Why do they treat augs as a bad thing?

Why do they treat augs as a bad thing?
I mean who doesn't want to punch through walls?

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There was that one time where 90% of the augmented population went beserk and killed millions of people.

Because muh thinly-veiled allegory for racism and second-class citizenship.

This seems like a really odd allegory considering that it's the augs being marginalized

Dunno about Deus Ex, but in real life it would boil down to the job market.
Augmented people would do most jobs better and more efficiently than non-augmented people. But augs cost a lot of money, so poor people who can't afford augs don't get to work, and end up fucked.

poorfags be salty

Remember that side quest you do for Tong's bartender where if you listen to the woman's reasons for what she did it amounts to her "peers" used their money and augs to make all her hard work completely pointless? Imagine your whole life, you're told that you can make it if you just work hard enough, you sacrifice everything to achieve your dream, to get the career you always wanted. Then some fucking rich kid pays, what to him is nothing, and gets enhanced to a level that makes it so you could never hope to compete with him. All your hard work, was for nothing. All your sacrifices, meaningless.


because people who don't have augs are probably

1) too poor, making them jealous of people with augs


2) retarded zealots who think its a perversion

anyone who thinks they're cool and can afford them probably has them already, so that just leaves aug haters in the normal pop

Eyo das racis to bring dat shit up man

In HR it was about purity. They felt as if augmented people were sullying their body. Also, naturals felt as if augmented people believed that they were better than them. Augmented people were also taking over the job market.
In MD 70% of augs killed millions of people, both natural and augmented. People are completely unaware of what caused it, many believe that it was some sort of glitch that caused them to go wild. They think that it can happen again at any time. The fact that there are augmented terrorists only worsens the relationship between augs and naturals.

Then you should have put your hard work into getting rich and buying the aug you faggot.

The character in question did acquire said aug, which she had to do by making a deal with The Harvesters. The way her chosen field was set up, she pretty much had to get auged just to maintain parity. Even after she still resented the shit out of everyone else in the field, for resorting to what she considered cheating, and as such, forcing her to do the same just so that all her years of schooling weren't for nothing.

mechanical augs are a bad thing, because you have to remove body parts in order to use them. nano augs are ideal, and augmentation should remain in an experimental phase until they can achieve that.

Watch GATTACA. Same idea even if it's not augmentation.

ey mane dat wuznt our falt n shit.

>I mean who doesn't want to punch through walls?
People who make walls for a living

and this

The owner of the wall.
exactly, but the funny thing is, that already happens with education.

>People who make walls for a living
Wrong, more work.

>People who make walls for a living
What? They would gain the most out of it

Many factors. It may be based on religious beliefs, paranoia or simply not wanting to lose parts of your body to "enhance it". We're already aware these days of how many things are out of our control, so it wouldn't be surprising to find many people in the future rejecting these.

And also what happened in the game though. #Killallclanks

>Then you should have put your hard work into getting rich and buying the aug you faggot.
You sound like a legit child.
Being rich is the outcome, not the process.
If the process allready requires the outcome you are aiming for you are always at a disadvantage.

incorrect. if more people were able to punch through walls, they would have more work and more money

Ignoring the "Aug Incident", I think requiring a drug that's controlled by jew companies is a pretty big reason to not get augmented. Sure it's fucking neat to have robot limbs or whatever, but once you're unable to get nopoz, your shit is fucked and next thing you know you'll be giving robot handjobs to get your next fix.

>finish repairing wall
>tell boss i will go on lunch
>come back
>boss wants me in his office
>asks me why haven't i started on the wall
>takes me to go see the wall
>it's broken
>he fires me

I still can imagine things like "oh you wanna work here? you have to get this aug because your human body wouldn't be able to support it" and incentivizing this kind of thing by offering it for a low price or even free of charge. I think many people would fall for that kind of crap or be like "aw hell, I need to work, my body is pretty shitty and I don't want to spend a whole year or two getting ripped and eating stupid supplements".


That's actually in the game. Panchea was built almost exclusively by augmented workers and the augments were offered as part of the hiring on bonus

>not waiting for superior nano-augmentation

Adam Jensen is several billion dollars worth of military and experimental grade augments covering almost the entirety of his body and a genetic freak who doesn't require anti-rejection drugs

The average aug has nothing like that. No dumpster throwing arms, no super jumping legs, no x-ray eyes. Nada. They get one or two augs on a payment plan that help them do their job better, at best.

Augs are pushing normal unaugmented people out of jobs that they would've normally had; that woman in Hengsha that you have to collect loan payments from basically says that if you don't have an expensive neural aug your chances of being hired for a decently paying white collar job are basically nill.

just think about all the people who are against sexbots

>Why do they treat augs as a bad thing?
Same reason people treat steroids as a bad thing. It's like cheating.
Sure, some people need them for medical reasons but most people don't.

I don't get it why so many people in deus ex are missing limbs. I can understand getting some subtle augs, but there is literally no reason to chop off your limbs if they were working fine. It's like this game is taking place after MGR and all people were Raiden's victims.

Why would rich people get auguments for physical labor?

They're not missing limbs, they're nearly all voluntary amputees

They were sold the idea of betterment and self improvement with the latest trend at very reasonable prices while ignoring what it actually means to remove a limb and take medication regularly

Well, in that case they are even more stupid than the game's writer(s) and deserve whatever happens to them.

You can't really compare the kind of augs Jensen gets to what normal people gets. But it's still superior to flesh

But I'm 23 now, not in 2052

>sure implant that kill switch into my brain
>I'm sure you will never use it

Ayo ogz dindu nuffin

>I don't want to spend a whole year or two getting ripped
>only 2 years
>doesn't want to lift
What are you a fag

>no qt ai gf wanting your throbbing aug dick
why live

Why didn't Hugh Darrow use a exoskeleton leg brace like Chikane? It would probably make him less butthurt.

I guess that poor people can still sell their bodies to get augs into a modern form of indebted servitude. Full-fill your contract, or you have to return the new mechanical parts even the ones vital to you. That's how you get augmented construction workers.

Because he was the Father of Augmentation and one of the tiny number of people who couldn't use them. The leg wasn't the issue at all, it was watching everyone else in the world get to use all this amazing technology he'd been the driving force behind while he couldn't even get a bog standard, off the shelf replacement limb, something he'd perfected years ago

First of all, there are robots for manual labour which would never revolt, there's no need for augmented humans. Secondly, the brain is still poorly understood, so there aren't many ways you can upgrade it, if at all, which, again, makes it questionable whether someone packing heavy augmentations can end up more desirable for a job position that doesn't involve manual labour based solely on that.
Augmentations are more of an expensive toy for grownups (unless we talk about people with disabilities, that is). It's merely a byproduct of many scientific researches, like a bone tossed to a dog. It's also a way to fund said researches. The real advancements are being made away from commoner's eyes, and it's certainly isn't aimed at making people run faster, jump higher or press 1000 lbs with a single arm. This would be a waste of time, for the real power of human comes from his brain.


In HR they're resentful towards augs because it's impossible for normal workers to compete with them but a potential death sentence to get augmented as well, it's a thinly veiled allegory addressing contemporary globalization, social mobility and the disruptive influence of migrant workers.

In MD augs collectively murdered millions of people on a single day.

Fuck meatbags. They are obsolete. The future belongs to Helios.

Surrender, Homo sapiens! You are no longer the king of nature! You've been dethroned! No, you don't have to die instantly, nobody will insist on that. Crawl a little more in agony, choking on your own excrement... But know this, Homo sapiens: you are obsolete!

I wanna become a super sayan.

I don't. Wall are expensive.

I'm actually pissed that they killed off Talos so early.

He was the only character in the game who seemed somewhat interesting and had some conviction about him.

Everyone else was just a boring cardboard cut out.

This is the future you choose.

Because punching through walls has little practical value outside millitary use, of course people will dislike augs as they're basically living weapons and the event showed how dangerous they can be when they snap.

Now if they were closer to GITS with big improvements to brain power and basically an internet connection in your brain, that's something you could actually use in your daily life.

This'd be pretty cool actually.

The weird thing about the DX universe, at least in the Adam Jensen arc, is that there's barely any advancement in the way people perceive information and communicate with each other across the web.

All everyone seems to be concerned with is DUDE AUGS LAMO and nothing else.

dey gud boys, dey gettin deys life togetha

As compared to an illegit child?

It's in one of the XP books, Darrow envisions a future where humans have radios in their brains so they can communicate with what amounts to telepathy but it's not done yet

The closest you see in the game is the project they're working on in Missing Link

>Why do they treat augs as a bad thing
because the illuminati controlled the media and after changing their plans they began pushing anti-aug as the mainstream attitude. simple as that. they reevaluated the risks of having a mostly aug'd society and decided it would be detrimental to their NWO scheme


Also, aside of Jensen with his unique DNA, augs are permanently dependents on neuropozyne.

>The Aug problem will be solved by forcefully conscripting every Aug into the army given the endless supply of of wars, plagues, famines, and all kind of disasters that happens one after the other just 1 year after Mankind Divided.

why don't they just make augs look like human flesh? it's like they went out of their way to make robotic arms and legs as inhuman looking as possible when ideally you'd want to at least make them flesh colored

But Jensen already has that technology. It is standard among military cyborgs.

Talos' hands are flesh colored

Augs design doesen't make sense in HR-MD. With such a combat capability Jensen should look worse than Gunther.

You do see some that looks more human like. Like that Russian doctor from HR, who gets killed and Tong gets his arm. It's flesh coloured and more natural looking.

I'm guessing most people who get augs in the game did it for the status of the thing, so they want to show them off. Then by MD, they havent got the option to go for more natural looking ones to blend in, cos fuck-all people deal in augs anymore.

They diny nuffing

So much of any person's success is down to pure luck, though, that it makes no sense to resent someone for getting dealt a better hand than you.
What about some dude with some sort of defect or illness that limits his ability to compete in some game or sport, but he works hard at it anyway because he loves it so much, and you just leave him in the dust with no effort.

All because you were lucky enough to not be born with defective genes, all his hard work, sacrifices, nothing, should he resent you?
Augs could even allow him to compete on a level playing field with you, who knows?

Proper telepathy, not Jensen's telecoms package which is basically CODEC

hey yo, dem police were follwing dem man, dindu nuffin

Do their prosthetics actually feel things like a normal limb?

I get that they have some degree of sensation, otherwise Jensen would break everything he holds, cos he cant gauge pressure properly and shit, but could he feel things like a normal person does?

I don't know, all those physical enhancements could be good for soldiers at least.

Why do augs look better and more advanced in the prequel than in the games that take place in the future?

Because videogame graphics are more advanced than when the original came out

because it's been a year without being able to regularly service them since the whole industry dropped out

They operate through a direct brain interface, so it's conceivable.

Hard work rarely entitles you to outright success. I mean in the real world it just doesn't translate into an equal amount of reward or benefits... ever.

If you have a passion for something and like doing it, that's more than enough to make a fulfilling life rather than just blaming whoever happens to have an unfair advantage. The augs shit is just another materialistic aspect of society barring allowing cripples to do things they've always wanted to do.

No I mean augmented people (with the exception of JC) look like fucked up cyborg abortions in Deus Ex yet everyone is all sleek and normal looking in the prequels.

in MD they call augs handzels or some shit. what does that mean?

I spose, but then the limb itself would have to be able to perceive the same level of sensation as a normal limb.

Would be the worst to get a limb that gives you more power and even speed, but is gimped in terms of sensation.

Would rather keep my own arm or leg in that case.

Hanzer, derived from enhancer.


A bastardisation of the word "enhancer", which is p. much what a person thinks they're doing to their body when they get augmented


Poorfags in denial of the advantages Rich people have.

Because you don't want someone else with the power to punch through YOUR walls

but most augs are poor construction workers senpai

How much more advanced are Anna and Gunther compared to Jensen?

Mechincal aug involving physical appearance too, they must make it very appealing, thus very aesthetic and future looking. Nano aug, meanwhiles all about functionality and since it work at nano scale, physical appearance is waste of time.

Eyo we dindu nuffin we wuz good bois

>money is a skill

So just like real life

It's Hanzer, they used it in HR.

it's short for Enhancer, or Enhanced. It's a slur against Augs.

His answer still applies? I mean design wise yeah everything is much more sleek and post-modern looking. But given that the year 2000 was filled with a lot of random ideas of what the future would look like without any real consideration for believable aesthetics it's just the same problem with the Star Wars prequels having sleeker looking droids because artist's got more thoughtful on how to portray tech.

>Why do they treat augs as a bad thing?

>Never ending cycle of making augs more extreme
>Aug'd person is a threat to civilians since they can be controlled
>Dependent on drugs to deal with the pain of augs
>Aug users are wolves in sheep's clothing, doing dick things like punching holes in walls for no reason other than wanting to punch holes in walls

All aug users get sent to the gas camps. The handful of good aug users doesn't belie all of them.

>tfw you're waifu is not real even in the game
why did they make her even qter in DM...

probably not at all, Sarif literally dumped millions to Jensen, even if his tech is old it was ahead of its time and he could take much more better shit

>not wanting to be an electronic old man

Will Anna and Gunther be the final boss of Jensen's story?

Dammit user, i just want to cuddle her all.night

not by much