You better finish your Fallout 4 DLC, or else you won't get Skyrim™ Remastered™ for dessert.
You better finish your Fallout 4 DLC, or else you won't get Skyrim™ Remastered™ for dessert
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still haven't reached the main hub in FO4 yet
and I pirated it
maybe some day
Papa Todd, please fuck my boypussy ;3
I'm sorry, you said what? You played as a Pirate i n it?
Sure, as long as we can play some Elder Scrolls Online™ afterwords together. You should buy a subscription for you and all your friends.
Hey this is Dodd, president of Obsidian Games. All copies of Fallout New Vegas have been recalled, and will be replaced with Fallout 4™ Nuka World DLC.
L-Look Mr. Todd Howard, has been a bit short this year
I'd like to help you pay your bills, I really would, b-but I just can't purchase that wonderful game called Fallout 4
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to pirate it
Todd, when are you gonna let Obsidian take back the Fallout IP?
Ill give you two reasons why you wont be doing that friend.
But I thought you approved of pirating Bethesda games.
>Todd: I led a nice pirating ring in my fraternity.
>XGR: (laughs) Oh god.
>Todd: And I pirated some of Bethesda Softworks' games.
>XGR: Oh, nice.
>Todd: And I thought they were pretty good. (laughs)
>XGR: (laughs) You decide to ask them for your job with Terminator?
>Todd: Yeah, Terminator 2029, I thought that was a really cool game. I spent a long time making sure that was pirated well. And, once I got a job here back in '94 -- so I've been here for a while -- and Terminator was my first project, so I got to pirate it and then work on the next version.
papa todd, can i sit on your lap while we play Fallout 4?
hey todd if I pirate your dlc now and finish it never can I still pirate skyrim remastered
>Todd trying to convince Todd to buy their game
>tfw mods deleted last todd thread
fucking why. this is one of the better recent memes.
>tfw never saved any todds
how do we stop this from happening Sup Forums?
It's an old meme but it's peaked recently
Not dissimilar in that regard to others such as Pepe
Call me Mememastermanmemer but i won't give no fuck until New vADS GFADIU O nifd h thae cack ci dion
thanks for the free dlc
What ya mean as free?
As in free to all season pass holders!
replacing my new vegas of course
i got my use out of new vegas, and it's being replaced with the dlc i havent bought.
gee Todd, but I just finished the first part of New Vegas. you really want me to stop playing this fun game?
Wtf i hate todd now
But user, that game only got 84 on metacritic! Compared to Fallout™ 4 87!
yeah but y'see, I live in canuckland. I dunno if I really want to spend 80 bucks on fallout
Not him, but $80 dollars is a good amount of investment for an entertainment from a quality studio such as Bethesda Softworks.
Hell, I would gladly pay for more than $100!
Hey poppa Todd why do strange, fat men keep trying to give me a copy of something called "Morrowind"?
Eat my fucking ass out, Todd.
I'm sorry Todd, but the Battlefield 1 beta is too good, I'll have to wait for Skyrim Remastered till black friday.
>Todd pirated bethesda games
I already gave you a buck for Fallout 3.
Never again Mr.Howard.
On a serious note was Nuka World any good? Not feeling the mood to pirate it now. I just find it sad how Bathesda dlc quality went so far down. Mothership Zeta, Operation Anchorage, Broken Steel and the Pitt were fantastic DLC's. Now there's 3 hearthfire workshop clones, point pookout 2.0 and this retarded fucking disneyworld shit. Give me back my 2000's fallout back you fucking talentless hacks.
No but it's the best we're going to get from this shitty game
Well damn. I'm just hoping there's going to be a modpack that brings Fallout New Vegas into Fallout 4 engine. Is that possible because that one mod emulated fallout 3 into New Vegas. And you could travel to and fro from the capital and the mojave via a metro.
It won't happen any time soon.
The would have to port NV to a new engine
Got an edit where there's the workshop ones stabbing in killing it faster?
Nah, I pirated it Todd. What you gonna do about that?
Really? They can't just simply re-create the maps and characters? Fuck I know the modding scene is at it's infancy but the map tools and potential is there. And I know it was much easier with fallout 3 bevause both games were made with shitty gamebroyo. I would just kill for having those graphics and gunplay in NV.
>go good guy route
>never get to see 50% of the content
the "good guy route" is just slaughtering every red dot on your radar until there aren't any left
i wish i was joking. You get the suggestion from some lady in the merchant section. no quests or anything, just keep killing raiders until your brain starts leaking out of your ears
>no quests or anything
one quest, open season
ok, one quest. Still not terribly involved, just "go here, kill X. Then go there, kill Y. Then go over there, kill Z."
They're all raiders so I guess hoping for a diplomatic way to solve it would be too much, but what about a questline where you help an outside group take the park back from the raiders? Or anything other than just turning it into a ghost town
I ended up siding with the Raiders even though I was trying to roleplay a good character, just so I had something more interesting to do and wouldn't feel like I wasted money on the dlc
>download DLC
>game constantly crashes
Thanks Todd.I need a new GPU, but holy fuck Fallout 4 plays like shit on PC.