>only game this year to deliver on all its promise
How did Blizzard manage GOTY so early on in the year?
>only game this year to deliver on all its promise
How did Blizzard manage GOTY so early on in the year?
Lack of competition.
They kept it simple.
No outlandish promises or huge expectations, just a fun game.
I want to marry Tracer!
Even if you don't like the game this is one thing you can admit they did. People got what they wanted and sadly these days not being lied to is rare in the industry.
I get the cosmetic issue, sure that might be lying can't argue that, but gameplay wise it was everything people could have hoped for. If you didn't like the game then odds are you weren't interested when it was hyped up anyway.
>Blizzard tries to force OW as a big competitive game
>does everything possible to lower the skill ceiling
>promised no paywalls
>paywall on very first event
probably thanks to your shit taste
op confirmed for shit taste
>>only game this year to deliver on all its promise
That isn't AM2R, though.
Didn't they already break one of their promises with summer loot crates?
>m-muh metroid remake dmca'd by nintendo
>early on in the year
It released almost half-way through though
I don't see what you mean. I've been able to participate in every event and haven't dropped anything on the game beyond the initial $40.
Or are you talking about lootboxes, which provide nothing but cosmetics? Because those are not paywalls. They do not stop you from playing comp or from obtaining lootboxes after every ~5 games.
>people cries about that
For big releases it was pretty early
Summer exclusive paid content. They specifically said you could buy all content with in game currency. Don't pretend like you didn't know what he was about, you're above this.
they never lied through the roof
metroid is trash, did nothing innovative when it was around and has been dead for 30 years
grow up autist
>promise a good competitive scene
>get cheaters
>half the cast being unviable
>shitty as seasons instead of just patching the game normally
>deliver on all its promise
Funny, I don't recall the other 70% of the game which was supposed to be an MMO come out....
All we got was a retooled version of a PvP mode from a grander game.
I don't know what you mean. The Summer Crates guaranteed items from the Summer set, but you could get those items in Loot Boxes gained from leveling up. I've never bought a box and I got some good sprays and that AmeriCree skin.
Sure, cosmetics aren't game changing but It's not what they're locking, it's that they said from the very start that nothing would require additional payments.
They said from the very start that coins would be able to buy everything. People spent a lot of money because they were told coins would be a saftey net for future content. That fact that blizzard went back on this on their very first event says a lot.
The best games have never been the most innovative, retarded hipster.
It's a fun enough casual game, but as something competitive, it's a joke. Laughable hitboxes, mediocre or worse maps, god awful hero balance, and the lowest skill floor/ceilings I think I've ever seen in a competitive game. Shit, CoD takes more skill.
my what now
i went up about 50-60 levels during the event. not being able to buy the items wasn't that big of a problem. it's being guaranteed a single item and having that item be a duplicate 80% of the time. They put in 100 items half are just shit sprays and emblems, they could've been more lenient with earning it considering how often duplicates were handed out here.
>You can buy everything with boxes, and coins earned from boxes
>actually you can't buy these things with coins, fuck you :^)
>post yfw you fell for the Overwatch meme
Great waifus.
It hurts. I played it for less than 100 hours.
They originally said that everything could be bought with loot coins. Then they released the summer games items which couldn't be bought with loot coins.
Even worse when the summer games item isn't guaranteed not to be a dupe.
Why does it have to be this expensive though?
Not to even mention how it invalidates the whole event. You couldn't work towards the one reward you wanted, you just had to gamble for it.
>sitting on 3000 coins
>new event!
>btw you can't buy these item with coins fuck you
>new patch
>only new skin was reinhardt's
well fuck you
Worst of all is that you can't get those items if you didn't manage to get them within the event time.
>trying to turn a casual pick-up-and-play shooter into an esport
It's not a matter of promise, they're just dumb about managing it.
Pretty great for casual fun, when i want competitive i play fucking quake instead of being an angry sperg with unrealistic expectations.
A paywall keeps the bronies and South American poorfags away.
No shit, Widowmaker looks like she was sculpted by a spiteful god just to make me die from having a nonstop boner. Everything from the accent to the fucking way she walks. It's a good thing the game isn't third person or I'd never get shit done.
what is tf2
>competitive is just another Quick Play with tryhards
Wut? What do bronies have to do with it? Would they really be swamping the game if it was free?
They swamp all free games, along with furshits.
D44M delivered on all promises.
Granted they didn't promise much.
She walks with her hips as the center of gravity which makes my dick angry
>GOTY means simply delivering what was promised
Where did the world go so wrong?
Let me guess, you pick Hanzo then get defensive when someone asks you to switch because there's no healer, then complain about your team when you lose.
no I don't
Reading about the new Call of Duty Infinite Warfare reveals why Overwatch is so good: Overwatch is not complicated or unnecessarily pumped with features. Its so annoying if you have to modify your character 80% of the time just to be competitive (like in CoD). In Overwatch you just choose a class and begin.
Play with the game in french for the maximum Widowmaker experience, she has the same VA as in the English translation.
But it delivered on its promises and then more, before the DMCA claim shut down future development. Just because you don't like the series doesn't make that fact not true.
And then pick a different hero because more than half the cast, including an entire class of characters, is garbage.
Reminder that Widowmaker is actually pure, and she'll be once again once they get rid of the brainwash.
>not wanting D.Va gaming and eating dewritos
Why are you such a cringer dude?
But brainwashing is my fetish
N++ delivered all of its promises
but then again not a lot of people play it.
Fuck that, I like her yandere. I bet she'd help you rape an actual pure girl (like Pharah) if she got to join in.
You're cringing me so hard right now
I bet.
pick meeeee....I have mech..
Their biggest misstep was teasing Sombra this early because now people are impatient
It's ''you are making me cringe so hard'', Vladimir.
>its already a thing
holy shit everyone hit the floor, my boner has attained its final form
But Mei has big ass titties.
They've spent too long on this Sombra shit.
You're a fucking cringe jesus christ oh my god
Delusional blizzdrone.
Overwatch is actual trash, a majority of the character designs are shit, epecially Tracer. The game is repetitive and boring.
The competitive mode is trash and they some how made season 2 worse than season 1.
The list goes on. I regret ever buying this trash
José not Vladimir
Vladimir would say "Stop my friend, you are becoming the cringeful"
>some how made season 2 worse than season 1.
What is it when someone defending overwatch they get called blizzdrone? Everyone i know that plays overwatch thinks that this is the only good blizzard game,
>they buffed Zenyatta and added a new map
>just in time for my friends to all stop giving a shit about the game
I'm sure glad I didn't buy it myself.
anyone need some support?!
Tracer's one of few character designs that are mostly alright, save her underwhelming and uncharacteristic ultimate.
With so many characters with terribly disproportionate hitboxes and weak characters, I'm surprised you'd single out Tracer.
>low skill ceiling
I see this being thrown around everywhere...on this site.
Have you even played the game for more than a few hours on multiple heros? They all take some varying degree of skill. No two heros are the same, and skills for each one differ. Stop having a shit point of view
At least post the webm.
its because even nintentoddlers can see how casualized and trash this game is
this game is basically just polish+pandering with no content to back it up
Well Overwatch isn't a competitive game.
Well, they released an FPS game with 10 tick servers. Blizzard knows the only people who play this trash are casual as fuck CoD tier shitheads.
But Zenyatta got a much needed nerf this patch?
Not enough art of this thicc thigh brown beauty.
All the delicious brown juice is being spent on Pharah. There's none left over for Symmetra.
>Shit gameplay revolving around à retarded rock-paper-scisors balance
>No theme coherence whatsoever, retarded skins making this garage game look like what it really is: another mobage
>No """"""""""toxicity""""""""" allowed because somehow ggez is now something inacceptable to say
>No server browser combined with shit matchmaking
>Has the replayability of an arcade title
>Abismal hitboxes
>Press Q to win
>Homing weapons
Nice goat you got here faggot
And for good reason.
All I ever wanted is for him to have more health, he seems to have got it. That was the important part.
Yeah, I play it a lot. I also compete at a fairly high level in the FGC, so I see there's nothing comparatively particularly high skill intensive in the game.
You can learn everything about any character in one day. The game's so slow and has such large hitboxes that aiming is easy. Maps are linear enough and so focused on chokepoints that positioning isn't too hard. The biggest factor in wins is team comp and the resource management on ults.
Compared to fighting games, where you need to know timing to a 1/60 of a second.
reminder that symmetra is literally autistic
>Compared to fighting games, where you need to know timing to a 1/60 of a second.
Competitive video games for children and black people aren't anything special, Tyrone.
Overwatch isn't a competitive game though still, not really defending it.
Autism is cute when it's high functioning and an attractive female.
>You will never get USA McCree
anyone got that webm of torjborn watching widows arse as she snipes?
Does anyone play me? Just asking?
Know which one you are saying, but I dont have it.
There must be moar.
Excellent rebuttal. Damage successfully controlled.
I have an autistic friend, and I seriously doubt that shit gets any more bearable with cuteness. I still wanna my face in her curryshoot tho.
One of my favorites, especially if I have an aggressive team. Hate seeing her on the enemy team though because I know my dim af team is going to blast her shields up.
>I have an autistic friend
Where is she on the spectrum? I did specify high functioning, IE what used to just get you called shy.
Bang!! Ever play against a whole team of me's? Let me tell you, some people do this, and it sucks....big time!!
>Excellent rebuttal.
Telling you competitive fighting game players are like bottom of the barrel of video game players alongside professional Mario Kart isn't so much an argument but a fact.
>Damage successfully controlled.
No, we both agree Overwatch is casual as fuck, the difference is, you think playing shitty fighting games is credentials for anything.
Nobody takes that shit seriously even for people who actually make money off it, let alone losers who are nobody like you.