Answer her question, Sup Forums

Answer her question, Sup Forums

I don't miscegenate with filthy slants.



Nah man. You're a kid, and I don't like prison.

What game user?

Binary Domain

She looks like Jaden Smith

Any good?

Not him, but I think it's great.
One of my favorite third person shooters out there.

No, I bet you're an android and I don't go out with android scum.

t. prime Dan

>Say yes
>Bo gets mad at you
Fuck you Bo you hypocrite.

Limiting the spreading of your genes is deviant.
Get a load of this evolutionary loser.

Thank you user. To answer the question, if it's the girl with the gun, yes and otherwise hell no

Except miscegenation benefits the nonwhite at the expensive of the white 9 out of 10 times.



its the teenager, that's the joke with you losing influence for answering yes
the mc does bang the chinese agent later in the game though

That game was almost impossible to play with mouse and keyboard because it had super weird mouse acceleration I couldn't get rid of, no matter what I tried.

The French robot was a faggot too.

>The French robot was a faggot too.
Don't post on this board ever again.

Time for you to go back to browsing

I have to go.

Lmao loser, I played the game like a run and gun shooter. Never took cover, just popped robot's heads off and drew their fire towards their comrades all the day.

If you spent more than 5 seconds behind cover, I got bad news for you.