Why is no one talking about this? For a cheap monthly subscription PC gamers can now play PS Now games

Why is no one talking about this? For a cheap monthly subscription PC gamers can now play PS Now games.

>Why is no one talking about this?

because shitposters only had fun talking about it before it was launched.
now that its out, its no fun for them to talk about it.

>streaming games
>renting games
>its like twitch plays pokemon but it's only you

We just don't have the technology to make a lag input free streaming vidya.

It's not worth it for any real gamer. Maybe some casuals will enjoy it but the majority of games hate input lag. This is why OnLive died out. It was fucking retarded of Sony to buy it out and create PS NOW out of it.

Not available in my country. I'd probably only do it for a month or two and just check out the exclusives like Bloodborne and shit.

>>renting games

Thats Steam

it just doesn't feel right on PC...

>playing the last of us at 30fos 720p
>monthly fee
>10 year old games
>90% of the offered games run better on literal toasters


The only people who care about PS Now are PCucks who want to tey and convince themselves that they're getting every PS exclusive

Because outside of like 8 games the selection is absolute garbage, the PS3's ps1&ps2 classics collection is even better than the psnow list and it's not even close

PS Now will be worth a shit in a decade when Google Fiber is everywhere.

Haven't tried it out yet, just started my trial. Is it really that bad? Sounds like the issue is with people who will be far from the main servers and have shite connections

sorry to hear that user. where do you live?

>play for fun
>small monthly fee for unlimited playing. could potentially play it all in a month
>who cares how old a game is? see #2 above
>how'd you find that out without trying it?

or people who just want to play games

$10 for 8 games.

>needs a beastly internet and a monthly fee to play generic games that look and run like crap


>Streaming games
Yes, because that's what i want, even less ownership over the products i buy


It's a small list of games still not worth the sub. I'll admit it will be worth it when they add more games though

>For a cheap monthly subscription PC gamers can now play PS Now games.

I can play all my PC games for a cheap $0 fee!

>no demons souls
what's the point

input lag is noticeable in fast paced games but not for jrpgs and shit.

it's fine though.

and high detail games look bad on my internet probably because it's not fast enough, low detail is fine though(anime games)

You're paying more than you would pay for PSN for a shit-tier streaming service

I agree

>$20 a month isn't cheap.
> No self respecting PC gamer is paying that much money to stream a few last gen exclusives at sub 720p 25fps.

>...but maybe that's just me

I sure as fuck hope so.
