the time. My first post details that you fucking clown.

Most games I played didn’t need me to use both the D-Pad and the analog stick at once so a problem never came up.It was always either or. I think most of you are just fucking retarded.

people that complain about the n64 controller have never used one.


>Why is this so hard for people to grasp?
Cause it's fucking stupid. Just have two and be done with it

>N64 controler had a confusing third handle
>PS1 controler didn't have an ank log stick until way later, and when they finally did add one they put it in a stupid position and have never changed it since

Why didn't we start having competent controllers until the 6th generation?

Its the other way around. Everyone who used an N64 controller complained about the shitty sticks grinding to dust

Was it this abomination?


And 1996's "design" standards didn't allow for much more complex control schemes in N64 games and it just died there, while the PS1 controller still lives to this day. PS1 is based off the SNES controller, so the SNES controller is literally superior to the N64 controller. Deal with it.

Why do you think that's remotely comfortable?+

I actually really liked the asymmetry of the controller.
Felt natural.
Also, the Z button is fantastic.

>retro games was never part of the discussion

Nope nope nope

>This meme is dumb. You just weren't around at the time and don't understand the context of the industry when it was designed.

No. The ds4 design is used today.

I had no trouble using the stick holding the left side of the controller when I was a kid how young do you have to be for this to be a problem like 3 yo? Just rotate your left hand clockwise so your thumb is closer to the stick if you really have baby hands it's not rocket science wtf.

>Having small hands

Because I've actually held one.