How to fix BF1

How to fix BF1

>remove sandstorms
>remove tank self-repair
>add repair wrench to support
>add teamplay
>increase AT grenade damaage
>remove sniper class
>increase map timer
>remove memory leak
>fix vaulting
>remove unnecessary long melee animations
>add trenches
>make aircraft useful
>add white player models for diversity

Other urls found in this thread:

>remove sniper class
And make bolt actions an all kit weapon? Because if you remove them entirely you're essentially removing the only thing that's keeping this a WW1 game, it wouldn't even be a WW2 game anymore without bolt actions.

>add teamplay

How about the most crucial thing ?

Add Fance

>remove sandstorms
>implying they're bad

And make bolt actions the primary based weapon, turn the game into a squad based one instead of run and hope that you catch some fag off guard

>remove tank self-repair
>add repair wrench to support
Yes and then immediately no

First fucking BF since 2 where you don't have a constant 2-3 man engineer squad on vehicles outhealing damage from 3-4 engineers. Tank master being the only vehicle repairing is fucking how it should be.

I won't be getting it because there's no playable women in multiplayer.

>first Battlefield in years where sniping is fun and satisfying
>so much so that every other class is borderline irrelevant
>instead of buffing the other weapon types to bring them in line with the bolt action rifles like they should, they're inevitably going to nerf the rifles to make them as shit as everything else
Calling it now. Wouldn't be surprised if it takes them another 2 years to fix the balance.

what is fance

>remove tank self-repair
>add repair wrench to support
it's worse than i thought
so battlefront didn't learn them anything
or it's EA pushing them to simplify their game even more

>Make max player count 5v5
>Make maps smaller
>Remove vehicles
>Remove unlocks
>Remove classes
Fixed, made the game actually fun.

What's the best sniper rifle?

Sniper rifles are balanced on consoles so no need to touch them

>Remove niggers
>Add more maps

Dinner Bell probably.

What is overwatch

the fact that horses=secondary tanks?

>Remove classes
add more classes with unique abilities

I would've bought it had it not been for the fact that they still haven't fixed the vaulting.
It's not only a problem when actually vaulting, it also is when just going up a stairlike thing. It doesn't fucking work like it should, it slows you down in a weird way that doesn't feel natural and I lose control over my character

Consoles holding progress back as per usual.

Or you could just play the superior and infinitely cheaper BF4.

Nothing BF1 has to offer will ever beat 24/7 Dragon Valley servers

This thread is nonsense. Only a few good ideas from anons.

Pretty ironic that the gameplay of a WW1-inspired game would be improved if trenches were added

>remove sandstorms
just make all the weather stuff serverside and it's sorted

Sandstorms are one of the cooler things about bf1. Fuck off OP

Wait, the sandstorms are clientside?

So one person can see a sandstorm while another won't have any adverse weather?

Yeah, it's fucked. Completely negates the whole point of the sandstorms. So next time you're running through an open field in a sandstorm, remember that everyone can see you clear as day.

Apparently its a rare bug

How the fuck is that acceptable/a good idea?
I can't even begin to comprehend the fucking retards who thought that would be good.
Like seriously; why?

I knew they'd fucked it but you'd think this was a think they wouldn't overlook in a fucking AAA release


we want the penguin of doom audience

Please do some research first and use the brain you've been provided with. Its not that way for everyone, its a bug that has only happened to a couple people.

wow gimmicky beyond belief

I had a friend who ragequit after a sandstorm because he "couldn't see".

I'm not making this shit up

>people are unironically under hype and crying about that this game is a shit
i thought bf3 and 4 thought you everything, my goyms

EA please.

your post doesn't make any sense Dvorak

In english now please

I dont want to be annoyed that all the british are black. But it irritates me to no end.

They did it because they're cowards. They knew they would get shit from the most meek pointless people imaginable. They made a game more historically inaccurate to appear more PC.


Beside that awesome game. I wish they had more rifles for classes beside the medic and scout. And the scout seems OP. It's also crazy that they removed the engineer class and made the scout the best anti vehicle class.

You can customise your own soldier in the full game so you don't have to play as a black guy if you don't want to.


Its unacceptable that they are releasing the game with one map, they need more.

you never fix BF with that

>add bases
>spawning at cap points instead of every vehicle or team member

just copy fucking bf1942 and el alamein
This is the only wat this game will ever reach a score above 6/10

They would need to do a lot more than that to fix the game

There's literally nothing wrong with this, we've got to be more accepting man, it's 2016 for Hillary's sake. I would suggest not being so ignorant and xenophobic, this unwarranted vile nature is an absolute pitiful display of zealous and pedantic racism against people who have done nothing wrong are were a major stepping stone in the history of mankind, they are the past, Egyptians, Colonials, adventurers and now they're the future Americans.

Our time is up, you have blood on your hands, all of us white Americans do, it's time to correct the record and let the true master race have their time. Your pathetic and desperate attempts to cling to your mediums is laughable, DICE have done the correct thing and pandered to the TRUE demographic of intelligent gamers. It's like what they say, life has a liberal bias. Now get informed, I'm a moderator at r/Racism and r/Gamerghazi and welcome you with open arms.

>you don't have to play as a black guy if you don't want to


Instead of removing snipers how about they only allow a certain amount for each team or squad?

Or how about they design better maps or buff the other classes?

All need 1/3rd damage cut, down to 70, headshots still kill. And range cut by completely removing sight adjustment require skill for long range drops.

Needs more powerful guns or increased fucking accuracy. For some reason you'll have your sights dead on someone but its miss miss miss. Their secondary heal box is fine, but the indicators for who needs healing needs vast improvement. As well Revive system needs fucking fixed. bodies vanish, people who request revives can't be revived, played about 20 ranks of medic, I'd say 1 out of every 10 people could be revived.

Just their health in half. light tank should require two people, its firing rate needs to be once every 10-15 seconds not every 3 seconds. (really it should be once every god damn minute)

Outside of this I don't really have much of a problem with the game besides obvious bugs like the ledges.

They need to remove fast respawn, it doesn't make you respawn any faster, all it does is bring you to the loadout menu and stop people from being able to revive you. Medics are fucking useless in BF1.

remove niggers

remove the game entirely just play verdun for christ's sake

>For Hillary's sake


I think this is the most bourgeoisie thing I've read in a long time, actually that goes for the entire BF1 "white people" thing.


Remember that the biggest step in rewriting history is doing it through mass entertainment.

>No France
>No Russia
>No Verdun
>No Tannenburg

No thanks

I just don't understand why the game has auto healing. It's fucking silly.

>work in customer service in the ghetto in america
>read this
wew lad. Even the black people I work with are ashamed of the majority of black people.

Friendly reminder that history occasionally needs to be rewritten because we get things wrong. The first person to publish is not always right.

The Gewehr 95 is so OP compared to the other sniper rifles it's not even funny.

Make Suppression a mechanic again, If i'm pinning someone down with an LMG their screen should not be clear as day. Support is just a mobile dispenser and a fucking sucks.

Dynamite should also be Support gadget since it is more for Area Denial and actual Demolitions than Anti-Vehicle
They just need better map design

More cover allowing infantry to move safely through B,C, and F, and Remove that shitty ridge above F, that shit is retarded


I think he means France, as in a surrender option.

So how do we seperate the real history from the wrong things? You have to look at evidence and when someone tries to cover up or intentionally ignore the evidence you got an actual conspiracy. :^)

Probably the game reason it's in MMOs, it's a psychological method to keep you playing.


You start by knowing what the word historiography means before you start talking.

No, if it's wrong you make them being wrong a part of history. Redacting or rewriting something implies removal of the former while using the latter as a replacement. True unbiased knowledge would show the new and the old alike and explain both.


Friendly reminder that video games aren't history textbooks
Games are what-if scenarios.

You do realise a lot of things that were taken as fact in history had literally 0 evidence or facts backing them up but were taken as truth right?

Victorian era history ruined history for nearly a hundred years. Just because someone wrote it, doesn't mean there is anything to it.

Your life is a what if scenario.
What if I weren't a permavirgin?
What if I were loved by someone?
What if I weren't overweight?
What if I knew how happiness feels like?
What if ...

>expecting the game to change from the beta to release
is this your first beta?

it actually rained once when i was playing. it was comfy.

I get posting the brits and the germans but I don't see anything wrong with the ottomans?

Alexander the great literally had people writing good shit about him constantly for history and this is now a part of history which people consider.
Removing the fact that history has been redacted isn't proper conduct and is biased towards the new information.

Besides this isn't history being redacted on facts, it's an agenda replacing history with lies which is inherently evil.

>add white player models for diversity

Hold on a fucking second.
Are you saying that all those black models aren't even optional?

They are in the main game, you are being meme'd by Sup Forums autists.

>le French only surrender maymay
I bet you are American you'd have surrendered too when a machine like the Germans were your next door neighbour.

again with this fucking "university that teaches Marxism" shit

it's a random thesis by a random fucking student, I don't even like the game but that's so stupid it hurts

You're conspiratorial and anti-rational at the foundational level.

Also you think people under Alexander's payroll are likely to be reliable.

And spoilers: EVERY serious university teaches Marxism, Marxist historical theory is an important analytical tool which you'd know if you knew what historical materialism was before you googled it just now.

>It’s worth mentioning that Battlefield 1’s story campaign features a female lead character, so DICE isn’t ignoring the gender entirely.

>Even so, the lack of playable female characters in multiplayer is pretty noticeable

>but we shouldn’t be surprised if DICE changes its mind on this decision before Battlefield 1’s October 21 launch date.
Swedes, not even once.

>Add teamplay
>remove sniper class
Fuck off.
>fix vaulting
There's nothing wrong with it.
>remove unnecessary long melee animations
If anything, they should take longer.
They're inhumanly fast and should be slowed to a more realistic speed like in BF4.

>>add trenches
Trenches are in the game, but trench warfare is never going to be the primary focus. Battlefield isn't that type of game.

>add white player models for diversity
Character customization has been all but confirmed for the final game

These games are aimed towards teenage boys. Everyone knows this.

Your white flag is showing, boy

No, the sandstorms are server side, but the map is so big, the chances of you running into a sandstorm with another player is really rare, and will probably never happen.

Why do I find sniping so hard? I haven't played a shooter since Bad Company 2 and the bullet drop is killing me

>He actually uses the Cei-Rigotti artillery
Lmao honestly

BF4's beta was better that the release.

>Nothing wrong with vaulting
>Try to climb rock
>Fall off again before animation has even finished

Stop using scoped rifles and use the Gewehr 95

The sights and accuracy are amazing on it and you can pull off great long-range shots without the scope.
If you see a sniper's glint, just put your sights directly on it and fire away.


It's made by EA, it's unfixable. Anyone who bought the game should kill themselves.

but you can't be a grill wearing a dress riding side saddle into combat, 2/10 that's the best I can do.

>fix vaulting
>There's nothing wrong with it.
Have you played it? Or are you just blinded by fanboyism?

How's islam, french cockroach

The bullet drop is actually pretty tame compared to the rest of the series.

What if instead of removing the thing that makes mechanic/pilot a unique class they just make it so that you have to leave your tank to repair?

Also, give planes the ability to land.

Oh really? Maybe I'm over compensating then