Will the greatest anime

Will the greatest anime
ever made ever get a decent video game?

Already done.

I hope so!

Ask Japanese Phil fish

How come she doesn't have top tier fap material?

I don't think Revolutionary Girl Utena is relevant enough to get a videogame anymore. There are games inspired by it though.

I wouldn't call an anime that fell apart during the second half a good anime, let alone the greatest.

This on the other hand, was flawless its whole run. 10/10 perfect anime.

I don't see how they could avoid it just being a generic JRPG.

I want to fuck the Female Shadow the Hedgehog human.

>lethal injection

Pick two.

A Nausicaa game could be pretty fun

What should I watch?

You're allowed only one, cunt.


Ping Pong

>Panty and Stocking game
>It just a Saint Row clone

I want to impregnate Ryouko

>my mother killed my dad
>also I'm a magical girl stuck in the 70's

I want anime to be banned on Sup Forums

I'm positive if a KLK game would to be made, it won't come to America (for those who live there) due to SJWs.

>not playing the gochiusa video game

Well fucking memed.

What about a game of this?

It would be godly if all the mechanics were aggressively generic, but combat was a fucking mess like in the series.

>Kazuma: Attack
>Aqua: Guard
>Darkness: Attack
>Megumin: Guard

>Kazuma attacked Slime! 7 Damage!
>Megumin began chanting...
>Aqua ran away!
>Darkness attacked Slime! Miss!

is it nukige?

It could actually be a neat RPG where you have to work around your situationally useful party members

How would they turn Ashita no Joe into an RPG?

Goddammit i thought i was safe on Sup Forums


best girl

The story could actually be interesting though.

>greatest anime ever made
Well, what kind of game will pic related have?

Satsuki better be fucking playable

I'll play it

The first 4 episodes was the peak of Kill la Kill.
Sometimes you just gotta focus on what works best and drop your ideal vision of the show, it hurts but it's for the better.

what kind of game would it be though?

I'm thinking fighting like the dbz budokai games. that'd be neat.

Well, we know for a fact it won't be made by Platinum games.

I don't think it will OP, I'm not sure if it would work

>male joins up with a whole bunch of girls and silly shenanigans such as pantsu stealing take place
typical generic harem anime made to keep lonely otaku from committing seppuku, would only watch for a quick fap.


>there will never be an utena game where you get to fight with the duel themes playing

Am I suppose to be her in the game or no?

>DBZ game by Platinum

good idea or shit idea? I can't decide.

I liked all of KLK

Why do people think it went bad?

>tactical TPS Gunsmith Cats


fucking when

as long as budokai tenkaichi 3 exists the series doesn't need any more games.
Dragon Ball Z's more about 1 on 1 fights or similar, Platinum games are mainly on rails where you fight multiple enemies.
Don't get me wrong though, if you got the people who made the MGR boss fights to make the DBZ boss fights you've got a potential GOTY.

I think the issue most people had with it was it took itself too seriously in the later half.

Plus I'm actually your sister OUT OF NOWHERE!

I thought it was a ok show but reach it peaked after that betraying part/plot twist of the Student Council thing.

The entire seriea was just allusions to other trigger anime's

Reminder that shit le shit is shit

I'd say Cat Girl Without Salad is pretty similar with it's style.


I don't know who that is but I want to fuck that girl. She just need to be a little cleaned up to be fuckable

ambiguous is better.

Hopefully trigger manages to make something good out the little witch academia anime.

Maybe if they made it like south park: the stick of truth, just of course with its style of humor

I'm guessing Touko(from DR)'s cousin.

Its actually pretty funny if you're not jaded as fuck


I'd kill for a Samurai Flamenco game.

Fuck that sounds amazing.

You'd get to get a feel for what it was like for the guy who replaced Kazuma for one mission.

Megumin unleashing her power in an empty field to show off, then being useless when an enemy appears. Aqua doing nothing. Darkness charging in while being begged to retreat. Good fucking times.

That's one catchy opening but don't lose your way is better for fight scenes.

Some day in another universe where it was actually successful.

>Female protagonist in anything

>He doesn't want to do TFS Monogatari instead

You wake up opposite gendered and mount everything and everyone between you and your school.

It WAS successful!

In our hearts.

>yfw JoJo is the only anime based game that is somewhat decent.

Well it can't be worse than Kiznaiver

>out of nowhere

How did no one see this coming a mile away? No shit they were sisters.