


I'm sorry you wasted your money on this shit.

>buying a total war game after Empire's horrible release

No wonder these companies stay in business.


git ya daggerz out boyz!


This is the best total war ever made though
History was a crutch all along.


Eh, it is the most atmospheric for sure, but mechanically it has more than just some issues.

And not just unnecessary fat that was cut away, like some people claim.

vampires without hair were a mistake.
Unless they are bald.


>Unoptimized as fuck
>Ugly as fuck
>No content

Yeah I'm not buying this shit.

No high elf's as well ... I want my swordsmen...

shogun 2 was great.


why? i thought it was a solid game and an upgrade from the first one. its the first game but better. fall of the samurai was the Empire's game done right kinda.

>DLC everything
no, Gamesworkshop, YOU apologize

First half of your points are just plain wrong, second half is fucking retarded to expect this early in a Total War game. If you want 'content', i.e c/p factions, try the mods that unlock all factions.

What's funny is that Tomb Kings are one of the weakest armies on tabletop. Even with my shitty skaven "I have nothing but 120 clanrats and an abomination" army, I always fuck my friend's spooky skeleton army.

It's great and everyone with half a brain knew it would be

> Tomb Kings still not announced


Going to buy if next month anyway, I've got some warhammer hunger to satisfy.

>the same faggot and his lies
yeah ok

It really is, but I have a bit more time in Attila which holds all the AI benefits that actually make these two Total War games the only ones worth playing anymore.

I bet thats about £250-300 worth in that image right there.

>Legendary Lord unique start position mod broke
Fun gone.

I feel like they should just fucking make it official and do it themselves. This mod makes the game so much more fun.

I was thinking about a grand


fuck you. i am never apologising to those jews for anything

>This is the best total war ever made though
>History was a crutch all along.

>posted as the game is a VERY dumbed down version of Tilla
fantasyfags are the funniest

The apologize DLC will be available soon for $9.99, be sure to preorder.

How to fix TW
>Remove force march
>heroes can now tamper with road systems for almost no gold

If they added formations like spear wall, testudo, etc. back in where appropriate it would be my favorite TW. Right now it's good, but a bit too simplified to be the best.

that is literally the only day 1 dlc that makes sense because it keeps down the age rating

>Still 59.99€
>even when it would go on sale the price will be astronomical because DLC's

Not buying the DLC doesn't make you miss anything, but it keeps the rating down so it can be sold in countries like Germany and Australia.

It makes perfect sense and honestly more games should do it this way instead of just making shitty censored versions.

That makes sense with all the other games getting automatic mature ratings for having free DLC.

more or less this, you could still buy most of this books used on amazon or ebay for £20-30, if you'll look good enough, with the exception of guide to kislev and vampires sourcebook which are quite pricey for some reason.

Just wait for the GOTY edition at 20$

>He died with his waifu
10/10 Vampire, only 2nd to this memester

I don't have to apologize because I bought the damn game when it came out. Had a lot of fun with it but I was forced to stop my Orc playthrough because of some persisting bug that keeps reintroducing the armies of Chaos when they reemerge after having been beaten. It just loops the chaos intro while you can't click anything anymore. Does anyone know if it's been fixed?