Last video game you played or bought
Last video game you played or bought
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God Eater Resurrection
Its pretty gud
Fuuuuck, I don't even remember ;_;
Probably cave story on psp about two weeks ago.
Shoot me.
Enter the gungeon
battlefront 2
Worth every goddamn cent.
Played EDF 2025 on inferno, last few missions
Is this shit even possible to complete i have no idea how I'm going to beat the last mission with all the lasers flying everywhere
>no Moga
I'm still mad.
I don't know that feel man cause my first was P3rd.
Tabletop Simulator.
>want to fuck around and try out different tabletops
>the few friends that do own TTS never want to fucking play it
I host battletech games for me and my friends. If you're interested you could add me.
absolute drift, breddy comfy but can be frustrating
Late night Alien: Isolation.
Super Mario RPG on Wii U
Surprisingly challenging game. A kind of bullet-hell meets metroidvania mix.
仮面ライダーバトライドウォー2. It's sugoi, but damn survival's busting my balls.
Does it have eurobeat soundtrack?
>video games
lmao you're at wrong place kid
>Last video game you played or bought+ 0 post omitted.
Last one I bought was EDF 4.1: Shadow Of New Despair
Absolutely loving every minute of it - hadn't had this much pure joy with dumb, simple shooting since Serious Sam 3. I'm absolutely stumped that there aren't ever any threads or debates about it, and there weren't even on it's release.
Last game I played however was the last Anno (2250?). I pirated it because I had an itch for a slow-paced building and management sim and I was wondering if it's worth the purchase.
Something about it rubbed me off the wrong way from the first moment. The impossibility to restart missions pissed me off in particular. Played for about an hour and something, then uninstalled.
nah it has lots of calm music, but you can turn the music off and play your own eurobeat
Played: Super Mario Bros. 3
Bought: Oh god, I don't even remember. I think NFS Undercover, almost a decade ago.
starsector for both
Dirty Bomb
Quake Live
Played: Prison Architect
Bought: Sierra Classics Humble Bundle ($1 tier)
just bought a strike vector ex. Looks fun. gonna try to use my hotas with it.
Calm down Danny, the time will come.
Exanima, the latest update made everything 3 times better
The dollar tier bundle with Lethal League in it.
>buying quake live
Me too. I have no idea what I'm doing though, I just hit the monsters until they die.
Well said friend.
You really showed me the error of my ways.
Just wait until you realize it's the video game equivalent an anime filler arc story.
Dark Cloud
Played: Planetside 2
Bought: Deus Ex Mankind Divided
DOOM 4 on nightmare
Played: a skyrim so modded it's no longer skyrim
Bought: Borderlands pre sequel
Second Sight third playthrough, I love it.
That's me, fucking hell, the funny thing is a friend of mine bought it on a whim, did we ever play it? No, does he call me to play that or anything, nope.
Tabletop simulator, does what it says, seriously too, hard to find players, ah.
Kill yourself retard.
Memeropa Universalis 4
Neptunia Rebirth 2
>Doom 4 UV is harder than Doom 1 UV
>Doom 4 Nightmare is easier than Doom 1 Nightmare
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and Madden NFL '17 (bought on the same day)