How do we stop the influx of anti-white games Sup Forums?
Seriously, it is downright offensive at this point.
It feels like western devs are aiming for a non-existent audience, but for some reason they don't realize that it simply isn't there.
How do we stop the influx of anti-white games Sup Forums?
Seriously, it is downright offensive at this point.
It feels like western devs are aiming for a non-existent audience, but for some reason they don't realize that it simply isn't there.
There are still tons of games with white protagonists. Calm yourself. Especially when Battlefield 1 has already turned out to be mediocre and the rest have little promise.
Oh no, how fragile my sense of worth is that anything that doesn't pander to me must be actively oppressing me
You sound like a tumblrina pal
Stop buying them.
Sup Forums is literally SJW tier
A player character being black doesn't make the game anti-white
Next, you'll say a main character being male is anti-women
Stop drawing attention to it, SJews are only happy if they are getting attention from something.
No, that's the other side of this retarded pissing match.
Helps that all of these games (other than maybe that weaboo shit I know nothing about) are going to flop hard
tfw have paid 0$ for diversity forcing titles so far in last 10 years and if i´ve seen some hidden SJW shit it´s the last game i buy from that company
If the character is a typical "AWWW HEEWWLLL NO" kind of nigga character then fuck that.
If he's just a normal guy then it's okay.
>Mirror's Edge
>Ass Creed Syndicate
>Mafia 3
about to flop
BF1 might sell well on brand name but my guess it will be just another Battlefront in terms of reception judging by the beta.
Western devs can force this shit all they like but they're losing a fuck ton of money because of their SJW pandering.
White is the real minority, if you take the whole world into account and not just the big western countries.
Feel free to disprove.
Bpy you must not buy any games besides Hatred or you must be okay with all the homo and demasculinization agendas in JRPGs.
White males are indeed the overwhelming majority in terms of consumer base for videogames. Poo in loos don't spend $60 on vidya.
If there is no audience of these games, the companies doing this will either go out of business or stop. So the problem will fix itself, by your facts.
Somewhat off-topic. That watchdogs art makes the game look full retard. I wince every time i see it.
Don't forget IS defense
Kill the marketing derppartent.
Retards figurd out they cant loose the nerd and neet customer base but they lack in the nigger customer base.
So more niggers get put on the covers.
>he still buys western games
What the fuck is wrong with you? Just pirate it if you have to. Let the publishers crash and burn for their follies.
By nuking Sup Forums again
i think its more of the fact that so many games all at once now place so much emphasis on protagonists being black because diversity is the new flavour of the month and everybody wants to cash in on politically correct brownie points
its corny af
How often pol got nuked?
Its not helping reditard. You fail in all accounts on all fronts.
Once a reditard always a reditard.
Now fuck off and be a nigger somwhere else.
But I buy western indie RPG's
>How do we stop the influx of anti-white games Sup Forums?
Don't buy them. Also openly mock them on Sup Forums and on any other gaming site. Money speaks in the end, even if (((certain people))) seem to be trying very hard to enforce diversity quotas in gaming.
>he buys eastern games
Enjoy your male chasity belt propaganda
But there's an audience for these games though.
It's the nu-males and tumblrites who are happy to see "progress" in the "their" hobby.
These people don't really buy that many games.
>using character with black skin
Fuck off nazi, go back to Sup Forums
How are these "anti-white"? I can see how they'd be "non-white", but that's not the same thing as "anti-white" now is it?
Betas and panty quests may suck dick too but at least they aren't blatant agendas
But they don't buy things.
Then again the lack of sales can always be spun into CIS scum can't handle progress.
You fucks are more sensitive than the people you hate.
It's not hateful, though, it's marketing
You are a colossal faggot.
When /new/ was first deleted, stormkids spammed threads all over Sup Forums.
Keeping them in their cage is a good thing.
>tfw you remember the wheelchair PCness that lasted from the 90s to the early 00s
According to dice, only 1/5th of the British army was white. How is that okay?
i know that
i never said it was
I preordered Battlefield 1 and Mafia 3 already. What are you going to do about it?
> They're not handicapped
> They're handicapable
by being thankful im not a moron who buys shitty videogames
Laugh at the retard being smug about wasting his money on full priced shit.
They clearly are with how many absolute faggots who live in Japan now. No one is having sex and everyone is a complete sissy who is okay racking up nearly twice as much debt (to GDP) as Greece.
And yeah nips not fucking is one of the main problems with their economy and will be the fall of their nation.
being 14 years old and having no money must suck desu senpai
it makes it look like "Hackers" level of stupid. Which is a good thing.
We are not getting Person Of Interest the game, but we can get garbage hacking bullshit the game.
But the indie game involves a poo in the loo and a world tour of characters, including whites.
I'm kitts here for porn.
Ignore DICE? Guts ruined mirrors edge, no money from me.
It's always funny seeing Indians talking about White Supremacy but as soon as you mention the Caste System they get so uncomfortable & go into damage control
Good ol hypocrites, most Indians are cool though
"How do we stop it"
You don't buy it and rub salt in their wound the moment they start crashing down.
Who gives a fuck? i want to stop the flow of shit games if anything.
> "SJWs" and Sup Forumstards are two sides of the same shitty opinionated, arrogant, insecure, self-righteous coin that needs to personify an ideology to feel fulfilled.
The Boss had it right all along.
Who cares?
FFXV is the biggest came coming out this year and niggers are nowhere to be found.
Urgggh..... I mean I literally can't even.....ewww minorities and niggers like, just....urghhh get out of my video games. I'm so fucking triggered right now.
Shit marketing because those people don't even play video games in the first place, they sit there and watch their beloved youtube "stars" play them
Don't call me a fucking nigger
>hold O to watch
Truly GOTY
And you thought wrong
OP is so idiotic that I'd bet he's a false flag to make Sup Forums look bad. Not that they need the help.
Framing the idea as "stopping" shit is beyond retarded.
In any case, video games already have a huge amount of diversity. I can't get polish, japanese, swedish or australian TV shows like I can with games.
sage for stupid bait thread.
What are these games called?
>adding diversity
>anti white
Not the same.
White supremacist will disagree.
>I am a fucking retarded faggot who supports the extinction of poor innocents
I would beat your ass and lock you in a cell to stop you from making stupid decisions if I was near you.
To beat the Jew you must become the Jew, the right has tried to everything to beat the left, debate rationally, listen to the other side, compromise policies and it all failed. If Hillary wins it's over, the right wont make a comeback in America.
I really really want Watch dog 2 to flop after what happened with Watch dog 1. Fuck ubi.
I understand the rest, but how does Indivisible fit in there?
Nah, saying shit like you want to show that the Italian mafia wasn't a
>white boys' club
makes it anti-white. The devs of Anonymoose 2: Electric Boogalo throw around word like oppression, institutional recism and gentrification in their interviews. I don't think Battlefield 1 requires an explanation with the nigger stormtroopers and whatnot.
>Non-White protagonist
And you fucks wonder why the world is progressively getting fed up with white people's shit. I bet you're the same people who feel the world is out to get whites now.
>the Caste System
If you honestly believe having a non-white protag automatically makes it anti-white, then you need to go back to Sup Forums or better yet, kill thyself
more diversity means less white people, so yes it is exactly the same.
>the world isn't completely revolving around me any more
>why are white men so oppressed?
you can literally just google the exact thing you just quoted
Dont buy them. Thats what im doing these games are shit anyways.
Pandering games.
But in all seriousness I wouldnt mind protags of other races if it wasnt so painfully shoehorned and obvious that its being done for attention.
that image macro really made me reflect on my institutionalized privilege, thanks.
Watch Dogs 2 is just a Mr Robot rip off, i guarantee Marcus ends up being Wrench & stupid kids will think it's so genius & new
Why do the alt-right social justice warriors keep trying to infect Sup Forums with their "white genocide" pro-Trump bullshit
I can't wait until Hillary wins, the tears will be GLORIOUS.
People watch out he's angry , hide yo bikes.
> I bet you're the same people who feel the world is out to get whites now.
but that's true?
at least the cartoon girl is cute, rest are shit games anyways.
>Black people /mnorities /women complain about lack of representation in games
>White people start to complain that they are less and less represented even while still being the main consumers of actual video games
spoon feed me you asshole
Sup Forums is contrarian so they'll say shoehorning black characters into everything is just fine
They could be held at gunpoint by ISIS and still say "there's nothing wrong with Islam, you're just insensitive" just to upset anybody who watches the recording
Maybe by stopping crying like a retarded manbaby?
One of the reasons why devs keep making games like this is because they know they annoy the fuck out of the people who share the ultra conservative mindset, and this makes more people simpatize with them and embrace any kind of diversity without even questioning.
...Suddenly I got affended
>just to upset anybody who watches the recording
Just don't buy the game you fucking cuck. Quit being obsessed over blacks in video games and just ignore them.
t. black person
The fact that its almost always a black person when theres a huge variety of races and subraces doesnt make it diverse.
>Mirror's Edge
Had the same protagonist as the original
>Ass Creed Syndicate
Had two white protagonists
Being conservative and racist is prettty much contrarian nowadays though.
>gays throws off buildings
>women kept in check
>free boyslave
whats wrong with islam once again?
>Black people complain about lack of representation in games
Post proof of this happening outside of tumblrites that are mostly white or asian.
what I really don't get it's their fetish for mixed raced characters
Literally dont give a shit. As long as the game looks good I'll buy it. GTA SA was the only time when I was like "aww shit I have to play as a black guy", but that turned out so awesome that I have never giving a single fuck about what race the Main protagonist is.
I had the same deal with playing a female. The first time I did was with the original tomb raider and that was so good that now I dont give a fuck if the main character is a female.
who cares man
>Unironically proves my point
One day maybe whites will destroy themselves due to all this unfounded paranoia.
Sup Forums should convert to islam & move to Saudi Arabia, it's perfect
Smoking them out of their nest isn't enough. You need to be ready to shoot them when they come running.
The nuke needs to be followed by a couple of days of strict moderation, until the children wear themselves out.
>being pro black is empowering
>being pro white is racist
I love this meme
Reggie is getting his own game?