Where can I buy cheap games from guys?
Where can I buy cheap games from guys?
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Funcoland twenty years ago
Uh... Is this implied rape?
Nintendo: Better than rape!
cheapgamesfromguys.com, we've got guys in your area WAITING to get you cheap games!
That is a really low quality rape bed.
no it's implied consent.
The best post on Sup Forums I have seen in the last three months
ITT: Virgins who've never seen pretty standard vanilla sex stuff get confused by 10 year old meme.
You guys are missing the point.
/Spoiler I won't post an OP pic this interesting next time /Spoiler
I don't think this webpage even exists.
Pls respond. I want to play Deus Ex.
>all these children shouting 'rape'
what if they were two consenting people about to have some sex and then the guy wanted to play tetris because it's so awesome? facebook sjw bullshit is rotting your brains, friendos.
Wow, you're retarded.
Society in general has sort of equated bondage with rape.
You tie them up so you can go play your gameboy without being disturbed you fucking autismal cunt.
This is what the OP image was about.
Now can I please get an answer to the original question in OP.
Being tied up at the wrists to a bedpost is something I thought most people casually want t do to eachother
Honestly I could be wrong, since I think bondage to some extent has gained more acceptance.
Just seems like it's one of the things on the checklist to show that a character is a sicko freak.
Why does it have to be guys you buy from, you rapist.
A woman wants to portray in hot consensual bondage with you.
You are too busy playing wario blast.
I made an error in grammar. there should be a comma in there.
>Honestly I could be wrong, since I think bondage to some extent has gained more acceptance
Light bondage maybe, the good stuff will stay in the shadows forever. I mean, which is fine, I don't need anyones approval to clamp a battery to my nutsack.
cdkeys seems bretty gud
Good. Submissive women are awful.
I hope this is a joke.
Cool, thank you very very much user.
BTW, what's the diference between this (cdkeys.com
Try G2Play they steam keys too.
who let you out of the shed?
Save the cuck jokes for Sup Forums. Subs make some of the most demanding and creepy women. You have to do THEIR fetish THEIR way or they'll walk out on you for not "satisfying" them as if they're the only one who matters in the relationship.
what were you expecting
Did someone hurt you?
Interesting, figured they'd be less demanding.
Almost did. I wasn't really into it, but I figured I'd give it a try. She pretty much already had the way it'd go set up. This had to happen this way and so forth. I felt like a glorified sex toy.
not sure desu senpai
eBay has good prices for most things
I got bayonetta and nier for 13 bucks each which is way better than what GameStop was selling them for
what if she is into being treated like shit?
>denied orgasm
>being used as fuck toy
>anal without asking.
>forced deepthroat
and others.
I wouldn't be able to oblige her then.
Nvm senpai, I just bought and it's the same thing. They are just had a different name.
I don't think that will work for new games. And if it is cheaper it's going to be like somewhere around $5-$10. and that's not really a saving when taking into account that now I'm no loonger a poorfag and I've finally got a chance to expand my library.