Like story driven games

>like story driven games
>literally no fucking games are even remotely good at doing this at all.
>JRPG are just kawaii~uguu underaged girl fests or overly large boob light pornos where the main girl chases after the main guy for no reason what so ever and has zero redeeming qualities other then having plot armor.
>Western games are just tolken-esque or harry potter plot story lines that all follow the same formula.

guess ill just stick with least its cheaper, but is it too hard to ask for a good story driven game? and no I dont mean shit tier games that claim they are games like life is strange.


>we will never get a third person exploration RoD game...

>other then
Kill yourself.

how can you like something that doesn't exist in your eyes?

>like story driven games
>literally no fucking games are even remotely good at doing this at all.

Then how do you know you like them?

>I have played less than 10 games: the post

>I enjoy these games that don't exist

Wew lad

You have to start playing all those games that Sup Forums calls casual. I just got into story driven games, and I'm having a blast.

The Last Of Us is legitimately good. even though Sup Forums shits on it.
Life is Strange is amazing.
Beyond: Two Souls, is both good and cheesy.
Undertale is a nice little romp.

Just ignore Sup Forums, and dive in.

>JRPG are just kawaii~uguu underaged girl fests or overly large boob light pornos where the main girl chases after the main guy for no reason what so ever and has zero redeeming qualities other then having plot armor
You haven't played nearly enough nip games yet, user. Try SMT (read NOT Persona)

>like story driven games
Why not just watch a movie? Also Metroid games are doing this just fine.

As someone who's at least turned on Nocturne May Cry and SMT4 I can tell you you're overselling these trope-ridden games with barebones chore simulator gameplay quite a bit.

>Why not just watch a movie?
Because they lack the interaction. This is an important element for me and it's the reason why people saying "just read a book/watch a movie" makes no sense to me

I haven't played Nocturne but SMT IV is fine once you get past the first few bosses. Things keep getting weirder and weirder after the appearance of the Black Samurai and controversial politics surrounding the monks and samurai. then the story shit hits you like a fucking brick

this is the shittiest taste that i have seen in this board, you only need to add meme souls.
If you really consider that good stories you are a braindead moron

>SMT IV is fine
On what authority are you speaking?

You're looking for 2d games then, or for actual strategy games are you not?

Interact with these nuts OP

well you ARE on Sup Forums
Video games have required less brain cells since their inception. They are for children after all.

>On what authority are you speaking?
As someone who has actually played the game :^)

I've only played the first game, but the ace attorney series is story driven and i assume the rest of the games are fairly good.

>guess ill just stick with books
That's honestly your best bet.


What doesn't make sense to me is what exactly you expect out of the interaction. Do you want a game that tells a story as you play the game? I'd call that level of interaction 'advanced page-turning', because you're still interacting with a static story.

There's also 'games' that give you lots of choice, but almost 0 actual gameplay. These also suffer from having a less defined and complete story.

Then there's the games that give you a few choices on how things go down, but this is, at best, a shallow addition to a decent static story and at worst can make the whole experience baseless and dry.

Every game suffers more in some area the more you take away from the others.

Also, Final Fantasy is far from weeb unless you're playing X. Even VII is only anime in some of the visual design

Only people who dont read books say they arent interactive.

Your entire perception of the book and its contents depends on how well you read. Just like how your progress in a game depends on how good you are.

What do you think is a "story driven" game? RPGs? Adventure games? Do you just mean a game with an interesting or good story? Non-linear?

If you like interesting stories, there's a shit ton of games you can try, but if all you try is RPGs of course you're going to always play the same story type.

Here are a few games with *interesting* stories:
>Spec Ops: The Line
>Alan Wake
>Wasteland 2
Three different genres, three entertaining stories. One of them is literally story driven.

Maybe if you stopped sucking fantasy RPG cock you'd find some decent games.

Play Xenogears or Suikoden II faggot.

but playing does not indicate your knowledge on well-written stories with well-written characters.

Yomiko is too pure.

I don't know if your the original guy who replied to me you brought up gameplay first.

Here you go op plenty of interactive story telling.

Wasn't she from an anime that had a shota that could pass walls? I think he wanted the blonded big boobed girl to be his mum.

By interaction I mean gameplay of course, I don't mean just shitty dialogue choices

I cannot walk around and explore the environments in a movie or book, I cannot discover new items, talk to NPCs, level up, or any of that fun stuff in a movie/book

Simply sitting back and watching/reading the story unfold without me doing anything is not fun for me.

You called?

Recommendation thread?

Revolting taste, 3 of them aren't even real games and TLOU just sucks ass from a gameplay stance.

i bet you unironically like david cage

she is from read or die. and she is muh waifu so you cannot have her.

I don't want to sound like another obnoxious Trailsfag but you could play her game.

Trails in the Sky.

Witcher 3 is the closest example in recent history.

yea i really loved this game.

Dont get me wrong faggots I like tolken stuff from western rpgs, but it gets old after awhile and when every single jrpg is fucking porno tease, that also gets old fast. this is mostly why I only play older jrpgs. shit these days like neptunia, atelier, fairy fencer and other NIS/GUST shit is just pure otaku garbage.

no I havent.

>neptunia, atelier, fairy fencer and other NIS/GUST
Those all fill a slightly different niche than the usual JRPG crowd. There's nothing wrong with liking or hating them but they're not exactly all that JRPGs 'these days' have.

You're talking about
>controversial politics
Here? Are you just talking about the nonsensical scouting system? I thought you were talking about the story.

The thing is, those are such shallow excuses for 'interaction' I wonder why you think you need them at all. 99% of the time those things do nothing at all to change the story.

your kidding me right? this is litterally all I ever see coming out jrpg wise. its all just otaku/weeb bait.

post more of the paper plz

You might like Ys. It's like what Zelda would've been like if it didn't stop evolving.

>I thought you were talking about the story.
Exactly, that's why I mentioned the politics between the monks and samurai which comes into play pretty soon into IV


>Massive timeskips
>Never ending time travel
>Voldemort's secret cuck daughter
>Harry and Draco's sons being totally no homo for each other
>Making Snape sacrifice himself again just to remind everyone he was a saint

Age of Decadence, Icewind Dale I-II, Planescape: Torment, NWN 2: Mask of the Betrayer, KOTOR II... and that it for games I honestly and unironically see as really damn good story driven vidya that I can openly suggest to anyone without a gazillion "buts".

Also the books will have to remain your main source of decent story. I feel your pain but such is the state of the industry.

Worst post on Sup Forums for the last 48 hours.

>One of them is literally story driven.
Well you pointed it out yourself.

play Final Fantasy. I'm serious. Its so overrated that its underrated and you'll be surprised how much you don't know about the series

Then you were talking about the story and not the gameplay. Then don't fucking pretend you suddenly talk about gameplay and actually answer >

The only remotely good game in your list is Undertale, which is good despite Sup Forums memery.

Everything else is garbage.

Harry Potter books have always been terrible user, my teenage self could already tell you the inconsistencies it held post book 1.
It's truly the Naruto of London

I wasn't wrong when I said you brought up gameplay first though. I've already discussed the story as much as possible without massive spoilers

> Its so overrated that its underrated
That is paradoxically true, but there is still not a single good FF game period. A couple of them just turn out to be not as bad as you would expect.

Those glasses look so fucking stupidly huge because of giant animu eyes.

>>>Harry and Draco's sons being totally no homo for each other
Fuck for reals? Might be worth a read then. I'll just wait for the movie, this is one of the few positives feminists end up giving.

>That pic

Respond to >

>there is still not a single good FF game period
That's only true in the sense that each game has some section that is such a huge fuck you to the player design or writing-wise

Heavy rain? Beyond 2 souls? Last of us?

> I've already discussed the story as much as possible without massive spoilers
Daily reminder that actually good stories are not ruined by spoilers.

glasses like that exists in real life you know

>I wonder why you think you need them at all
Because they're fun?
>99% of the time those things do nothing at all to change the story
So? I didn't say I want to change the story. I just want to do fun game things as I experience the story

>Daily reminder that actually good stories are not ruined by spoilers.
That's bullshit. Have you never read The Giver?

>I've already discussed the story as much as possible without massive spoilers

>tfw wearing these glasses right now
>tfw nu male cuck

Well yes, I just feel this was on a new level of terrible.

Like regular Harry Potter was Naruto bad, while the Cursed Child was fucking ending of Bleach bad.

Pretty much the entire opening of the book is DADDY ISSUES because Harry's 2nd son got sorted into EVIL WIZARD HOUSE and wasn't good at magic and became besties with Draco's son who everyone hates because they think Draco went back in time and let his wife get cucked by Voldemort.

Apparently their first 3 years in Hogwarts are just everyone hating them because of that so they end up getting goaded into Time Traveling using a stolen Time Turner by Voldemort's secret daughter

It's like bad fan fiction.

The only thing I really enjoyed was how much of a bitch James went out to Voldemort when everyone has to watch Voldemort murder Harry's parents to preserve the timeline.

He basically goes "YOU GET AWAY YOU EVIL LORD" and then gets blown the fuck out instantly.

It was hilarious

Thanks for the blog update

there's literally nothing wrong with blogposting. My cat puked immediately after eating a potato skin today. See?

No, I don't read American young-adult dystopian fiction.

But reading the plot summary - Zamyatin's "We" did the same thing a good 70 years prior, actually stood the test of time, and is not spoiled by revealing the twists.

>there's literally nothing wrong with blogposting
It's like I'm really on Sup Forums

The drakengard/neir series might be worth looking into, it has one of the most interesting lore I've seen in recent memory.

its entertaining and fucks with the reader in an interesting way. you're a pleb if you can't acknowledge that

Don't forget that every video game is full of liberal propaganda.

WRPG and JRPG and video games in general never depicts for example the poor correctly. They always show them as a bunch of dindu nuffins instead of what they really behave. The poor are lazy, have no honor, no dignity, no self respect, zero nationalism, no virtues, and are cowardly.

Another example, authoritarian is always graced as a bad thing. It's always this technological society where logic is shunned upon. Empires are these boogy mans that want to dominate every nation. And for some fucking reason it's always linked to White supremacy in some libtard insane way while hating on other "races".

So yea it's a good idea to stick to literature. It's the last beacon that hasn't been completely ruined by degeneracy and revisionist.


>Ghost Trick
>Ace Attorney
>Heavy Rain
Am I not understanding what you mean by story driven? because there are even good story driven MOBILE games.

fuck off nazi cunt you're not ruining this board too

Try shadowrun returns and its sequels.
Also its Tolkien retard.

Go back to Sup Forums and Reddit

sup you faggot cunts. Sup Forums is filled with literal weeboo manchildren. Sad!


>>like story driven games
>>literally no fucking games are even remotely good at doing this at all.

So how do you like them?

This guy is a huge Sup Forumsack and should GTFO, yet I can't help but agree with him on a plenty of points.

It's not deliberate propaganda, but contemporary media is indeed way overloaded with hugbox tropes and "proper" concepts that strangle the most of creativity, the blame being upon lazy writers who don't feel like treading the imagination beyond the comfort zone of the ideals they grew up with or personally believe in.

It sucks that every bunch of poor are either this magical troupe of charismatic gentlemen or a gang of rapists, and nothing in between, making me nostalgic for Gorky's The Lower Depths. It sucks that every damn authoritarian society is EEEEEVVVVUL. It sucks HARD that if a setting has a variety of races, it will inevitably have white human totally-not-nazis that will act as the story's punching bags.

Xenosaga (gets nuts in some parts)
Xenoblade (some clichés here and there but fun)
Ace Attorney series
Ghost Trick
Sweet Home
Radiant Historia
Illusion of Gaia/Time
Splatterhouse series (simple but fun)
Drakengard 1 and 3
Chrono Trigger
Metroid Prime trilogy (more lore than story)
Souls and Bloodborne (more lore than story)
Tales from the Monkey Island
Deja Vú 1 and 2
Ultima series 1 - 7 and Serpent Isle
Wizardry series (more lore than story, hard as balls)
Might and Magic series 1 - 7 (more lore than story)

If you are into VN
Hatoful Boyfriend
Long Live the Queen

If you low your high expectations stop trying to find the Shakespeare of vidya or something like that, you will find a lot of games with fun and interesting plot, backstories and lore.

My gawd.

>you will find a lot of games with fun and interesting plot, backstories and lore.
Do you know what the word "story" means?

>My gawd.

As someone who wants to get into the Xeno___ series is there anything I should know going in? A lot of old jap series get a lot of re releases and ports with varying quality, are there definitive versions of each game?

>like story driven games
>literally no fucking games are even remotely good at doing this at all
The best games that focus on story find a way to tie story to the gameplay. If you're looking just for a game with a good story, then you'll always be disappointed.

>JRPG are just kawaii~uguu underaged girl fests or overly large boob light pornos
On nevermind. You're just a troll looking for attention.

>like story driven games


Mgs is good if you're okay with shlocky b tier action movie games with anime influence. But if you want something more serious I don't know if if suggest mgs

Biggest flaw with mgs for me personally is that Kojima thinks his highschool level themes are more profound than they are. And I'm not sure if he hammers them home because it's his ego at play, or if he thinks video game audiences are retarded.