can you help me to fill the "?" bubble?
Hello user can you help me with this puzzle?
That's too many...
Zelda, Smash, Forza and Gears are not exclusive. Star Citizen is a scam.
Persona 5, FFXV, FFXII Zodiac Age, Nioh, WoFF, Nier, DQ11 Death Stranding and Spiderman are all practically confirmed for PC releases.
>Star Citizen is a scam
Hahaha! Memes xxDDD!!
How much did you donate, user?
This delusion.
Like this?
>Uncharted 4
>Uncharted 4
Its jut that good, m8.
I love when they come to Sup Forums to try to shill some support and rope in more idiots. Even if it's a good game it's going to fail regardless because PC gamers only make up a fraction of the market. Then out of that only a ridiculously tiny percentage have the necessary specs to actually run the game, then only a fraction of those want the game at all, and an even smaller portion will actually buy it instead of pirating.
Shit, Sony wins again!
Sadly this is very true
Persona V, you meant Nier right? A petition isn't going to change their tune on this.
>anything but dotka
do you even last hit bra ?
I love my PS4, but you put multiplats and remasters in that list. Also Uncharted 4 twice.
The green stuff on the top of his hands always bothered me in this picture. If it weren't for that this picture would be perfect.
Since when?
Seriously, tell me!
Automata is not exclusive
>Vita ports
>company multiplats
>General shit
Does it have anything fun?