Is this good?
Is this good?
no, it says it's setsuna
I am not sure.
It has failed to grasp me in the first two hours. The main character is alright if a but uninteresting, and that coming from a game that takes after Chrono Trigger . The heroine, Setsuna, is as bland as they come, I'll not call her a Mary Su because that has no meaning anymore, but she literally is a can do no wrong martyr. Plot (so far) is about a journey to sacrifice Setsuna to save the world and finish the hero's contract of killing her. You can see where that is going, right?
absolutely not.
>one-instrument soundtrack
No, it was just so bland.
Nope, it's basically a 90's JRPG with little or no modern improvements.
Can't change your text speed and it doesn't show you the area affect of your skills in battle to name a few.
The plot is generic and not good. One of the characters is, for a lack of a better word, a time traveler and it's only mentioned near the end of the game. They didn't try to do anything clever like having the time traveler point things out ahead of time or something to hint at the fact that they're a time traveler.
There is literally nothing wrong with this. Everything else you mentioned was fine though.
well its not bad... just kinda meh. Its a very bland game with the music being the only thing noteworthy. Not worth it full price, wait till a big sale. or just pirate it
Spent 40 dollars and then only played one hour of it before sorta forgetting about it
I'd like it better if the soundtrack wasn't just piano
Great visuals and music. Horrible everything else. On secret level with developers' letters I feel bad for them because it seemed they genuenely liked the game.
>I am setsuna.
>Main character isn't called setsuna.
>First thing that happens when you meet setsun is you're asked what her name should be.
>It has failed to grasp me in the first two hours.
At least you played through the whole thing :^)
I feel like they've got the potential to make a really good game next time.
>Can't change your text speed and it doesn't show you the area affect of your skills in battle to name a few.
This is horse shit.
Even Dragon Fantasy 2 did this and it sucks ass.
>Can't change your text speed and it doesn't show you the area affect of your skills in battle to name a few.
Is that really true? I thought it was supposed to take after CT and CT always showed you which enemies your techs would hit because it was a core part of the game.
SE localization team does it again!
Yes that's really true
It's pretty bullshit
You're exaggerating.
There's nothing about this game that's "horrible". Its just not revolutionary and apparently today that's the same as being the worst thing ever.
Its a standard JRPG made for people who just wanted a standard JRPG. It had standard characters who were fun, but shallow. A standard plot that doesn't go nuts with twists. Standard gameplay that has some neat mechanics, but eventually devolves into spamming one or two moves outside of a few boss fights that are actually really fun (the big guy who was causing all the force fields and attacks really fast was a great fight).
If anything their biggest mistake was comparing itself to Chrono Trigger in advertising because that name comes with expectations and a very unreasonable fanbase.
Yeah they even have their own Magus. I don't understand how anyone thought taking ffx's story and all 90's jrpg's tropes and serving them with a serious face was a good idea. I just wanted a good old rpg like breath of fire or old ff's, not that.
It's a callback to the jrpg's of yore. if you were into that shit, this might tickle your fancy
How is this a bad thing?
>Its a standard JRPG made for people who just wanted a standard JRPG
>There's nothing about this game that's "horrible"
Pick one.
I liked it. It's nothing groundbreaking but I had a hankering for a JRPG and it filled the niche.
The plot is straight up FFX without the twists to keep it interesting.
Modern kids think piano's shit. Not elite enough on mu.
I think a lot of JRPG makers have forgotten the idea of a light-hearted adventure. CT might have had some "dark" elements, like the day of Lavos, the shitty future, Lucca's mother, the class stratification and ultimate fall of Zeal etc. but it was still an adventure that was supposed to make you feel good and excited, not make you feel shitty and depressed by being "dark and too deep for you".
fucking kill yourself
Final Fantasy X itself was not an original story by the way. The sacrificial journey is a very common trope in Japanese fiction, so its fine to call it generic, but its not really a rip-off of FFX.
All of the songs sound the same, and it's completely forgettable.
But it had great style rather unique for video games. The only other game with that you know asian islands style is monster hunter.
It's not bad, the problem is that all the songs blend into each other and there's nothing that really stands out.
they didn't know how to cater to their audience for their game
yeah classic jrpg fans, but then you have it only releasing in only digital
the thing about catering to niche audiences is that collector shit is everything, i probably would have gotten this game if it was physical and came with an art book like most jrpgs are doing these days
No one makes lighthearted stories like Skies of Arcadia anymore.
I regretted spending $40 on this piece of shit.
People might have overlooked the digital only if it was like twenty bucks but making it fourty was completely retarded.
Why are weebs so unable to not have their entire reason dominated by their taste, and just acknowledge that they enjoy bad things?
Everyone has guilty pleasures and there's no need to be ashamed of it on Cambodian ironing boards, but still everything a weeb enjoys must be a wonderful piece of art, no matter how unoriginal and uninspired it is.
Don't know, I've downloaded two ost cds, around 4 hours, enjoying it so far.
It's mediocre. Wasted potential on '''drama'''.
Should have named it "I am Emo"
>to sacrifice Setsuna to save the world and finish the hero's contract of killing her
plot stolen from Radiant Historia
Tbh everything seems "in homage" to other series. Nothing feels original.