EVO 2017


These are the games that have a chance of getting into EVO. Which 9 do you think will actually get picked?

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obviously nintendo and capcom trash


Possibly all of them. BB, MK MvC or KI could potentially not be used but I think the rest are a Shoo–in for this year at least.

BB will get in

These are 100% guaranteed in, no question about it.
They will keep pushing Smash because it brings in the money.
Mahvel fucking refuses to die, but it looks like it might just be the end for it.
KoF is a strong contender, I'd say 90% in.
KI might just fuck off and keep doing their own comfy tournaments.
MK, as boring as it is, got pretty hype with SonicFox's final form this Evo, so it's probably still in and it brings in the money.

If MKXL's upcoming patch actually fixes the bullshit going on with the top 3 and if there is going to be a KP3.

Maybe it has a shot...otherwise they'll replace it with Injustice 2.


>No console release
Not happening.

I just care about KOF XIV and SFV if the new characters make it in. I don't want to see the same Charlie/Chun-Li shit anymore.
As a wild dream i would like DBFC:I

It's coming out this October in Japan and in November in the US.

was meant for Also, DFCI has a high chance of making it into EVO Japan at least, since it's popular in the arcades.

>9 games

Won't be room. They need the space for Smash's private bathrooms, VIP lounges, hand warming stations, bouncy castle, and ball pit.

>FGCuck still mad Smash is more popular than every other game at Evo aside Street Fighter

Yeah but BB has not a very big following and they need to make room for the three Nintendo games, mahvel and the westernshit. I doubt it will make it in, hell we'll be lucky if GG makes it in.

I like Smash, but your top players are a bunch of fucking pussies.

>More people play a casual party game with Nintendo characters than fighting games
More people listen to Justin Bieber than Queen, doesn't make him better.

Smash is more fun than SF and any other fighting game. That's why people play it more.


Street Fighter V
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
King of Fighters XIV
Injustice 2: Gods Among Us
Super Smash Bros. 4
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Super Smash Bros. Melee
BlazBlue CentralFiction
Mortal Kombat XL
Tekken 7 Fated Retribution
Killer Instinct

Oh, thanks.

Most are fine, the same thing exists in the FGC (One of them is full blown furry, another played a character JUST for furry porn)
Nice retort your clearly asshurt over something's popularity. Sup Forums gets more traffic than Reddit and most people agree Sup Forums is much better than that place

If they played it for the fun they would leave items on and play on all stages.
In reality smashfags play that game because it gives them a sense of importance, that they're "skilled" in a (what they believe is:) a fighting game like the FGC.
They try to compare glitch abuse/bullshit tactics with all the skills it takes to play a an actual fighting game.
It's like when a kid uses a plate to act like he'a driving just like his dad.

smash is NOT a fighting game, you disrespectful autists need to be banned

>mfw fucking awful shit sfv will be shoved down our throats at the next 5 evos

Oh my god please no. I'll take fucking divekick or Mace the fucking dark ages over sfv headlining for half a decade or more.

none of these kusoge are worth talking about and won't make it
here's the new EVO lineup:

KoF is guaranteed. Revelator is less so since it has some actual competition for the spot. I also doubt MK will get the spot over Injustice, but I hope it does since Injustice is even worse.

I'm sure many people would enter that broken mess of a game.

Can you atleast come up with new content? If you spent time playing your games instead on crying about Smash maybe they wouldn't be dying lmao

>If they played it for the fun they would leave items on and play on all stages.
you're confusing fun with casual.

>They try to compare glitch abuse/bullshit tactics with all the skills it takes to play a an actual fighting game.
Comboing were a design accident as well you mong. this isn't any different, and they aren't "glitches".

Smash bros is a party brawler game, not a fighting game. If you get triggered by this fact then you're proving my point that you're a kid playing with his toy cars trying to be like his dad.
If you like your game so much just enjoy it for what it is but leave the FGC alone, don't try to bundle up with us.
We don't give a fuck about you so you shouldn't give a fuck about us. That is all.

Blaz has died even in Japan with CF and Nips prefer relevator. KOF will replace Pokken. IJ2 will replace MK X.

Other than that, everything same as last year.

>Most are fine, the same thing exists in the FGC
Other than Daigo fanwankery it literally does not.
And pokken can barely even be considered a fighting game at all. It's more casual than smash

realize that you're the faggot talking about smash in the first place. i play games from both sides anyway so you have nothing on me buddy.

you care way more about smash than smash cares about you. nobody would give a flying fuck if retards like you didn't keep making these retarded illogical points.
when a smashbabby sees someone post
>why u no play with items lol
they cringe because they realize that you're a dumb faggot who's parroting about things you don't understand.

>Blaz has died even in Japan with CF and Nips prefer relevator
That's not even true. BlazBlue is consistently more popular in japanese arcades in Japan. Guilty Gear is still seen as an unstable franchise that's too niche to be as high profile as BlazBlue. It's literally their main money maker, only place Guilty Gear is more popular is in the west, which is a secondary audience to ASW.

I understand that warners is paying big money for Netherrealms garbage to get into EVO, but Marvel and Smash just fucking die already?

>smash builds up a scene for years
>we want to be in the FGC waah
>but we want all these things that are completely foreign to the fgc and demand special treatment!
>wh-what do you mean we can't be special snowflakes at one of your 4 big tournaments of the year while we already have about 20 tourneys every week?1
>we don't need the fgc anyway!

>....but pls let us come back to evo

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Smash and th eFGC will never work.
The very nature of the fgc is more rowdy and agressive from back in the crowded arcade days where you'd all be crowding around one or two machines hoping to not get knocked off in your first match and have to wait again.

Smash is made of 2 kinds.
Smash players are either priviliged white kids who grew up in suburbs listening to rap and wearing doo rags on their heads and playing smash at sleepovers or ghetto blacks that were so asshurty about being shit at fighters that it stunted their growth and they never grew up.
It's like a socially awkward guy dating a popular celeberity chick who parties alll night.

It'll never work.
Also smash players smell terrible what the hell even.

I like smash and even watch tournaments sometimes but the fanbase and top player privelidge/ god worship is fucknig absure.

Pic related smash at evo/ceo 2016


lol what trash

they play shit gmaes

Fucking Nintendo fans.

SFV, I2, GG, T7 will be there

KoF might be completely dead by then, they have to pay it respect cause kof

Melee + Sm4sh are very likely unless then tension between them and the fgc keeps growing.

KI managed to grow a little this year but not hugely. Still it is an active game which still gets content so has a good chance

People in general seem done with MKX and it probably won't get another update. But it was main stage and you don't go from main stage to gone

Marvel is dead now, only waifufags care about BB

Then tell me what about top smash players is so bad? M2K? He literally has autism and even then has gotten a lot better lately. Mango is a jobless hobo but he's a normalfag, Hbox has a legitimate career, Leffen is a kid

>Leffen is a kid
He's 21 years old. Ironically, however, that makes him much, much older than 90% of smash players.

Honestly it's the players like Armada that are the problem. Incredibly entitled with his demands among others.

M2K is pretty much the poster boy of smash, which is hilraious considering he's a socially awkward mega autist a-sexual that's been balding since his late teens.

Than you have some of the top Smash 4 players like Zero and Esam. which I don't even want to get into. Just thinking about those faggots makes me angry.

21 is a kid user I still don't see this issue aside arrogance which if it's your bad trait then it's a hell of a lot better than most like the furry, same goes for Armada

M2K isn't the poster boy of Smash he hardly wins anything major anymore. And like I said he has autism that's not something he can change

ESAM and Zero are giant unlikeable faggots but I still don't see how this defines most top smash players . I'm not defending anyone but M2K but I don't see your point


>Sup Forums gets more traffic than Reddit

stop posting

>Sup Forums gets more traffic than Reddit

Unless something has changed recently that isn't false. Sup Forums has some of the highest traffic daily in the world

Sup Forums isn't even top 100 in the world, while Reddit is.

Tekken 7 will be out on home systems by Evo 2017, right?

This has never, ever been true.

Yes. After Kof14 for PC.

Seriously, why do all Smash tourneys smell like pure shit. You would think privileged white kids would know how to take a damn shower. Or are they too affluent to bathe daily?

Confirmed for never even trying to play Melee at a competitive level.

I hope Pokken comes back, shame it's pretty much dead at this point.

Still a fun game to play though.

Isn't it just a painfully slow version of Tekken? I tried watching it at Evo but got bored after 20 minutes.

Actually people play smash because it's easier to not die, since the winning condition is ring outs and not beating your opponent to 0 hp

what the fuck is that

Injustice 2: Gods Among Us

I don't. It delayed fucking everything on Saturday and made it so that on-stage matches were played on the side instead.

Zero chance Melee doesn't make it.

Injustice 2

Lots of shoe ins and games with big company support. I think BBCF will get swallowed up by the bigger Xrd patch happening later this year that people seem to have forgotten about. KOF gets Atlus support, KI microsoft support. Marvel could snake it's way in because it's Marvel. The only wild card I think is Pokken. The game is a bitch to run and most events don't even bother, but the same could be said for shit leading up to EVO this year and that's just money in the bank for them aswell.

I want CF because 2 anime games would be great, but Pokken is definitely out.

beats me
this is real btw

Maybe we'll get another donation drive?