FF14 or WoW?

FF14 or WoW?

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Neither. Don't bother with MMOs in general.


I currently have a subscription to both. I wanted to try WoW out again before legion comes out to see if i should buy it (quit in cata) and levelling up the combat is just so....boring. Every spec only has 4 buttons to use and the fights don't really get me very excited. I've gone back to ff14 say what you want about the 2.5 gcd but the combat is way more involved and exciting in that game and the boss fights/music in ff14 beat WoW easily. I'm sure people will enjoy legion but it's just not my game anymore.

Whys that?

And according to the XIV producer, they're going back to baby-mode rotations in 4.0. Gotta follow every step WoW does now.

Do you want a tedious single player campaign or do you want a tedious single player campaign with catboys?

Warcraft, if you absolutely must play an MMO. The new expansion has launched with an actually decent amount of content for a change, and there's already more on the way.

As for XIV, there's some things the game does well, but the devs have completely run out of ideas by this point and the last few patches have been blatant filler. The combat is also astonishingly dull until endgame. People criticise Warcraft for having 4-button rotations, but most classes in XIV are stuck with 2-button rotations (1-button in some cases) until halfway through levelling.

>fighting Nidhogg
>blatant filler

u wot?

I'm talking about the yokai watch crossover.

try em both

I loved vanilla wow up until wotlk then it got shitty

ffxiv has been my mmo of choice now, I havent had this much fun since vanilla/bc days. wicked fun man

I play XIV and frankly, I don't know. The vertical progression irks me, but the story haha carries me. Also XIV is practically a (great) fanservice for a long time FF fans, so it's hard to be 100% unbiased.

How can anyone stomach 1 2 3 xylophone hotbar "combat"

Fucking christ, homosexuals will burn in the fires below. And if that's not good enough, well at least bigotry exists

I think all MMOs are fucking terrible, but if I had to choose I'd pick WoW.

>Main MCH.
>Group wants me to play BRD because it's way easier and MUH BLM PARESES.
>It plays like shit.
The Gordias longbow being a cute glamour doesn't make up for how awful the job is.

14 imo

Why do you say that? Whats a good alternative versus muh skyrim and muh Dragons Dogma?

Damn I hope you look like that anime chick you posted cause I'd hallow your ground lol.

Paresers are allowed, just not talking about them publicly. its like ERP


Call me when you're not a PLD.

>I'm talking about the yokai watch crossover.
How's that running out of ideas? It's just a stupid crossover that you can pretty much ignore.

The last 2 content patches have actually been great, with the Niddhog story fight being one of the most epic feeling fights ever, felt like the final boss of a single player game.

I'm ilvl 225 and have no savage experience
Will I be able to get geared up and try to get into a static before next expansion

That depends on a few things.
What class do you play?
Do you have any experience with Primals?
What server?
Are you willing to play with shitty players and learn fights?

fuck yeah man, they are pretty much giving away gear at this point, thats why some people are mad actully, they are making end game gear obslote with every patch lately

Do you have the initiative to look up videos/guides to understand the fights instead of having to have someone spoonfeed you the mechanics?

>unlocking your first job

I'm pubbing nidex right now
That's what I've done for all the fights so far

of course

Fucking Dark Knight lovers.

hurf durf

They're both literally the same fucking game.

MMOs are trash.

FFXIV even if it has a shitty gate of 200 MSQ, WoW died with Arthas.

wow and ff XIV are pretty much the same at this point, having said that, I preffer ff XIV only because of the character and armor/weapon design, wich is light years better than wow, hell, ff xiv blows wow out of the water in the aesthetic department

It's really sad Square keeps on forcing the shitty Nomura artstyle on mainline FF games when Yoshida's looks and feels so great in 3D.

There are a ton of SCH out there. You could easily get geared up to mid 230s by the time 3.4 comes out but I'd suggest getting a Savage group together before then. Even if you can get A5S beaten it'll really help your chances of getting into a real static. It shows groups that you're not in the bottom 90% of players who are too scared to do real content. The fights super easy and can be PuGed at this point.
A6S is a whole other story though. Even after the nerfs it's quite difficult. One person fucking up means it's an instant wipe so it can't be PuGed at all.

Try both! They both have free trials!

XIV has a better crafting system, graphics, and feels more polished overall. There's more of a story focus, with a ton of main story quests to go through, and content is accessed sequentially.

WoW has faster paced combat, a lot larger of a world, and more classes/content. The latest expansion includes a level boost to get a character ready to play expansion content right away.

>Having fun in FF after WoW
Tell me your tale, user. I am genuinely interested. Try to be as unbiased as possible.

We talking Yoshida the producer, or Akihiko Yoshida the concept artist who left SE shortly after ARR launched?
Which may explain why a lot of the 3.0 armor sets look like shit

Man your raid group has it upside down or something, BRD are the harder class to play properly and raid dps is obviously more important than blm dps.

It does play pretty shit no arguments there. There's basically no reason not to play MCH.

The latter, of course. At least he's doing NieR now.

And NieR's style is right up his alley to boot. Shit's going to look fanfuckingtastic if the 3d artists keep at it with what we've seen thus far.

I see some parties pubbing A5S weekly on my server for gear, but I'd need to actually clear it first.

I've gotten lucky with the people for nidex so far, only had one group of horrible people who all quit after they failed the dps check on mobs a few times. How hard does A5S compare


I tried leveling a summoner and it was the most unfun shit ever. I quit shortly after unlocking Ifrit.
Legion gutted the warlock classes 3 specs but all 3 are still far better to play than summoner.

Any tips for the first boss in PoTD Solo? There doesn't seem to be a lot of time to grind because by the time I'm at the 9th floor there's only 10 minutes left on the clock.

What's the ideal level?

>FF14 or WoW?
There's a difference?

>How hard does A5S compare
All the savage fights other than A8S are very light on DPS checks. They're completely mechanic based so if you're willing to watch a video and do some learning parties there's no reason you can't run it even in your current gear. Maybe your FC will help you out. I know I'm in ZR on Ultros and people would be more than happy to help someone through A5S and the learning stages of A6S.

You just fucking had to didn't you

>Recommending WoW over FFXIV


I dont know man, I kinda like the PLD eso gear, its fucking majestic, what REALLY fucking pisses me off is that every fucking tank set uses a fucking gay ass tiara instead of a helmet, and dont get me started on the eikon male cleveage

Asking here is going to get all the 14-fags out of the woodwork who will live and die for their "kawaii uguu~ desu ne xD" graphics. Legion has faster gameplay and more of an interesting diversity compared to FF14, which basically devolves until getting 20 buttons and being forced to "combo" like it's some kind of number test to see if you can count to 3 every 7.5 seconds.

Kite in circle around edge, use potion after he does the tail flip attack on you (which should be the only hard hitting thing to actually land).

If I did it on a mch, the worst soloing class, anyone can do it. Are you at 0/0 gear upgrades or something?

Now the 30th floor boss though, I don't see how that ones possible as a non healing class. It runs too fast to kite and there's no way potions can outheal the damage constantly being put onto you.

I'm actually a huge fan of how Legion combat only requires me to count to 2. None of this grade 1 math shit that FFXIV requires me to know.
Legion has great combat. It's like league of legends with content droughts.

>mfw 4.0 removes the muh succor localization
>spell names go back to normal
>WoWfugees riot that they don't get what an -ara tier spell is

The dream.

WoW just felt like it lost its touch. Everything I loved in WoW transferred over to ffxiv in a better way.

Its like having your first girlfriend and thinking "nothing will be better than this" then after some time you see its flaws and you realize its time to move on.
Then you get a second girlfriend and you use what you learned from the first girlfriend to make this experience ten times better.

I love raiding with my FC and strangers. I dont care if we wipe a gorrilion times, were making progress? good im proud of you all. We couldnt clear this fight despite hours of attempts? dont care, next week when we fight again, we'll get it down much faster and see how last weeks progress really helped out.

All in all its just the foundation of a good mmo, it has everything for me. Im actually happy when someone else does better than me in my job, perfect motivation for improvement. Im actually addicted to an mmo again, you wouldnt believe the amount of hours I spent in WoW , logged on afk in the main city bored out of my skull. In ffxiv, I log on for the whole day and it just flies by

and dont get me started on bard, holy fuck I love this class. Ive been playing since 1.0 and I havent even leveled another DoW or DoM to 50 yet. With WoW, I would never have a main and would split the classes up to have fun. which is fine but I wanted a strong main.
Its like every time I play as bad im having a great time, I dont care about WM, theyd have to scrap the class completely for me to not like it.

anyways I rambled on too long, tldr I have a huge hardon for this game and I know a lot of mmo vets out there who would love this kind of shit

No MMO's, thanks.

Doesn't Lol release like 4 champs for every 1 DotA 2 hero?

Salty PLD suckc



You ruined everything, user.