I just bought this because my friend told me it was like Symphony Of The Night meets God Of War.
What am I in for Sup Forums?
I just bought this because my friend told me it was like Symphony Of The Night meets God Of War.
What am I in for Sup Forums?
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Play the first not this abomination
It's not like Symphony of the Night at all, but it sure is like God of War. In that it's a complete ripoff of it.
first is an even bigger abomination
He said the first one was more linear, but this one was more metroidvania-style open ended. Was he bullshitting?
Nope, he's right.
This game is fine by the way, just remember the Stealth sections are puzzles more than proper Stealth.
Link to vid post daily ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i7jwKyR1Sk
You're in for learning that your friend is a fucking retard.
> Symphony Of The Night meets God Of War
Being somewhat open ended doesn't help when the individual areas aren't very good. The level design is really bland and you're going to have to trek back and forth between them if you want to find anything. The art design is a real step down from the first Lords of Shadow, too
At least they removed retarded shadow of the colossus climbing bosses the first game was ridden with. Now that was a real fucking piece of trash.
Beat your retarded dumb friend to death.
I wouldn't expect too much.
The only 3D Castlevania that really captured the Symphony of the Night feel was Curse of Darkness.
Probably why it's the only 3D Castlevania I liked.
I won't spoil anything but basically the game's ass falls out in the 3rd act
There were a lot of internal development problems and a lot of staff were angered and upset by the Director's totalitarian approach to the game that they jumped ship.
They were also working to a deadline and had to cut a lot of content.
Basically, when the game ends you'll go "Wait, that's it? What about all that other stuff?"
It's a damn shame because it had a lot of potential, being able to play as Dracula.
Lords of Shadow 2 is pretty shit
Lords of Shadow 1 is pretty good
Play LoS1
First was really good. The second one was pure trash.
I remember they intended for the dragon form to actually be controllable and then ditched that somewhere down the line.
OP here.
Uninstalled and refunded after about 20 minutes of gameplay. Jesus christ.
I'm going back to emulating SotN thank you very much.
I'll try it out.
first is a horrifyingly linear gow clone with elements from shadow of the colossus both of which were ridiculously bad
second vastly improved combat system and made levels way more interesting to explore, if entire game was set in the castle it could be the only truly good 3d castlevania
How is Lord's of Shadow:Mirror of Fate? I bought it on a whim who knows how many sales ago, wondering if I should play through it.
the ending is gonna suck hard
also fuck the mouse minigames and puzzle jumping i raged so much coz of falling in that scene 10 times where you need to swing a ceiling light to jump forward
ps prince of darkness is literal rape gameplay wise dont even try you´re getting fucked up
Both wrong. First one was pretty good.
The second one is literally half good, half shit.
>linear is bad
I loved it, its really not as castlevania as it should but it is a great game, the voice acting is pretty damn good, the soundtrack is good too, the story is ok and its a pretty long game.
>virtually NO detours anywhere on the levels
>no places to explore except for overly linear main path
Yes, in this case linear is really bad.
You got memed man.
Best boss.
Also Lords of Shadow is the reason we don't have a modern 3D metroidvania starring Alucard, that's worse than anything else the LoS games have done.
>game has a shit aerial combat
>he can only get hurt in the air making the battle painfully boring and long
Rumor has it that Kojimbo convinced the Konami brass to dump Iga and his 2D team and turn Castlevania into westaboo GoWannabe shit.
Best decision Konami made in years.
The first one is good, avoid this trash.
Remember how incredibly badass-looking and fucking hype the original trailer was?
You saw it and thought to yourself 'Fuck me, we're gonna get to play as that? Awesome!'
And in the finished product, we don't get to anything like it, not even close. You can take on, maybe, 7/8 soldiers at a time.
It was bullshit.
Disown your retard friend.
Lament of Innocence or Curse of Darkness are a way to go if you want a remotely SotN vibe.
Don't remind me user...
Looking back I don't know how they could top the crazy shit at the end of LoS1.
Seriously, the endgame section of LoS1 was fucking insane and the end of LoS2 was fucking shit. How did it all go so wrong?
What bugged me was how, for all intents and purposes, Dracula was a pretty stand-up guy
At the start of the game he's just chilling in his castle when the Brotherhood comes and starts fucking with his shit. Then he winds up getting drawn into a plan to save the world again.
At no point does Dracula make plans to take over the world, wage war on armies of men, avenge himself upon God, create spawns of darkness or plot to resurrect himself.
He even goes so far as to cure the plague that afflicts the people.
That's not Dracula, at all.
Really the only time I could see Dracula acting like that would be if Alucard's words to him at the end of SotN actually got through to him, if they were going to do a father son team up it could have started there.
>Dracula didn't get his shit together and team up with Alucard to be a father-son vigilante team using the castle as a base of operations
>At no point does Dracula make plans to take over the world, wage war on armies of men, avenge himself upon God, create spawns of darkness
He supposedly did that between LoS1 and MoF.
>plot to resurrect himself
Literally what he did after Alucard "killed" him.
In any case, in this timeline he was a knight of the holy order prior to becoming Dracula, so it's understandable why he's not pure evil.
Could work too, now Galamoth would be the main bad guy, and vampires that don't agree with Dracula's choice and want to take over, some of the monsters turn on him, probably other stuff I can't think of.
its fucking garbage, half of game takes places in current world.
buy first one or dlc one
Also the more I think about this the more it makes sense, at least if the writers are even semi competent.
Dracula's big reason for lashing out at humans the way he does is revealed in SotN. Humans burning his wife Lisa alive for being a witch when she was just helping others with medicine from what seemed like the plague.
These are her words before she died, for Alucard to tell Dracula.
>"Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot." ...She also said that she would love you. For eternity.
I feel like that would shatter any evil will Dracula had towards humans, or at least make him greatly reconsider his actions.
It's also implied that he's too fargone to be redeemed though, isn't it? Isnt the castle itself also twisting him to its own will (being the literal embodiment of chaos)
Yeah, but I still remember Alucard's words hitting him pretty hard.
It's a shame, the sequels to SotN make it clear he didn't reform.
He's right, but the first one is superior in every way
Belmont turning into Dracula was the WORSE character transformation ever. It's not even a spoiler ! It's not in the game. Gabriel even in the final fight against Lucifer is like "My God will never abandon me".
And post credits "sup guys I'm Dracula !". Who the fuck thought this was a good idea ?!
play in dlc
Dude, you know that isn't a point in the game's favour right?
Gabriel Belmont was better off as a warrior of God, not the corny anti hero he became.
I think the implication was that he died at the end of the first Lords of Shadow, his soul was liberated, and all that was left was his husk of a body that fell into darkness and became Dracul (he never even refers to himself as Dracula).
I loved the first one. the second one was a big pile of shit I just played for 6 hours before crying how bad it was. you can see the drop in quality because the director was an asshole and most of the people with talent just quit.
>Dracul (he never even refers to himself as Dracula).
Isn't that because Dracula means Son of a Dragon or something? And Dracul was Vlad's dad's title? Or something like that.
That only explains how he attained his powers, but it still leaves throws a lot of lore and background to the wind.
Well does anyone agree that the soundtracks for both are pretty damn awesome? I still listen to them quite often.
it nails the heroic vibe, and the boss themes are just epic
As someone who loved the hell out of LoS1 I can't even bring myself to play this. I'm sorry user, your friend rused you.
I 110% the game, and let me tell you, even though the combat system is quite solid, it gets old really fast, making the second playthrough of the game an incredible borefest. The story is nothing but a clusterfuck and the only thing that takes a little bit of skill and time are the kleidos challenges.
I legitimately had more fun with musou games.
When you come to Los Angeles you can suck my cock.
>kleidos challenges
Escort mission vs enemies with hitscan weapons and grenades, which your escortee doesn't run away from.
No, thanks.
Sorry, I'm not into Mexicans
this boss is so fucking frustrating and takes so fucking long, god damn
Actually I'm Irish.
Your friends is a moron. Tell him I said that.
It's more like God of War meets God of War.
The game is shit because GoW combat is shit.
Am I the only one who thinks the God of War gameplay was a natural choice on account of the whip? A Belmont twirled that thing around long before GoW existed.
Curse of Darkness remains the best 3D Castlevania game
Lament of Innocence is better though for folk who are into "classic" Castlevania
>tfw I liked the LoS games so much I got a poster
pic related, also got a big Lords of Shadow 1 wall scroll
C'mon now dude...
Should've gotten a better poster.
But he did? Soma cruz is dracula reincarnated. He knew he was too far gone so reincarnation was the best option. Also dracula as a human wasnt too much of a dick in his game
Is this a real poster, as in is it available for purchase anywhere? It's very neat.
And yet they're both "meh" at best.
Kind of makes you think.
>mfw I spent $100 on the Dracula's Tomb Edition
I'll admit it was very cool with the Belmont Family Crest engraved on the box, the artbook was pretty neat, the steelbook had a nice touch and the little figures they included were nice but man was I rused.
Should have waited until that shit came down.