FFXIV has 232K subscribers


Sounds too good to be true, considering the state of HW

Over 5 million active subscribers

Barely 232K active subscribers

Really makes you think.

The 5 Million number isnt active subs.

It is now that Legion is out.

>People have been in the same robot raid for a year and a half now.
>People rip on WoD for having no raid content
Really makes you think.

That's actually genuinely impressive.

I dunno man, At least FF14 spits out new content every 3 months. That's way better than WoW ever was.

They should just make an F2P version already and rake in the dough from all the cosmetics.

Terrible fucking game, worse playing community.
Anyone who plays this gear treadmill game seriously and enjoys it is an irredeemable faggot.

If they can stay profitable at these numbers there's no reason to. Plus you can get the base game for a tenner. And FFXI is still entirely sub so they don't really have a reason to.

Yeah, welfare raid gear packages so that lazy people can finally fight the same inside of a robot. At least WoD had a different raid tier in that time.

Pretty much the estimate I gave in past FFXIV threads (I actually estimated 250-300k). But FFXIV defenders always claimed it had 700k or even a million.

No matter, FFXIV still has enough players to make a profit. But its certainly not the WoW killer. And all the more reason we should have gotten Dragon Quest X as well.

That's a pretty good number I'd say. I never see too many people on, though. Maybe it's the fact that I'm on Malboro

>9 million accounts
>230k active subscribers

Holy shit, the game is dead as fuck.

I've always maintained that the only game that would ever kill WoW, is WoW. And it seems I was right.

it was roughly 500k at the start of HW mind you
that's half subs they lost

I'm wondering how the numbers change on each content patch

I'm honestly amazed they were able to recover from 1.0

I personally walked away and never looked back

See: You and 9 million other people also walked away.

Any sane person came to that conclusion years ago. At least as long as people keep churning out WoW clones. A clone will never kill what its copying. Only something drastically different can. We see this in TV, movies and other game genres all the time.

The only way to 'kill' WoW is to come out with a new MMO that completely changes the genre. But no one is doing that. Even Tree of Savior gave in and made a linear world with crappy quests when MMOs desperately need open worlds and free roaming like old RO.

desu probably about 6 million of those are inactive/banned bots

I'm sure someone has the pic, but it shows the amount of people who complete certain MSQ or something like that

>Even Tree of Savior gave in and made a linear world with crappy quests when MMOs desperately need open worlds and free roaming like old RO.

The most revolutionary MMO will be the one that actually has more than 10 NPCs in any village/town/city. Oh and it'd be nice to see NPCs walking in the world and doing shit.

It gets worse. After Heavensward launched, independent MMO sites did some data mining and found over 93% of people actively subbed haven't even gotten to the end game. So of the 230k people on right now, probably only 20k are actively raiding and crafting.

What's keeping FFXIV alive is that somehow, its still gaining 50-100k new people joining each month, while the same number of people are leaving. But since most of those are playing on a free trial basis, its only a matter of time until it starts eating into the profit base.

You're going to kill me for saying this but what you're describing is MOBAs. In particular LoL. In a few years when its player base is all old and jaded like us they're going to be having this exact same conversation.

f2p mmos aren't even worth playing dont be stupid


he's talking about mmos not mobas you retard

Is there a figure for 9 million accounts?
Last I remember reading was 2.5 million and that was 2 years ago maybe, I remember some user was trying to argue that it meant the game had 2.5 million subscribers

The most revolutionary MMO would be one which did what an MMO should. Open exploration, world PvP, coop gameplay, non NPC/story based questing, higher EXP rates and etc. There's really no excuse when MMOs did this in the early days. MMO development budgets have increased by a factor of 1000, but removed most of the gameplay as a result.

MMO is the one genre that shouldn't focus on set story events, since the whole purpose of an MMO is to keep people playing. Yet its become the focus of the genre. And that just leads people to rush through the story in a month, then quit. MMOs are more single player focused than single player RPGs!

I play alot of Runescape. Played this for a little bit and the game just turned out to be grinding for better gear seemed stupid so i stopped.

>more active potatoes than hyur elezen and roe
>less people leveled marauder than drk or glad

Isn't that the same portion as WoW at any given time? Lie only 10% make it to end content. It's because a lot of people play solo and in that kind of MMO you're only going to have the motivation to get to the end-game if you're playing with others.
I'm not at end game and probably never will be, it's my comfy MMo where I go and craft, swtich job for something different, leave for a few months til the mood takes me again and do the same. They get my money either way.

active players = active characters?
not the same thing

I'm not describing a MOBA but what an MMO should be.

I actually agree with you that MOBAs are a large part of the reason MMOs are losing players. But its mostly just the people who want coop gameplay and raiding. A MOBA is all the cooperation and planning of a raid, but in short 30-45 minute bursts. Instead of having to go through a 100 hour single player story and then do a handful of dungeon runs.

All the more reason MMOs need something more than just end game raiding to stand out.

I quit once I hit the top gear (at the time) and realized every patch is just going to be doing raids for more top gear to do more raids with retards that don't know how to do raids.

Crafting was fun though, pretty comfy to do while watching something on my second monitor.

>leave for a few months til the mood takes me again and do the same. They get my money either way.

Playing the game for one month then taking a 6 month break means they have failed to keep you playing. While old MMOs like SWG or RO had people subscribing for literally years straight. Somehow, grinding on monsters and chatting in town on a bare bones chat box kept people more engaged than playing a story and not talking to anyone.

At this rate Yoshia may end up adding the leveling up potion for NA shitters.

I think "All players" means characters created, which does not equal active/unactive accoutnts

Oh yeah, I agree with you. I'm just saying that they probably remain profitable by offering just that. And in the end, as sad as it is, a game is successful or a failure by whether or not it's profitable.

I actually agree with you that MOBAs are a large part of the reason MMOs are losing players. But its mostly just the people who want coop gameplay and raiding. A MOBA is all the cooperation and planning of a raid, but in short 30-45 minute bursts. Instead of having to go through a 100 hour single player story and then do a handful of dungeon runs.

Maybe I should give this MOBA genre a try. Seems fun.

Its only fun if you play with a dedicated team. Playing a MOBA with random people is the worst thing the internet has ever made possible.

Well fuck me I guess.

>Neat stats

Catgirls run FFXIV among active players with an Iron Fist, Lizard F a shocking 2nd place

Famfrit is bot central, makes sense considering how many people I have on my blist.

Grand Company representation is virtually equal, why would anyone ever intentionally join the Maleshit?

>Any reference to "Active" players, refers to players who have the wind-up aymeric minion from the 3.3 story

That's bullshit. I played World of Warcraft for years and barely touched endgame because I just liked leveling characters.

There are tons of endgame raiders who don't give a fuck about the main story and only do what's necessary to unlock the new raid tier.

There is no way that "completing the main story in the current patch" is an accurate estimation of "active players".

I'm too scared to play MOBAs for the same reason I'm too scared to do anything but DPS in MMOs.

>worst thing the internet has ever made possible
that award goes to Ranked Overwatch atm, I had a way better time playing ranked in LoL and DOTA2 with randoms senpai

in FFXIV you have to complete the main story to unlock the highest endgame boss

You do realize Overwatch can be considered a MOBA in part.

It's a MOBA-FPS.

Why do that when they can milk you dry with a monthly sub and cash shop?

I think you actually have to complete the main story to unlock any end game raids. Not to mention your final class skill (and a few entire classes).

Yes it is

However it is also old

WoD likely tanked them even further but Blizzard isn't publicily stating raw sub numbers anymore so 5.6M or whatever it was is the last actual number we have

They have said that 3.9 million Demon Hunters have been created (You need Legion to make them) meaning Legion has likely sold 3.5-4.5 million copies (Some people wouldn't have made DH's, others would have made two, It's a rough estimation either way), which is on par with other expansions.

They also said that "concurrent players is the highest It's been in years". Take that however you will. I doubt Blizzard will ever release sub numbers again unless they're extremely healthy.

The weird thing about FFXIV is that the Cash Shop/Moogle Shop sucks fucking dick. I actually want to buy some cool fucking armor for my dude because I have money to spend. But nope, there's like 5 clothes I can buy for my dude and they're all ugly swimwear/FFXIII clothes.

Hasn't the Cash Shop been out for years now? Why the fuck haven't they added more shit to it? There's barely any armor you can buy.

to unlock Alexander and most of the EX primals you just have to finish Heavensward, just Nidhogg Ex is locked behind the additional story

>Being this retarded

Sup Forums will believe literally anything without even doing a cursory fact check.

It clearly says right there that it's 232K players ***WHO HAVE COMPLETED ALL THE MAIN STORY CONTENT AS OF THE MOST RECENT PATCH***

The FF14 main story is fucking 250 hours long if played at a normal, leisurely pace. Only a fraction of the players have actually completed it.

I guarantee that the actual subscriber count is double that number around patch time, ie. every third month.

No you don't. You only have to complete the HW story. The census ONLY counts players who have completed all the patches as well.

I believe finishing the 3.0 main story was necessary to unlock Gordias (and is the fasted way to level to endgame regardless), but I don't believe 3.1-3.3 were necessary for Midas.

Which if I'm not full of shit, (but briefly looking through the wiki seems to suggest I'm right) means players who don't care about the story could have stopped at 3.1, and thus wouldn't be counted in this census.

Except the site tells you that figure is only people who have completed the entire story.

cash shop is just for people who missed out on the seasonal events, the most popular items is far away the Minfilla and the Heavensward Y'Shota outfits.

all the other popular glamour armors are locked behind subscription rewards

>The FF14 main story is fucking 250 hours long if played at a normal, leisurely pace. Only a fraction of the players have actually completed it.

More like 100 hours but sure go ahead and exaggerate.

That being said, 232K is still a really big number. WoW just throws off people's sense of proportion.

And as people in this thread have pointed out, you need to complete the story to get to the 'end game'.

And if people stop playing before finishing the main story, why should they even be counted as a subscribed player? That means they quit in less than a month.

The cash shop in FFXIV sells items and clothing from seasonal events that people missed, and replicas of gear that important NPCs wear.

They don't just put "random cool looking armor up" which is a good thing because fuck that.

>at a leisurely pace
He's not exaggerating at all.
No you don't and no it doesn't. Acting retarded isn't going to convince anyone of your position.

>That being said, 232K is still a really big number.
Its not really when you realize F2P games like Old Republic have similar numbers. And EVE has even more.

let them have their wow killer.

>Acting retarded isn't going to convince anyone of your position.
Then why do you keep acting that way?

>232K is still a really big number
it really isnt.

but you wouldn't be able to do expert roulette if you stopped at 3.1

>F2P games have similar numbers.

Yes they do. Because they're free.

232k people paying a monthly fee is way more than 232k people maybe buying a gear set a couple times a year.

Restored my faith in humanity.

We've been in our current raid tier for ~6 months, and the next one comes out in 3 weeks. Raids in FFXIV are different from WoW raids because bosses are continually added to it instead of it being a separate dungeon. The way you described makes it sound like we have had content in 1.5 years, which is simply untrue.

Level 1-50 alone is 100 hours if you don't rush it. Then there's about 50 hours of patches, and 100 more hours of HW+patches.

And if you take the time to do optional dungeons and raids along the way and consider the time spent waiting for DF you can double that playtime.

Acting defensive isn't going to convince anyone either.

>buying a gear set a couple times a year.
make it a month, thats why the cash shops of f2p games update new shit every 2 weeks or so. Is more profitable and paying user end up giving more money than regular suscriptions.

>232k people paying a monthly fee is way more than 232k people maybe buying a gear set a couple times a year.
Do you have numbers for this? If that was the case, I think most of those games would have remained on a subscription base. While games like EVE are going free to play.

I don't have numbers myself. But most MMO developers (and MOBA and FPS) are saying that they make more money with a cash shop than subscriptions. And even sub based MMOs are adding costumes and junk. Its not that farfetched when 10 million people will spend $20 on a fucking horse in WoW.

"Any reference to "Active" players, refers to players who have the wind-up aymeric minion from the 3.3 story"

There is a large number of players who aren't completely caught up on the story, especially new players who get distracted leveling alt jobs.

How much does SE pay you? I too want to have a comfy chinese anime board markerting job.

You're replying to two different people, kill yourself.

You guys seem to forget that FFXIV has a cash shop now too for cosmetics from old seasonal events, which means even more money for SE.

This isn't your safe space. Fuck off.

the game has been going for long enough to have most of the user finishing the main story. 200k is pretty low and doubt the new players actually stay for more than a month.

The cash shop has nothing in it compared to most games and being just old items from past events wont get anyone but only new users who most likely wont pay that after paying already the fee.

I only have 200 hours on the game. And that was completing the story with both WHM and BRD and quitting at level 30 of PLD. I didn't do any end game content (except Triple Triad), but its a pretty good gauge that you can do the whole main story in under 100 hours.

>3 yokai weapons left
>the grind has kicked into full gear

The 2nd mount is shit but my austism demands I obtain it

>You guys seem to forget that FFXIV has a cash shop now
Except I cited that in my post...

It also has cosmetic outfits and mounts that aren't obtainable in-game at all. Whenever a new one comes out, everyone on my server is using it the moment servers come back up from maintenance.

your experience doesnt transalte to most normal players

Uh, no, because the story keeps getting longer for every patch? The majority of players who aren't hardcore about the game haven't finished the entire story. I have several friends who play the game on and off who haven't completed the story.

Not to mention the thousands of players who haven't bought the expansion but are playing the base game.

>being surprised the subscriber numbers are down when the most recent actual content patch was like 3 months ago with little to do since then other than a handful of seasonal events for a shitty outfit

>tfw hate FFXIV combat but love absolutely everything else
>tfw love WoW combat but have absolutely everything else

4 hours everyday for WoW, 8 hours everyday for FFXIV.

Sure you can, but most people take the time to smell the roses along the way and don't just skip through text and ignore optional stuff.

> I have several friends who play the game on and off who haven't completed the story.

and i have friends who gave up after the first month.The majority of players that once enetered already left.
This is a MMO is expected to not have a high player count like most would want specially on these time and age.

More subs than ff15 sales

Most players really ignore optional stuff specially if they dont have a meaning for the end game.
Also the dialoge and test is not that long unless you have reading problems.

Gladiator is the tank that WoWfugees flock to because they think it's the tankiest tank (even thought that's actually WAR because lolbalance)

Dark Knight is the tank that edgy kids and people who want to tank but don't want to play the two most braindead jobs in the game play.

WAR is used pretty much exclusively by tryhards who value numbers more than playing the game.

Fite me kid

I read every single thing in the story in my first playthrough. Even made people wait in dungeons while I watched the cutscenes. But for my second character, I skipped all the repeating events aside from the 7-8 unique class events.

And that's more than most people do.

Think about it

This game is profitable with that few active accounts.

Does anyone really believe the developers are putting serious work into new content?