Name me a better 3DS game than this

Name me a better 3DS game than this

You can't

Other urls found in this thread:


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

Monster Hunter Stories
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.

Came here to post this

super mario 3d land

Anything is better than Monster Hunter trash.

>it's better
>but it isn't even out yet

Until they remove Gunlance, Monster Hunter is trash.

People hate Monster hunter now?

I bet you all love overwatch and battleborn.

But gunlance is like the shittiest weapon in the game. It's pretty much a meme at this point.

>faggots can't use a heat guage.


The winner.

I prefer an actual challenge. While it was nice to fight Ala again, the whole generations experience felt really shallow compared to what they could have delivered.

I want to recapture that fascination that I had in MH3 when I entered loc-lac online for the first time. It felt like they captured all of the great fantasy of an MMO, and put it into a game that was genuinely good.

How come they dont make console/pc versions? Shame really.

More like "Niggas that can't be bothered with garbage ass weapons". Switch Axe and Charge Blade called, they said you are fucking obsolete, the future is now and your punk ass is not in it.

I love Monster Hunter, it's better than your maddens and call of duty's you normalfags.

>tight progression
>tight pacing
>beautiful art
>relatively grounded combat
>crossplay with Wii U
How did they manage to make the next two games direct downgrades in almost every way?
The series pretty much peaked at MH3U.

I'd rather play Madden or Call of Duty than Monster Hunter, and I wouldn't normally play Madden or CoD.

Planet Robobot

I think you forgot to add "Other than FE: Awakening"

beat me to it



Here's your answer:
Pic related best megami.
Where da rooms at.

it had underwater lvs tho. I hated those, my depth perception went for shit.

lol? generations is trash. 4u and 3u are much better.

>tfw i spent 50 bucks on this game



Post rooms fags, I wanna do some turns

I really want to enjoy this game, but the controls are ass. I can usually deal with wonky controls, but they've literally made the game unfun for me. It sucks because I actually like the atmosphere, armor, weapons, and enemy design.

Can I really not change the direction of my attack between chaining attacks or am I missing something?

X zone 2

Why don't you make a room faggot?

Because I'm making myself a sammich cockmunch, I was hoping something would be posted by the time I get back

The only things MHgen has going for it for me are adept/bushido(I find aerial too cheez and lacks finesse) and the new flagships. Other than that it's a huge downgrade from 4U as fast as I'm concerned.

>I find aerial too cheez
>plays adept with Evade +100

kys shitter

>Talking shit about GL being obsolete.
>Mentions CB
>In the game where it got hit hard with the "NERF" bat

And it's still better than Gunlance get that weak shit outta here.

it's only fitting that memers haven't actually played the game

4U babies that are salty about their dead game are cute

Charge Blade poster here
I didn't play 4U

>tfw got table 10

Its true that GL is shit, but at this point it's just sad how capcom is treating that weapon. I wouldn't be surprised if GL ends up getting replaced or removed in MH5. Although it would be nice to not have some faggot try to use wyvern fire right next to you when you trip a monster ever again.
Well its still Rajang Hunter 4U, but I wouldn't call it dead. The only thing I'm salty about is that the fucking wycoon ine Gen wont trade monster parts with me.

>Aerial GS has become the new shitter weapon
What have they done to my precious GS?

I have literally never seen this online.

I'm using it right now.

So you're a shitter?

Sure if you want to use that word. Nothing wrong with having FUN right?

Sounds like it, actually using Aerial GS.

Am I a casual for not being able to solo hyper Rathalos?

I spent 2 hours on that fucker before I threw in the towel and killed him in a pub.


You're sane for wanting to cheese that broken cheating garbage. MH5 better be the game that finally dumps the Raths in the trash where they belong or I'm done with this series.

I'm going to have to agree with this.

I put 400 hours into mh4u and 300 hours into mh3u.

I put... 12 hours into generations. Something is just off. It is boring as fuck and no matter what i do i cant get into it.

Also to OP hyrule warriors is better.

You're not doodle, you don't get the caravan benefits.

Just burnt out I'd say. I dropped 4U around g rank and I'm enjoying Gen. I'm glad I did too, fuck relics and gq's.

What the hell is wrong with the requesters?

Kid Icarus. But MHGen is pretty high up there for me as well.

Checkmate OP

not even the best game of 2016

What's so bad about gunlance? I rek face with it all day.

kid icarus hurts my wrist :(

If anything they should keep the Raths, just fucking remove the Metal Raths.

It's fun to use but the nerf to motion values killed it. I actually think the heat gage is a fun concept though

Because they don't understand that people outside of Japan prefer non-mobile gaming. I honestly hate playing on my 3ds in long stretches compared to sitting on my couch with my Wii U and a big screen. Not to mention two good analog sticks, not some shitty C stick that is at least somewhat decent after you mod it.

Also underwater combat allowed them to make much better feeling maps instead of "NOPE CANT SWIM". They just needed to refine it more. It was a great step in the right direction but they just scrapped it for no reason. It's like if they scrapped the jumping / fluidity of multi level environments now and went back to flat maps.

Well seeing as how this faggot's father literally runs Capcom, and his fav monster is Raths, you will always forever see the fucking faggots

sure, plenty of better games

EO4, arguably U2 as well
E.X Troopers
both Kirby games
MH4U and 3U
SMT4F, vanilla is trash

I could name more games better than MHGen but that's off the top of my head and i don't feel like pulling out my carts

if we're using remakes then Majora's Mask 3D hands down.

Ryozo got shafted to work on Stories though.

Super Mystery Dungeon

Based guy tbqh. Doesn't dumb down the franchise, doesn't whore out the franchise, MH team has some serious integrity which I fear is slowly being eroded away with shit like Gen and Stories.

Do you claw?

>MH team has some serious integrity which I fear is slowly being eroded away with shit like Gen and Stories.
It's the only franchise that makes Capcom money, of course they'll whore it out

They have been doing it for a while, too. Monster Hunter Collab on Puzzle&Dragons years ago

What's your definition of whore out?

>Making a HR Ceantaur set to use for weapons that aren't Lance since I figure I've got tons of spare parts for it laying around
>Short literally one leg
Ah fuck it, I'll finish the set tomorrow.

>Killer Instinct: Unity
>Mortal Kombat 7
>Revolver Fantasy 4
>Ecstasy Over 4 and Under 2
>My Heart For You (Now that's cute)
>Sorry, Might Take for Free


See, this shit is all new to me. Wasn't long ago at all when the only MH-related shit was the games and if Capcom wanted MH in their own crossover they could go fuck themselves.

Probably just so they get more time to make MH5.

>but they just scrapped it for no reason.

They took it out because a ton of players disliked swimming.

Ooga booga where the rooms at

52 2526 5427 7895

Come take turns hunting with me, starting with Hyper Duramburos. Need one more hyper shell for that hammer I'll probably never use.

No way. Tons of people disliked Gravios but guess who's back in 4?

More likely they're hoping to distinguish the games as individual entities to avoid shit like MHFU being every previous MH game in one. 3U had underwater combat, 4U had frenzy, Gen had Hypers and so on.

Is hyper deviljoe a thing for the us ver or is it still only out on the jap ver

Been ages since I picked up my 3DS, and I have jack shit to play. What would be your guys' top 3 titles from the past two years, if you feel like sharing. Have a bit of spare change to spend, so I figure getting a new game would suffice.


anyone got that browser based armor maker for generations? i think it was like mh dex or something

Every Monster Hunter on the 3DS.

Super Mystery Dungeon. Top tier hardcore roguelike gameplay with the best OST on the 3DS and a great story.

Paper Jam. Everything is shit except the gameplay which is absolute balls to the wall. Easily the greatest boss fights of this generation.

And 4U of course.

Does anyone want to farm Savage Deviljoe event

MH is a yearly franchise despite all the spinoffs. There is a confirmed game coming out this fiscal year.

You are just ignorant of the bigger picture of the MH franchise, mostly because they're confined in Japan. And yes they do have a pachislot game.

Not really since the only successful savage deviljho ive had these past 2 days was a group of people that spammed shock traps and paralyzing bow shots

The entire 3 series is trash, including Tri.

Is it that hard? How much harder than deviljoe?I don't think I ever fought savage in 4u

Not in 2008 you fucking retard. Can you even read?

I can't go back to 3U. I don't mind the swimming or anything, but attacks feel a lot shittier to land.

>Rehash series with yearly releases is getting a new game

Only western players dislike Gravios

>Because they don't understand that people outside of Japan prefer non-mobile gaming
The people outside of Japan who buy MH are outnumbered 6:1 by players in Japan.

You are never going to be catered to.


Good. The MH fanbase turned into complete cancer with the release of 3U and if any of you idiots had a say it would most certainly ruin MH5.

Picross 3D 2
Project Mirai DX
MH4U or MHGen

Also keep a look out for the new DQ in a couple weeks.

More like memers think their weapon is hot shit and will live and die by it, but instead do sub-par DPS. I always do my part and just kick them from every hub I make and hopefully they'll learn to use a less shit weapon.

>In Monster Hunter

You wouldn't survive five seconds of solo play.

>memers think their weapon is hot shit and will live and die by it
What if I just like it? I use LS/DB/CB as well incase it's a monster I know is no fun with GL which honestly is only a few I know this is a dank meme post but whatever

generations still does that charm table crap?