What do the blue ring monitors do?
What do the blue ring monitors do?
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It's from Knuckles Chaotix. It groups your rings into clusters of giant ones for easier recovery when you get hit. It stacks with a shield too.
I'm legit more hyped for this than any major release that's come up in years. I feel like a kid waiting for Sonic 3 again
this game looks rad but holy shit I still dont understand how video game journalists can be so bad at games.
Its like i'm watching a 5 year old play its infuriating.
Who's dick did taxman have to suck off for him to be allowed to make his own game?
I don't think it's a case of being bad this time, it looks like he's deliberately trying to explore the levels in this video.
>Going lower down in the level makes the background transition to look like a cave
>Same demo
So going low takes you to the cave, like Ice Cap Act 2.
I hope they don't reveal too many stages before the game comes out, I'd prefer to be surprised
>that giant ring mesh hidden underground
Special Stage entry ala 3&K? I assume if you had 50 rings it would open up.
People have reported that in the demo it doesn't open no matter how many rings you have. Don't know how it will function in the full game
Nah, some guy reached it with 50 rings and it was still a wireframe. They're just not in that demo build.
I would prefer if it was 50 rings + find the secret as opposed to just finding it. I liked how Sonic 2's special stages required you to route through the level for rings instead of just heading to the secret
Some of the new animations look weird to me, almost as if they are too smooth if such a thing is possible.
> (No Commentary)
I thought I'd never say but: polygon did it right at least once
1) Sonic Mania will sell 2 million copies
2) Sega will give Taxman and Stealth a large team so they can develop more 2D sonic games
3) Eventually the team will make 3D games as well
Also: Demo for us to play when????????
Sonic 1 and 2 HD PC port when??????
I'd love to see some Tails and Knuckles gameplay footage rather than new stages.
Since Sonic Advance 1 every Sonic game is a "return to the series roots".
Let's see how they will soil it this time.
I don't quite understand the scope of Sonic Mania.
I know it will include new levels, obviously, but is it going to include the entirety of Sonic 1-3&K?
Or is it going to be just a selection of old/new stuff?
I remember years ago seeing Stealth wish on social media that he could work on a "classic sonic" franchise that would run parallel to Sonic Team's games. Glad his wish came true
I'm hoping that they utilise lots of different types of special stages. It'd be nice for checkpoints to activate special stages at 25 rings, end of stage to have special stages if you have 50 rings and then also having the hidden rings for other special stages. They could each serve different functions like how in 3&K you have special stages for lives and items at the checkpoints and then the hidden rings as well.
I'm just hoping it's not all blue sphere because I find that really boring.
By actually making a good game for once.
Selection of old and new. Personally I'm not a big fan of the decision to bring in "remixed" older stages, but if I get some CD content I'll be happy.
The physics are perfect and the level design is at least as good as Sonic 1, they'd have to come up with some really bad levels to fuck up the game
>late night
But it's noon in an hour
>I'm just hoping it's not all blue sphere because I find that really boring.
I'd rather have that then remix the fucking Sonic 2 halfpipe stage again
The 50 ring system in 1 and 2 sucks. It means getting hit once usually fucks you over on a chance for a special stage. The Sonic 3 system was perfect. The only requirement was being explorative and some special rings in 3K were very well hidden.
I want the CD UFOs myself.
I'd like to see all the special stages from Sonic 1-3 return in some form.
But it also lessens replay value because you always know what route to take to get the special rings after you discover them the first time. Sonic 2's system gives you incentive to go multiple ways though the level looking for rings and returning to a checkpoint, rather than just moving forward like you usually do.
And you should be good enough not to get hit if you're going for the emeralds anyway
How was the Advance series a return to the roots? It came out just as the series was starting its 3D life, there was no need to return to its roots. The Advance series was completely new and it was just continuing the 2D games on handhelds.
The only game that actively tried to return Sonic to its roots was Sonic 4 so I don't know why you're acting like they've done this 10 times.
These two zones alone look fun
he is just trolling he has no idea and never played Sonic advance
He's probably referring to the fact that every Sonic game since like Heroes has been advertised by PR as "Sonic is going back to his roots!" That exact phrase
>lessens replay value
False. Like I said, a lot of Special Rings were really well hidden so every time you play the game, you can find new rings in acts you've never found them in before. I still don't know where every ring in the game is.
Also here's the thing. The Special Stage itself is still a challenge. You can fail it and get kicked out. Having a 50 ring requirement on top of that chance of failure is just annoying. There shouldn't be two different stipulations for getting an Emerald.
the only way to get emeralds in Sonic 2 is by playing the iOS android because it fixes the camera
I still can't do it.
I guess maybe I've just played Sonic 3&K so much that I find it too easy now.
Serious queestion
how did you know there was a gameplay with no commentary? do you follow Polygon on twitter?
Yes. And Advance was marketed towards those who wanted more "classic Sonic" after the Adventure games.
well it's hard and since there is no save state in iOs and android
but you won't miss anything if you don't collect them
I'm pretty sure I had all the emeralds in sonic 3 after having only played each level a maximum of 3 times.
I have yet to complete Sonic 1 or Sonic 2 with all emeralds due to the nature of the way special stages are accessed.
the problem is the super emeralds in sonic 3
it's near impossible to complete the blue sphere stages
Also Sonic Mania is being developed by a group of 5 people
Could someone make a gif of dancing Eggman?
>it's near impossible to complete the blue sphere stages
They're just as easy to get as the Chaos Emeralds. In fact blue sphere is the easiest of the classic special stages.
Here you go.
These are the same people who say sonic was never good
>guy keeps going back to the left for some ass retarded reason
I get that he is probably trying to show the watchers shit but its triggering the living fuck out of my autism
>underground cave area in green hill
You are spending too much time in Sup Forums
Is that a bad thing though? It shows that Sonic 3 and Knuckles lets you get straight to the Emerald challenge, no extra bullshit required. It was nice and kept the game's flow going. It's not always best to have extra difficulty just for difficulty's sake. Needing 50 rings just adds a lot of problems such as having to play more slowly, or backtracking to checkpoints in Sonic 2. The only thing you need in Sonic 3 is skill at Blue Spheres, it was a straight up improvement.
>GHZ miniboss isn't invincible when spikes are on and even flashing invincibility lets you damage it
Huh, that makes it a lot easier.
someone here went to PAX? will they release a demo of Sonic Mania this year?
its not my fault the guy playing it is bad at sonic
fucker keeps jumping into into shit and getting knocked around without purpose and randomly walking left in green hill zone
>Sonic breaking that window
I didn't expect that
Very nice touch
I love the Studiopolis music so much. I can't wait to play this game.
It's good how they've nailed the music so well. Sounds very classic Sonic.
>guy knew it's the same demo we've already seen people play so he's going out of his way to find other areas we may not have seen yet in the levels
I'm surprised how many dead ends there are in Studiopolis.
It has me a bit worried.
I'm noticing a lot of ceiling half pipes and a lot of flinging Sonic around when going with the flow in Green Hill and more so in Studiopolis. Most of the players fight against it and don't complete the paths though.
They're pushing the physics more than the classic games and its looking really good. Just contrast it with Sonic 4's level design and its night and day with what is possible when your physics aren't awful.
Unlike Chaotix it looks like it doesn't create one big ring but instead a bunch of medium sized rings that grant you 20 a piece. Also the rings fade out now instead of blinking out. Neat.
Some of it is showing things off some of it is just him being retarded. He finally figures out the drop dash and then uses it a grand total of 1 time. At least he was starting to realize if you jump on slopes you go really high.
Is the super peel-out in this game?
at least I could get decent footage of this now
now I just need a good gif/webm of it
No, but sonic gets the peel-out animation if he goes fast enough.
>not a big fan of the decision to bring in "remixed" older stages
Blame Sega for that. If this game does fine, they'll let them make a whole game of their own for sure.
I never understood why you'd want to peel out over spin dash anyways
>spin dash
>go fast
>break shit
>peel out
>go fast
>die when you hit something
perhaps you can teach me how to crop?
This one isn't made by Sonic Team.
There's better footage of it at 9:57 where the player makes sonic stare up at the screen for a good while so it stays in place.
daily reminder the last trend is to say this:
''Sonic CD is the only good sonic game''
It looks cool and I have autism.
The peel out is faster at the cost of being vulnerable unless you roll right after.
I don't think it's that big of a deal though since the spin dash is still pretty fast but it's always nice to have options.
Sonic fans are actually hyped over a sonic 1 rehash that brings nothing new to the table? Why?
Because it's not a rehash and it does bring new things to the table, so fuck off.
Baiting too hard, man. Level it up some. You can do better.
You want this shit any faster, fag?
>sega resorting to copying capcom's strategy of making classic-style games years after their franchise jumped the shark
Tell me then. The green hill zone gameplay looked exactly like sonic the hedgehog. What makes this not a rehash?
Because sonic games that brought new stuff to the table have been awful since the dreamcast games, and the classic experience has been pretty much abandoned since sonic 3 & knuckles.
Its not like we can be even remotely tired of classic sonic games with such a hiatus.
SUP BITCHES. It’s Chad Warden here. Aight, I’m talking bout that, God of War Triple. The God of War Triple I ain’t talking bout that Sonic. That blue blur? Shiiiit. Shit people p-people be talkin’ bout how it was all, new, and shit, but you know what I’m tryin to say? I’m tryin to say, is that…c’mon know, the failhog? C’mon, that tails baby that looks like his boyfriend. Aight, I ain’t trying to play my games with boyfriend. Aight, maybe if the game is like, y’know, Revenge of Shinobi, shove-it-up-yo-own-ass game, yeah I dunno, I dunno if there’s any ninja where you know, you have to shove it up yo ass. But…c’mon now, Sonic? People trying to say that the, the Nintendo copied the sega …I don’ give a fuck. Shit, shit the dreamcast, you know what they should copy? They should copy how to get good games. They should copy how to get good games from the PS3. Heh errybody knows, is that PS3 make the best games, knaw I mean nigga? I mean, c’mon, you got lil’ games I mean you got dreamshit what, what you got, sonic adventure where you walk around with a lil’ bitch, and his lil’ bitch-ass boyfriend, and lil’ spin, and he’s goin “HEH! HEH! HEH!” C’mon, who wants to play that shit? I needa shoot some niggas.
Are you blind?
if you noticed it stops being a 1:1 re-creation after 15 seconds
I expect that they did Green Hill Zone like that on purpose. To set the tone that here's the level as you remember them, but they're all not going to be this straight forward.
Like, imagine if Act 2 was different looking all together, or even had a new boss.
can you improve to 30 or 60 frames?
dont (((you))) mean nintenjew?
You guys would love how it worked in Sonic Advance 2
You had to find all seven hidden rings in a single stage in one life just to unlock the special stage. Add to this the fact that the stages were huge, had tons of different paths and most of them had multiple points of no return.
I bet only like one out of a hundred players actually got all seven in that game. Much less with every character...
>All of act one is a mixup of act 1 and 2 from the original and then some
>the new cave area
>new mini boss
>general gameplay additions like the drop dash and bringing back the S3 shields
Pls go shitposter-kun
It's a 4 frame loop. You don't need it to be lengthened, it'd look exactly the same.
He had to give in and make remastered levels for them to okay it.
Doesn't have to be a 1:1 recreation to be a rehash.
Okay so it really is just these tiny changes and levels. Literally just a fan mod
I think what he means is that it flickers rapidly to give it the projector impression
What if we actually get the planned desert level or final boss that was intended for the CD rerelease?
If that makes you happy then sure?
at first i felt like i had a problem with this game and i couldn't figure out why
then i realized i wasn't used to seeing 2d sonic go at 60fps
Whoa there, check this trippy shit.
Is there a chance this runs 1080/60fps on ps4?
I'm trying to do that now.
Why does it matter its not revolutionary to the formula in any way if we don't get any games like it anyway?
I mean, who cares? You, who clearly arent the target of it?
thanks for the seizure
>This looks exactly the same
Except it isn't.
>Oh so it's a fan mod
Mate it's too early in the morning for goal post moving and shitty mental gymnastics.
The game is being developed by 4 people
they have done better than Mighty No 9 and with less money and less people
Also in just 1,5 year
Not the only good, but clearly the best