

Is he right Sup Forums ? i'm thinking about buying it.

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>linking to kotaku without an archive link

I wish Digimon could be mentioned without Pokemon or Season 1 being brought up.

It's a really good game. Story is OK and has an actual "conclusion"; classic "JRPG/Pokemon RPG" game. You can't fuck over your Digimon by making wrong choices, so it's actually more "forgiving" than Pokemon.

Overall, great game! BUY IT.

I'm not opening that shit but it is a really good game. The best Digimon game I have played for sure.

>You can't fuck over your Digimon by making wrong choices, so it's actually more "forgiving" than Pokemon.

I see people here basically saying it's SMT for kids; how accurate is this?

I mean, example:

You grind a Pokemon to a certain LVL, give them different moves and use Stones to evolve them. Those "items" to fix your mistakes are costing time and resources.

In Digimon, you just devolve them and grind again (which is quite fast); so you reverse your "wrong" choices.

Hmm by buying it I guess you mean not buying it. Guess I wont be getting this!

He means EV and IV training, I guess

>called cyberslut
>no waifus

Definitely not one of the best games ever but it's solid enough, especially if you're familiar with digimon.

>unironically linking to Kotaku

No idea what it says but buy it.

What? The game IS FULL of waifus.



>no waifus
Christmas cake Ending.

Fuck that article was actually good no SJW shit, just about video games and anime (Digimon and Pokemon differences)

The game itself, if I can peek out from the shitposting for a moment, is great - as long as you understand it's a Vita port.

Graphics are clean and have a distinct style. The overworld is made up of a nice city - as well as a digital overworld with multiple levels and of course exclusive chapter dungeons all which have their own digitized look.

Music is great because there is a great composer behind it. Sounds are original and there is no outstanding generic shit.

Story is slow to start but once it takes off it's actually great. Yes great - why? Because instead of catering to kids it with cut and dry PG shit it leaves things open ended for a number of elements, relationships, supernatural elements, alternate universes.

Gameplay, and yes this is where they nailed it, there is a main quest which is long and there are side quests that can be taken at your leisure that range from collect shit to side stories about mons or people. Digimon are scanned through continuous battles instead of bought, and can be super scanned up to 200% to birth a super baby, they can obviously be equipped with shit, taught new moves, and there is some great min maxing involved as well with items and training and digivolving and de-digivolving, basically anything you could ask for. Also it gets challenging toward the end as the "main bad enemies" whom I won't spoil their type or look or motivation get tough quickly. It also has cool pvp multiplayer where people have cooked up some crazy mons.

Now I'm going to get called a shill here but if you are a fan of Digimon you must buy this game, and if you like turn based JRPGs you should really, really try it somehow, it's like a alternative Pokemon with a halfway decent budget. It's worth considering a PS4/V for.

I can't wait for the next one, if it has a higher budget it could be fucking glorious.

>playing digishit

LOL holy fuck you sonyggers are pathetic. Do you really think this trash could EVER beat Pokemon?

Its ok if say go for it

So how did Cyber Sluts end up selling? I want them to bring over Next 0rder

Easy with the falseflag, my man

Considering it refuses to drop a fucking dollar on every online store I think it sold well - Namco Bandai also sent out a little congratulatory message shortly after it's release so it must have sold well.
>Next Order
That is a Digimon World game not a Digimon Story game, there is a big difference, and I'm not interested in NO. Too much of a raising simulator.

>t. Sonygger


Honestly as a pretty big JRPG fan and S1/S2 Digimon fan I wasn't into it.
The visuals are nice, but the combat is REALLY basic. The entire thing feels dated, the way you progress through a tiny hub-world, the quest structures, the story cliches, all of it.
It feels Japanese to a fault, where you can catch out all of the quirks you see in those types of games.

I lasted about 7 hours before deciding it wasn't for me. The Digivolving isn't bad, but to get the more iconic 'mons you have to do the monotonous parts of the game. Combat is STRAIGHT basic jrpg. Nothing to spice it up.

>It also has cool pvp multiplayer where people have cooked up some crazy mons.
How can anyone 'cook up crazy mons'? Surely there must be a rather limited amount of configurations or moves and stats or whatever you can customize. And surely, most will be available online as cookie cuttr builds.

Play Digimon World then.

>Combat is STRAIGHT basic jrpg.
How the fuck is straight basic JRPG when for a start it has DUAL TYPES which almost no other JRPG has except Pokemon, as well as CAMARADERIE and the 4 cross combo effects.

You're full of shit, shitposter, fuck off

I have. This is better.

>I have shit taste:the post

De-digivolving and re-digivolving to get the right amount of ABI which affects what you can digivolve into and the ceiling for their stats and de-digivolving also allows unique moves to be brought up through the ranks from something that will never learn that move, there is a bunch of stuff involved.

'GOTYOAY' is a bit much, but it's a really great game, barring a few translation fuckups

it's a solid turn based RPG with a a solid plot that involves some rather dark subjects at times that also has some good humor and likable characters


well played

Does anyone have a working link for the VPK of this game?

Calm your fanboyism down. I don't like the game dude. Woaw, dual types is so revolutionary. No matter how complex it's systems were, the combat wasn't challenging or that interesting to play.

>S2 Digimon fan

I got stuck on Kentaurosmon and haven't played since.

You can not like the game, idc, your dumbass called the battle system something it wasn't - you got called out on it, and then retreated acting like you never said it
>Jared Leto
fuck off back to Sup Forums faggot

Ive got a bud whose stuck there. I really dont see how. Its not like he has much health.

This, any mon can have any combination of moves depending on how dedicated you are on de and re evolving it

Very accurate. It is similar in monster mechanics and buffs are actually important.

True but I wouldn't say it's for kids - not by a long shot, in fact it was aimed at the adults who grew up with the show from the start of it's development to release.

status effects too

Ahaha, you're so fucking salty.

It's a basic battle system, there's no challenge. The entire thing feels mindless to sit through.

Keep your opinion, but wow. Don't sound like such a little shit next time.

>linking to kotaku
Where are you newfags coming from?

I don't want to read the article, but it is a good game.
If you're interested, you should definitely buy it.
More or less a general review after having finished it a few months ago.

Story - 5/10
Not bad, but it's pretty standard.
Professor did nothing wrong.

Visuals - 8/10
UI is really nice.
Digimon look exactly like you'd expect.
Environments look great, although Kowloon drags on.

Gameplay - 7/10
It's nothing revolutionary, but it's perfectly fine.
Digivolving was done well.

Soundtrack - 10/10
It's just great, one of my favourite OST in games.

Waifus - 9/10
I mean, do I honestly have to explain? Literally every girl is a straight up sex goddess, even unnamed one off characters.

If you're a Digimon fan there's literally no reason not to buy it, even if you're not it's still a potentially good purchase.

kys faggot your opinion sucks and you don't know shit, case closed.

Will they ever port this to PC/Steam?

I'd agree with you on that.

Well done proving how much of a manbaby you are.

It's very well done I played it for 250 hours and I used to be in top 50 ranked.

>Good variety of Digimon
>Every Digimon has a signature move
>On hard the bosses actually are extremely fun
>Challenges to unlock Royal Knights
>Good an after release patch which implented new Digimon
>The Digimon have good models
>breeding system similar to EV training in Pokémon
>Too much fucking text, full of cringe hit and bad translated jokes
>game is pretty slow and limited until you get chapter 10
>in high level gameplay many Digimon are not available
>fake huge move pool because most attacks are just a better version like Holy Punch 1, Holy Punch 2
>limited movepool in terms of viability
>side quests are shit
>the tournaments are a good idea but too short

>S1/S2 Digimon fan
might be it
the game was clearly aimed at Tamers fans

get some faster mons

>side quests are shit
That's objectively wrong.
Royal Knight unlocks are side quests too by the way.

I agree with the rest though, except that the amount of text is only really an issue in NG+ and the jokes weren't horrible.

> linking to shitaku

Just wish they would localize Re:Digitize Decode..

If you're too much of a casual shitter to play SMT, and still too casual even for Pokemon, then digimon cyber snore is perfect for you

The game is boring and easy as fuck desu

Is this quote real?

why would you just be a dick like that

Pokémon is the most casual shit in existence the game tells you the foe and thus weakness you're about to face for every single Monster in every single fight, my conclusion is you're a dumbass or shitposter

Just goes to show, how casual you pussies are for not even trying hard mode ;^)

What did she do to earn the Code Key of Lust?

It was the best game I played this year.
I , for the first time, got excited when I went to sleep at night, because I knew I'd play it first thing in the morning. It's really, really fun.

It's digimon though, so there's grinding involved. It's easy to grind fast, but if you hate grinding, be warned.

Almost had it... your pic is missing best girl.

But it has best girl... twice...

I really enjoyed this game
Hard mode was a good challenge until the second half of the game
at that point you gotta fight broken with broken which is not really good for balance but at least the game makes you go all out when trying to win
if you like jrpgs, definitely pick this up