Thinking of buying Strike Suit Zero, which version should I go for: original or Director's Edition? I hear the latter has some technical issues but those reviews are fairly outdated and I don't know if they've sorted out, but it has all the DLC so I don't know.
Thinking of buying Strike Suit Zero, which version should I go for: original or Director's Edition...
Get the original. DLC isn't worth it, and the graphical upgrade isn't either.
Although I would just skip both and get Strike Suit Infinity. It ditches the cringeworthy story and turns it into an almost arcadey space shooter where you last as long as possible.
directors cut looks worse somehow
you get both versions if you buy it though, at least i did on gog
the game is pretty average honestly and infinity has everything you really want anyway
Disregard Zero and get Infinity.
Get Strike Suit Infinite. The shitty escort missions and shit in Zero ruins it. Infinite just has slaughter missions and it's so much better
So basically, don't get either and go for Infinity instead?
Yep. Infinity cuts all the shit and turns it into an amazing arcade game. Just be sure to put more than two hours before deciding it's boring like a lot of people do because there's a lot more to the mechanics than what you'll think during your first few runs.
Okay, I might pick up Zero from GOG at a later date just in case I feel like more content.
zero's story is actually not that bad, as a scifi fan I enjoyed it.
Can you remind me what the story was? I played the game but I barely remember. I think at the end the colonies are winning HARD so the AI came up with a plan where she rules the world so you had to pick between siding with Not Karan S'Jet and leaving humanity's fate to an AI or letting the humans sort shit out themselves. Or something like that.
dude, OP hasn't played the game yet...
Yes, that's why I didn't ask OP but the guy who played it.
But OP (me) is still lurking you drongo
I already looked up a plot synopsis to be honest, it's fine senpai
So stop reading at the part where it says this happens at the end of the goddam game, you mong.
Check the spoiler tag, it's okay
>'just don't read the part with the spoiler, what's the big deal?'
I really liked the original Strike Suit Zero, didn't play director's cut, got bored with Infinity
there's nothing special about Infinity really compared to the main game
UPDATE: I bought Infinity, thanks for the advice my dudes.
if you're enjoying the gameplay you should get zero as well. the storymode is fun.
That's the plan, GOG has both versions in the one package so I'll go for that most likely.
the soundtrack of those game is btw fucking amazing, so make sure you have your headphones on.