weather system in battlefield 1 is client side, not server based. Massive balancing issue.
>top kek
Battlefield 1 Fail
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that explains alot
>client side not on ps4
>client side
Why would they do that? Isn't that obviously unbalanced?
Un-fucking-believable. No wonder I keep getting sniped in impossible situations.
>stealing post from reddit
wow Sup Forums really is the 9gag of Sup Forums
That aside, that sandstorm looks friggin' amazing. Can anyone post other webms of weather effects?
>Playing with my friends
>"This storm is out of control already?!"
>I see clear sky
This fucking game. Storm really effects snipers and its fucking client side?
your argument is invalid
what's worse is I thought the sandstorm affected everyone so I'd run in the open assuming no one can see me. I seriously thought I was pulling some sneaky shit
>Doesn't know beta these days means release
I bet you these bugs are going to be present on day one.
>I-it'll be fixed!
Suck DICE cock harder, then maybe.
OH WOW that's fucking embarassing I feel so bad for you just kidding man
This don't seems like something they will fix before launch.
It is too deep in the engine for that.
>I seriously thought I was pulling some sneaky shit
same here until I got sniped deep within the sandstorm. After that I just decided to stay near buildings
That's it, I'm not even going to buy this garbage anymore. Just stick with BF4, it will still have a lot of players after the release
muh beta
>mfw I didn't even bother downloading the beta
That is pretty shit.
The fact that it's clientside is fucking irrelevant, the issue is simply the fact that the server apparently doesn't have anything in place to sync the weather on the clients.
Weather effects webm thread?
It can't be that hard.
>server tells everyone playing to start a sandstorm
>server tells everyone playing to stop the sandstorm
You can't change things from local to server side at this state of developement
How come they didn't shoot at each other earlier? To prove that the video is not fake? Or are they playing on controllers?
Maybe it has to do with prestanda. Otherwise, yes
They're on the same team, user.
Who's going to break it to the shill that any game dev will tell you that betas are 98-99% done games?
Yes they could, but as it's been implemented they probably had a good reason not to
>browsing reddit
How would you know otherwise. You don't belong in this world.
>inb4 they fix this by removing weather completely
I still don't understand why the fuck did they stuff a fucking nignog in the cover of a WORLD WAR ONE game.
I understand that some tumblr landwhale would edit the cover to look like that to fight "da evil patriarchy".
But a million dollar company? The only explanation is that common people ACTUALLY THINK this is okay. I wonder how long it will take that schools will start """teaching""" that most soldiers in WW1 were black.
>he's still mad about this
Jesus christ user it's been like almost a year or something
Calm down it's just Swedish devs being Swedish.
>caring about a cover
>digital download
>can change cover of game on Origin through options
why are you still mad about this again?
It being client side doesn't really matter if it is, the fact it doesn't work for all clients is the issue.
t. /r/gaming
>play beta for the first time
>entire team spawns in with no guns
>enemy team has guns and kills us all
>leave and find a new match
>same shit
He'll just complain about the black people in-game next.
>DLC weather effects
Will they try this? Does anyone have the balls to take DLC down this direction?
but muh slippery slope
You faggot ass piece of shit, bf4 is the worst bf game to date. If you play and support that casual garbage I urge you to go tucking hang yourself and let the McDonald's spill out of your stomach while I cut you open and finger my shitty ass hole as I come screaming your great grandma's name
Why do you even care?
How would you know without browsing reddit?
If you hate reddit so much why are you so fixated on everything that is ever posted there?
This is on the same level as the people that yell "barnyfag" everywhere.
it's not clientside, literally just played with 4 of my friends and we all experienced it at the same time .
I am not that guy but I am not ok with that too.
>the amount of time passed but the issue is still the same
I can't understand that retardness. Like, why would someone STOP being mad over the issue which is not addressed? Are you fucking retarded?
I will stop being mad when they fucking remove it, ok?
America and all its minorities gotta be represented in every game no matter the period or place, user.
>supporting games that are completely broken on launch
>supporting games that didn't get fixed for more than half a year
>supporting games that thought they didn't have to fixed those problems before release
No user, you are the cancer.
Its not a bug its a feature, turklings have adapted to sandstorms
Well that explains why the fuck I was getting sniped across the fucking map when there was a sandstorm
That is the meme
because the majority of people don't see it as an issue? And it's never going to be addressed or changed?
It's been the same cover since it's first revealed. It's not going to be changed. It's never going to be changed. Get the fuck over it and devote some energy to something you might actually have a chance of changing. Fuck.
>true romans (turks) are white like mohammad
Well it's a stupid meme.
its not even that big of a problem. Its just a main character from the game, just like previous ones. If you care that much about who was on a cover of a game, you would have voiced your opinion about the main character being on front of a case years ago.
How could they not have synced this with the server? It's not complicated, just send a digit now and then representing what weather should be on.
Talk about rushed game
the best feeling
>people with and without the weather DLC are still grouped together
>people without the weather DLC have an advantage because they don't see the sandstorms
the biggest issue is the pathetically small number of classes, should be 5-7 instead of 4+vehicle&cavalry.
(there should be a dedicated 'rifleman' class and 'anti-tank class')
In all honesty that's probably all it'll take, and for whatever reason it wasn't in the beta build.
Fuck it could be as simple as changing a 0 to a 1 on the server side of things.
Yeah, assault being the only real "anti tank" guy is pretty shit.
I won't be surprise if Health and ammunition are stored client side.
can't you just turn it off with some little traffic interception if it's client side though?
>I will stop being mad when they fucking remove it
They never will, because nobody is mad about it outside of a few people. I've legitimately only heard this complaint on Sup Forums, and half of you probably don't even BUY games so who the fuck cares? If a black guy on the cover is enough to prevent someone from buying the game, then they probably weren't going to buy it in the first place.
fake as fuck
support has anti tank grenades as well, and you can restock pretty quickly. Even though it takes around 3-4 to destroy a vehicle, it helps alot.
>there should be 5-7 instead of 4+vehicle&cavalry.
>4 classes
>vehicle class makes 5
>cavalry kit makes 6
>3 special kits on battlefield makes 9
Then you would be dropped from the server because the information doesn't sync up. Unless they store shit on the client side which the server then queries from the user instead of the server storing the info.
BF4 has many maps with fully functionning weather effects for everyone (including sandstorm)
How could they fuck up so bad?
>Because the majority of people don't see it as an issue
>It's right because most people think so
I don't have any problem with the cover or the character but are you literally retarded
>EA and DICE will announce that BF1 has gone GOLD in 3 weeks
Frankly there's about a dozen things I'm madder about in BF1. Like hipfiring a fucking Hotchkiss.
BF4 looks better than BF1
prove me wrong
Looks the same to me. At least in a technical point of view, the maps of BF4 were better designed, with more variety.
The map of the BF1 beta is dull as fuck.
>This thing absolutely must change
>even though nobody else has a problem with it
>wtf why don't they change this?
You're in the group that hates it
I'm in the group that has no problem with it.
Yeah no shit I'm gonna agree with them.
I know I'm not gonna change your mind on it though. Just please shut the fuck up. You yelling about "muh historical accuracy" in an arcadey multiplayer shooter is annoying.
Its a bug, but its happened to me and a friend one.
Definitely not client side.
the "muh historical accuracy" is horseshit anyways because there were black soldiers fighting on the western front, so the idea that the cover simply cannot have a black person on it is pure retardation.
>like 75% of the soldiers in BF1 are niggers
>"historical accuracy doesn't matter"
>cast a light skin brown guy as an egyptian in a movie
>it is too deep in the engine for that.
Thanks Mr sure seem to know what you're talking about
If it is server side then it can be easily fixed with the trigger.
If it is client side then it can be a lot harder to fix.
How about the biplane with an anti tank gun?
>like 75% of the soldiers in BF1 are niggers
>Source: My ass
whether you like it or not, black soldiers fought in Europe during WW1.
For someone who hates black people you sure do seem to see a lot of black people where they aren't.
Also shut the fuck up it's not getting changed. You're wasting your energy.
Are you seriously trying to defend yourself by referencing "Gods of Egypt"?
Please, you know the game has way too many niggers in it to ever come off as WW1 to anybody looking at the people fighting.
If you showed screenshots to someone who didn't know anything about BF1 they'd assume it was like the Zulu war except we pretend that the Zulus had the same tech.
I really hope the dude complaining about the cover a of a video game in this thread is trolling. Jesus fuck, find something productive to do with your life.
In the German side, black soldiers fought only in Africa though. Not in Europe like in BF1.
Yeah, like 200 of them. For the US and France, not fucking Germany.
Yup you sure proved to me that 75% of the characters in this game are black with these cherrypicked screenshots of 15 people in a video game that randomly generates characters yup you sure told me
>4 people out of 5 choose sniper (only class with nigger) on purpose
>hurr durrr 75% of the game is nigger thoughhhh
I don't know about Germany, but some nations took colonial troops with distinguished service in Africa and brought them to fight in Europe
Also the British used a shitload of Indian soldiers to deal with the Ottomans.
Remove air vehicles
Give us an urban map like Strike at Karkand
There, Battlefield 1 beta fixed
130€, have you payed your toll already you idiots? Pic related, it's you.
"I care about what my character looks like in this FIRST PERSON SHOOTER"
>Turks are whiter then Brits
based kek
Ive heard people talk about the storm as it was happening though.
Shitposters trying to discredit the game? yeah I think so