Someone redpill me on this guy

someone redpill me on this guy

kill yourself


Fuck off.




>The Susan Boyle of video games

...What did he mean by this?

He is unable to say "no" in an interview

What DID he mean by this?

Isn't Susan Boyle a complete bitch or something?

He didn't clarify in interviews or did press releases on dropped features in the game. That's it.

Stuff gets dropped all the time from initial demo to full game, but they fucked up on communicating that.

They fucked up on communicating that because they dropped the entire game.

Just more self-wanking.

Susan Boyle was some modest literally who with a hidden talent, whereas Sean was just some manipulative douchebag.

i dont get it, the game looks like what it was promised to be

>didn't clarify

He was lying through his teeth about nonexistent features after they had already wrapped production.

an ugly nobody who got bloated to fame for a few minutes but undeniably became worse of a person because of it.

like always, that's giving himself too much credit

susan boyle was able to show her worth, unlike this douchenozzle

Molyneux 2: Nu Male Boogaloo.

dont compare me to this monster

The difference is that Molyneux actually put out a few good titles once upon a time.

Sean is gonna drop off into complete obscurity in about two weeks ago.

>dude I sold my house to make first person Spore! LMAO!

I'd argue that Milo is worse than anything Sean did.

If only he'd described it as having a shared universe, rather than real multiplayer.

Then the fools who bought into his BS wouldn't have had their flights of retarded fancy.

Sean has done literally nothing of value in his entire career. He didn't have any goodwill to piss away, he just faceplanted out of the gate.

He could have just made a good game out of it, regardless of that topic.

never trust the irish

molyneux defined an entire genre within the medium and produced a bunch of true classics during his career

this chucklefuck has done nothing of worth

he's rich now tho

I doubt that.


>not knowing how developer contracts work

flavor of the month

Got rich by lying, exposed how much you could get away with in game industry.

You can literally promise the stars and make pre-rendered wish fulfillment trailer as long as you write "the shown footage doesn't represent actual gameplay" at the beginning.

He has a heavenly smile.

thats not all you dont know lol


fuck off, moly has never lied, only hyped and been overzealous about his ambitions

he's in a separate category from todd and sean, who are both knowing liars and have advertised features not in the game, released demos that don't describe the game accurately etc etc

what does pol have to do with sean murray

mmmaybe :)


hes jewish

hitler was right

Still no new posts on twitter from him

He's more like Le AI man


How did Naughty Dog get away with The Last of Us' AI? What we got in the game was nothing like what was shown...