I need a new mouse, only important thing in features I want are five buttons, decent build quality...

I need a new mouse, only important thing in features I want are five buttons, decent build quality, and maybe a decent sensor.

What are some good mice that aren't too overpriced as fuck? Is flawless sensor a meme?

>buying corded mice
>buying some stupid doohickey because you bought a mouse with a cord

Bump I guess

Gaming mice are memes. Just find whatever 5 button optical mouse you can and run with it.

As someone who owns that mouse, I personally love it. Haven't noticed any issues playing games.

Logitech g402

That's the MX518 successor isn't it

geekhack org/index.php?topic=56240.0

i have the 502 but the shape is a bit weird
i've adjusted but it still seems like it's causing more hand discomfort than it should
regret not getting a zowie or (to save money) some steelseries but whatever

my only problem with this mouse is that the scroll wheel feels flimsy as shit and will probably break any day now


it goes MX518 > G4 > G400 > G400S > G402

the 402 has a rubbish hybrid sensor, though, stay away from it

Shitty bait. Enjoy your batteries dying.

I've got the 2013 Deathadder and now it's starting to double click every now and then along with the shitty scroll wheel click playing up

I like the shape and everything but I'm not sure if I want to dab into Razer again

just clean it you greasy fuck

I once fell for the 2002-2009 meme of having a wireless mouse because le future mentality of 00's. Then batteries died while watching some questionable porn then dad walks in. mfw

Right, so that's all I have to do to solve? Alright then

>owned death adder for 4 years
>scroll wheel gave out
>bought tournament mamba
>shame shape, feels nice in the hand
>awful liftoff problems
>dodgy scroll wheel
>shit software
>had to buy a special mousemat for the snowflake sensor

When it's all running smoothly, it's really nice. But that's rarely and a matter of time before it fucks up again, so on balance not great desu

Same here it can still scroll but clicking it doesn't work anymore.

It's a shame Logitech don't make G500s anymore. Probably the best mouse I've ever owned.

Whenever people talk about Razers the conversation is usually "they're okay, they break sometimes but not that often."

That's fucking horrible. A mouse shouldn't just break. A five dollar mouse you picked up at best buy because you spent the rest of your money on crack isn't going to just break. Unless you drop it or throw it at a wall, a mouse is a pretty unfuckupable technology. Any company that produces computer mice that "just kind of give out on ya" even 1 out of every 100 mice is pure garbage. And it only happens with "gaming mice".

Glad to see I'm not the only one who has a liftoff problem with the mamba tournament. I've never in my life had a mouse that causes me to stare at the floor every time I liftoff to readjust. It's a little better now that I bought one of their pads, but I think the mouse has some sort of adaptive training in it because the more I use it the more erratic it gets over a few days, then I go into the calibration and do the "Hold all three buttons to reset mouse" thing and it's fine for another day or so.

>Mouse is hyped up to have a flawless sensor and shit
>Falls apart faster than any mouse that comes with a crappy pre-built PC

It's hard to get a five-button mouse that isn't overpriced shit.

And Sup Forums won't help. People on this board will try to convince you that you need to spend at least $80, and they call that cheap. And then the actual models they recommend are $120 when it's not Black Friday and still have reviews saying the mouse wheel breaks in a month.

rival 100 is us$40
rival 300 is us$60

Are they any good though

> features I want are five buttons, decent build quality, and maybe a decent sensor

Alright then

Steel series has shit build quality and the worst sensors
Buy Logitech or Zowie

DM1 Pro Gaming

Not OP, but I'm thinking about getting that Razer death adder chroma, does anyone here have experience with it?

Are there better mice at the same price or lower that are corded?



It's nice to use, but like what said shit shouldn't get faulty in the first place

You could probably get the Razer Ouroboros Elite for the same price used. I got it last year in November for £50/$66. Pretty fucking surprised it was that cheap.

I've been tempted to buy this mouse, I have a g500 atm, had it for like 3 years and it's finally starting to go ;_;

Don't like the look on their newer stuff

Im gonna get shit for it but I've had my Naga Hex for 3 years now and its been fucking great. I've never owned another Razer product but if this thing I've dies Im going right back for another

Thoughts on the G502?

Is it shit?

Tested it out when I was at a friends house, and I really dislike the shape and looks of the mouse. Too "gamey" for me

I never saw the point of getting a "gaming mouse" and used a $10 Logitech M100 for years. After the last one crapped out I figured what the hell and got a Zowie EC2-A. To my surprise the performance difference was like night and day, especially in FPS. Feels very comfortable as well even in my goofy grip.

Fair enough I guess, I remember that RAT 7 being real flashy and ricer but bothersome to actually use.

Anything that is segmented like the G502 or R.A.T. is typically shit. It's just designed to look mechanical and attract "gamers"

Not to mention it would be a bitch to clean as well.

Get a Deathadder 3.5g from Aliexpress for $25.
>inb4 fake
It's not, you can register the serial number on razers website. I'm pretty happy with mine

I use A4-tech X7 series mouse for the second year since I built my current PC, had A4-tech in the identical shape beforehand. It's cheap as dirt and endures any stress I make it put up with, it has no profile for right handed users which is awesome to me since I'm a lefty. Worth a try and if you don't like it, just use it as a backup mouse, you only spend like 15 bucks top. It has almost no unecessary shit and feels amazing on a fabric mousepad. Really recommend it, I never felt like dropping 60 bucks on a mouse was could be justified when there's so much good stuff for little money on the market. I tried more expensive stuff and really didn't feel it was better. Never looking back.

Had a Mionix Castor for 7 months and then left-clicks began to fail. It's apparently a common issue with their shitty switches.
Will get a Zowie EC2-A next.

I wish Microsoft would still make mice. My WMO was great back in the days. Also: Why did Logitech stop making good mice? The new models are all extremely uncomfortable. They once had perfect size and weight and now it's all gimmicky shit with uncomfortable plastic gaps in the wrong places and stupid button placement.

what the fuck is this

how could they go from the super comfy/simple g500 to this ugly pile of shit

Just get whatever the fuck you want, as someone who owned like 5 gaming mice i can tell you they make jack shit of a difference and they break really easily.

I use the chroma because all the stores near me either sell shitty game mice or cordless bricks that I hate.
The Deathadder chroma is the only one that I didn't hate and it works well enough, just need to make sure I keep breaking them before a year is up to get them to replace it since I heart he break like 1 month after a year.

really depends on what you play

As someone who plays shit like osu!, sc2 and fps games somewhat seriously the difference between good and mediocre mouse is huge

It's like a bread roll

its all the exact same shit
same sensors, same switches, same exorbitant price for ~$15 worth of metal, silicon and plastic

the only brand that is in any way distinct from the rest is zowie, but dont take that as an indicator of quality
youre never going to find a "good" mouse in the current market

Mionix Naos 7000 or Avior 7000.

You're a fucking spaz.

The chroma are fine, it's the regular deathadder that tends to break.
I had two deathadder get broken right clicks and one had a broken wheel.

They ended up just sending me a chroma to replace them.
Worked fine for 2 1/2 years.

OP it depends on what games you play. FPS games generally require very precise sensors, RTS mice need gotta go fast

Deathadder is all-around a pretty good mouse, never saw anyone complaing about it.

Don't buy CM Storm Alcor - the sensor is good, it's just that 400dpi option is supposed to give a white light, but after half a year the light is pink. I dunno why, maybe because 800dpi is red and it got mixed up somewhat. Also the side button registers twice when you click once.

as someone who uses this mouse i can say that its comfortable as fuck while gaming but a bit awkward when your just not