Which control scheme do you play Sup Forums? Which is superior?

Which control scheme do you play Sup Forums? Which is superior?

>standard y
>invert x

Normal. When I press/move up I want the camera to match that direction. I can understand those controls for vehicles, but even then I prefer to just move the direction and for the game to match it.

I invert everything and play with my feet

how do you explain looking left and right with this method?

southpaw master race reporting in

whoever made that image is probably autistic

probably prefers motion controls to button inputs too

I fucking hate when game flips vertical but not horizontal because my brain is capable of switching directions to opposite but not only half of directions to opposite

It's the same

Can you explain how retarded you are?

If inverted controls are so intuitive, how come people have to make all these shitty diagrams just so people can make sense of them?


I actually got into games through flight sims (in which obvious you pull back on the stick to pitch up) so I always assumed I could deal with inverted Y.

I can't. FPS controls just make more sense when the direction of the mouse is the direction of movement. you're NOT flying a plane, you're controlling a person. and when a person looks up, his face turns up.

are we seriously not going to talk about how soft that mans head is.

I always assumed people who did completely asinine shit like use inverted aiming, and then went out of their way to explain it like an autist, were absolutely garbage at shooters

I mean I would bet a lot of money that OP struggles to maintain a 1.0 KDR in any game where he has to point a gun at other players for a length of time to make them die

If you invert Y because of that then you're a retard unless you also invert X (or don't invert it if you're left-handed).

if i push the mouse up my view looks up and if i pull my mouse back my view looks down

i'm not autistic enough to draw an entire comic about my preferred control scheme

no it's not, x axis would be inverted.

inverted only makes sense if you are playing a flying game

Inverted Y on pad, normal on mouse.

if it takes you 6 paragraphs and an entire comic to explain why your control scheme makes sense, it doesn't.

up = up
down = down

fuck off inverted faggots

I know lmao

I fucking destroyed him

To me, I don't think of it as controlling my head, but rather looking at a point in front of me.
If I want to look at a point to the left, right, above or below, I move my vision to that point. This in turn means I move my mouse/analog stick in the direction I want to turn. The only exception is in flight sims, & then only to reflect how it's controlled in real life.
Your control scheme a shit.

OP'S image is bait. Even a retard can tell that this logic doesn't work for X axis movement.

I play inverted but I don't need a cringe-inducing diagram to justify it. Game controls are arbitrary; there's no actual sense in mapping "move real hand forward" to "tilt imaginary head upward" except that we see "forward" as "up" when we look down at the desk which makes the control scheme more intuitive when you play a game for the very first time ever. After that, the controls you learn become automatic reflexes and you don't stop to consider whether it makes sense to map a particular hand movement to an imaginary movement of an entirely different body part. You just do it.

Stupid thread.

>push stick up
>camera looks up
>push stick down
>camera looks down

>this triggers the autist for some reason

The mouse doesn't really go up and down unless your mouse pad is vertical.

I play inverted on PC because I played inverted on consoles because some of my favorite console games during the period in which I developed my control preferences were inverted by default. I think Star Fox was one of them.

It doesn't make games any harder to play. I just get to laugh when people try to play games on my PC when they say "ohh omg what the fuck why are you inverted"

This only makes sense on analog sticks, which tilt like a person's head and neck would. Trying to apply this logic on a mouse, which only translates along a two-dimensional plane, is abject piffle.

Goddammit user, y-axis , your vertical. Not x-axis , horizontal.How retard you want to be ?


I have these kind of pictures, I'm controlling a character, not riding a goddamn plane, if I want to look up I move up, if I want to look down I look down, by that logic I'd have to invert the vertical axis too

Not that user but the point is, why have this retarded explanation that you need a poorly drawn diagram for, when it all falls apart halfway through?

So you invert the y-axis, and the creepy hand-on-head demonstration makes sense. But for x-axis, a.k.a. left and right...you don't invert it? According to OP's pic, it should also be inverted.

You faggots with your queer control schemes need to commit to it, don't go inverted for the first half than regular for the second half.

I'm glad you can be bothered to explain. I assumed one or more of them were trolling.


>i invert Y axis because of this dumb reasoning
>but i dont invert X axis even though according to my dumb reasoning it should be inverted too

How does it fall apart for horizontal movement? Are you retarded?

Can you explain how turning the head to the left means the X-axis should be inverted?

>People actually uses Invert Mouselook

Haha, nice meme, Right, guys...?

Put your hand on the back of your head. Now push it to the left.

I play inverted. I don't have a good reason it's just what I've always preferred. Don't understand why people that don't always get so triggered about it.

shouldn't by that logic the character's head lean left and right if you move mouse sideways?

Just don't pretend it's superior or logical, because it's neither of those things. It's fine if you continue using it out of habit, but it makes no sense.

I use a controller

Why did someone take the original idea and make this comic with unnecessary words?

Doesn't anyone have the original picture?


I'm not sure why, but like two years ago I switched to inverted y when playing third person games, I have no idea why but non inverted feels so weird

You always use that excuse but 99% of you guys won't invert x even though by that logic you should

stop baiting.
It has gone on long enough.

I like immersion, so unless I need to control an airplane or a boat I use non inverted schemes. I'm the character, not a very soft hand.

Oh yeah? Do you also invert the X-axis, aspie? Because it sure as fuck should work the same way for you.

Inverted literally only makes sense for flying controls because its supposed to emulate the yoke. Everything else is special snowflake retardation

You are all fucking retarded.
It does not matter if x is inverted, it would cause the head to roll, not turn, according to op.
Since you do not roll in an fps, inverted y is for people with two digit IQs

>invert y-mouselook

People do this?
I thought this invert y debate was only for controllers.
btw I have inverted y-axis on controllers

how about you use normal controls instead you fucking faggot

you use your fingers to turn the front of the head. X-axis stays un-inverted.
are you high or something?

standard for 1st person, inverted for 3rd.

so do you invert side movement to match?
how much brain damage do you have to have to use inverted controls at all?
how do we fix these inverted barbarians?

I just play not inverted cause that's how I started playing games.

When you move the mouse left and right, the motion comes mostly from your elbow, which is a rotational motion.

>actually turning the retarded "OP's diagram doesn't imply inverted X axis" bait meme into a semi-coherent argument


OP is a fag

I just play with default settings inverted or not

The only logical sense of aiming in first person is to think of the aiming reticle as a cursor that you are moving around, and in that context Y-axis inversion doesn't make sense.

Ok so inverted is for 3rd person (controlling the camera), normal is for 1st person (controlling the gaze/gun sights). If you feel like your hand is on the back of the head of the character when in first person, there's probably something wrong with you psychologically.


>The mouse doesn't really go up and down unless your mouse pad is vertical.
It does on the desktop and every application with a mouse cursor.

In an FPS the crosshair is your cursor.

>I'm the character, not a very soft hand.

Right, but the crosshair in such a game is usually locked to the center of the screen, so it's not quite the same.

Anyway, that's nitpicking. You're not wrong about non-inverted FPS controls being intuitive and logical. For some reason, though, I have no problem going from normal desktop cursor control to inverted FPS control.

>something wrong

It's called autism, and whoever drew that picture has it.

I still play inverted though.

Inverted in flight sims normal everywhere else

you tear his goddamm head off

anybody who thinks differently is a fag
