Name 1 (read: ONE) video game character, that could beat JACE and is also as cool as him.
Protip: You can't.
Name 1 (read: ONE) video game character, that could beat JACE and is also as cool as him.
Protip: You can't.
better than all
You're chilling in the club when this chick starts hitting on you. What do you do?
Bare in mind she's an immortal god of unmaking that exists betwixt space itself.
Aeons Torn is better.
>an older card in a game with severe power drain is better than a new one
you don't say
idk, emrakul being able to cost 6 is pretty redonk
If it didn't give the opponent a new turn because otherwise he would feel bad too much and cry, it would be pretty good.
Too bad this emakrul is shit
Don't know about vidya characters, but Sorin would wreck his shit in
Too bad hes a pile of rocks right now
Easy to kill, and he only has one effect, which he immediately undoes.
This card is pretty much unplayable.
Time to bust out my inner Johnny.
I pretty much only play commander and limited, and in commander it's fucking amazing. I run it in my karador deck, and it is busted.
gg whiteboi
He's not even the strongest planeswalker
you know, I wasn't even playing magic back then but I always wonder. what is it about old walkers that makes them so much more interesting or cool than newalkers? Like shit man, I loved how oldwalkers were essentially gods. They can make their own planes? shit the possibilities are even more endless than they were before. It's not like you couldn't kill them either it was just really hard, made two planeswalkers fighting something akin to wizard kaijus.
Also for OP
the new planeswalkers are glorified avengers.
Bad writing.
Unimaginative personalities.
Everything about them is boring and fucking trite.
>garruk is a near psychopathic murderous hobo
>evil megalomaniac dragons
>general assholery and other shit you'd expect from godlike beings of power
>Cannot be targeted
Good thing everyone and their mom has AoE spells.
everyone but blue, nerd
Standard warping
>mass remove from field
>counter on replay
you might not even have to worry about replay, that thing requires 3 monsters to sacrifice to even lay down.
3 monster sacrifice aint nothing
What stops you from resigning "as your opponent" during the turn you get to control him?
>magic has power dairn
Really depends on the set, but looking at the whole of magic, Creatures have had severe power creep while Instants and Sorceries have been de-powered.
how are you countering an uncounterable
In magic, there's two different words that signify that something is yours.
Control and Own.
You can control a card that you've taken from your opponent with an effect, but your opponent still owns that card and they get it back when the game is over.
Likewise, you can control their turn, but they still own it. So only they can concede for themselves.
Ah legit! Never came across a conflict there for as long as I have played friday-night kitchen table magic. Do you get to see your opponent's hand in this case?
Yes, you get to see their hand and play cards from it using their own mana, picking whatever target you want.
You can have them lightning bolt themselves and suicide their weak creatures in bad attack exchanges and then tap all their land so they can't use it during your turn (except in this case with the clause that gives them an extra they'll get another untap anyway)
This is actually wrong. Originally with Mindslaver and Sorin people used to scoop their opponent, and it was viable. Additional ruling had to be created to prevent this option. This is why it's stated in the card's rulings.
>Originally with Mindslaver and Sorin people used to scoop their opponent
"You can’t make the other player concede. A player can choose to concede at any time."
Exactly how much of a faggot are you?
Whenever Jace isn't on screen, the other planeswalkers should be asking "Where's Jace?"
>posting boring fair Emrakul instead of broken Aeons Torn Emrakul
>2 mana
>To stop any card
Damn nig thats op insane tempo how could a mono blue deck even lose
>Suck at MTG
>Buy the latest red blue starter
> Fuck everyone up including custom decks
About time the wizards made an actual decent starter. Literally lost no games of the first six i played with it, including one multiplayer.
>the new planeswalkers are glorified avengers
>the new planeswalkers
not the new ones, with a few exceptions (ugin, nicol bolas, maybe teferi) all the cards we have are newwalkers. These refer to planeswalkers after "the mending", a story event that stripped most planeswalkers of godlike ability and near immortality. oldwalkers are anything before the mending (again, of which, there are next to no cards of these ones)
not him but at least the walkers before the last few sets were allowed to do their own thing instead of having to join the justice league or some shit
Why are Monarchs so best?
monarchs are cancer and im glad theyre dead.
Counter-magic, not only in mtg but in general, is for faggots
No, every walker after zendikar is a new breed of walker called a neowalker and theyre all terrible capeshit.
Then you're gonna love me
>monarchs dead
they didn't even top regionals yesterday. Even fucking shiranui won a regionals. Monarchs are fucking dead, kiddo
Hey that looks like the playset alters I did a while back.
as for who could beat Jace, I'd say probably the normal shit, Dante, Bayonetta, etc.
On the topic of card games, does anyone play WeissShwarz or am I the only one? I really wish they made a program simulator for it but that's nonexistant aside from tabletop sim, and the controls for that are fucking obtuse as shit.
Sorry I don't want to spend 30 minutes waiting for your twentieth superdedocahedron summon in one turn.
Fuck the Extra Deck in general.
Except fusions and rituals, those are fine.
Post yfw I pulled this nigger, bruna and a spell queller in one pack
>says this while playing Monarchs: The Masturbation deck
Nope, ever since Zendikar there has been severe power drain on everything. Just look at the new Eldrazi vs. the old for creatures, or how fucking Shock is considered too strong now for instants/sorceries.
Do any of you think that they'll make a MtG game that doesn't have a focus on the cards? Something more so along the lines of an RPG where you create a planeswalker or play as one of the already existing list.
also chandra a cute
Was thinking of getting a box of this set when I heard steampunk, but it's full of shitskins.
>before they have to join the justice league
the gatewatch is fucking stupid, I'll give you that. But not every character is going to join, only most of them. :^)
literally wrong. Neowalkers are postmending walkers. learn your lore fgt
>mfw they make MTG Lost kingdoms
pls god
>it depends on the set(...) instants and sorceries have been depowered
>Not true, look at this single set based example and this instant
You have a shit reading comprehension.
Originally it was possible, but when it became rampant, that additional ruling was created to prevent this.
I keep forgetting people actually like Jace
>liking steampunk
I wouldn't mind Jace so much if he wasn't oversaturated
It's like wrestling. If Roman Reigns was just some dude fighting for the US title nobody would hate him but since he's fighting for the US title after spending 2+ years being pushed as the next John Cena everyone hates his ass.
Aside from a few cards in Khans (most of which are lands kek) there's nothing that's the same overall powerlevel as Zendikar/Scars anymore.
People hate Roman because on top of the things you say, he's not very skilled on either technique or mic, and got pushed when there were numerous contemporaries that were much much better at both.
At least they finally realized that Dean was WHC material.
Funny thing is people don't even hate Cena as much as they did now.
It's not the best analogy I'll admit
>angels, demons or artifact creatures can't have a spark cause
>the more human you look the better the odds of being born with a spark
fuck that stupid lore, being sentient should be the only qualification
>never get a myr planeswalker
feels bad
We need to go back to Mirrodin.
there's a reason for that. It's a marketing thing. Planeswalker cards were designed as ways for people to get more invested in the lore. the game is so broken up. Every year there was a new world they visited, and there are so many different legendaries and stuff. It felt disconnected and player investment into the story wasn't high enough (because players investment in the story affects sales. not sure i have to point that out, but this is Sup Forums) so they made planeswalker cards as a way of having a "main cast" to focus on. They needed, as maro puts it, a 'mickey mouse', a recognizable mascot. magic didn't have one of those really.
SO the reason for them all being humanoid is the planeswalker cards were made to make the player feel more connected to the game and care about the characters, and it is a well documented fact that humans have a harder time sympathizing with non human organisms. giving the walkers humanoid form sold the game better. that's all it is, boss.
Who hype?
Personally Energy isnt all that exciting and feels parasitic. Vehicles are pretty meh so far. I just want my Thopters/Servos
>literally wrong. Neowalkers are postmending walkers. learn your lore fgt
He's saying that there's a second cutoff point now, you dense retard.
They did. Battlemage is an RTS, Armageddon is a rare as fuck arcade machine that's basically a less bullshit Battlemage, Battlegrounds was some weird fighting game, and Tactics was a turn based strategy game.
None of them were particularly great.
>Silver Myr
My nigga.
Newwalkers were a mistake.
Sash and Waistcoat were more relatable than those cunts.
That's not how you spell urza, karn, yawgmoth, koth or that guy from kamigawa who beat nicol bolas.
Energy is the definition of a Parasitic mechanic, but the ways of generating it so far are actually pretty neat, as a Meren player I like that one artifact that generates energy every time a creature dies.
You gotta appeal to the hardcores as well as the casuals. The casuals might not like a myr planeswalker, just as an example, but they wouldn't drop the game entirely because of it as long as they can self insert as jace or chandra or whatever. The hardcores would be desperate for that myr planeswalker though.
Life's all about finding a balance
I guarantee you Elspeth is going to be an Angel Planeswalker when they go back to Theros and rescue her from Nyx. Her first minus ability is going to shit out Serra Angel tokens, too.
She wouldn't have died otherwise.
It's not hard to understand what he was saying, he was fairly explicit. But shouldn't the second cutoff point be called something else OTHER than neowalker if he's trying to make a distinction? Because, again, almost all pw cards are neowalkers.
energy is not that exciting, but they've managed to keep the parasitism fairly low by making all the cards that use energy also produce energy. It's going to be cool in limited, but other than a few cards, it's going to be largely ignored. We haven't really seen any SUPER pushed vehicles, but they could be good. They look like they play really nicely.
that's why the have the dragons. I realize even they are kind of human in shape, but it's the closest we're going to get. the 'hardcore' audience cares more about gameplay than design. and the audience that is 'hardcore about the lore and nothing else' aren't buying into the game as much so they don't worry about them. this is their balance. Though if there's a vocal enough audience (particularily on tumblr, as maro has stated that's what gets through to him quickest) you'll get what you want, it just might take a while. So make a tumblr and start spamming him on the daily with questions about when we're getting non humanoid walkers.
The whole planewsalker spark rule excluding constructs and other lesser beings predates the justice league neo walkers thing, see Karn its part of the lore that I just find dumb.
I understand why they are doing the justice league thing from a marketing standpoint and wanting them to be humanoid be more relatable. But Mickey Mouse is a non human organism mascot. Pixar made wallee and movies about hick racing cars, fishes and other shit.
They push humanoid planeswalkers because thats what their writers like
>Name 1 (read: ONE) video game character, that could beat JACE and is also as cool as him.
Dis SMOrc right here.
Karn isn't even human. Then again, Urza was an old-walker and it was easier for him to teleport 90 degrees in one direction than actually turn.
Yo this card is actually pretty dope. Like it's good just value wise but the art is so crisp.
what about the jace-tice league? nothing i said was about that and it isn't relevant in the discussion.
>mickey mouse is a non-humanoid organism mascot
wrong. mickey mouse is an anthropomorphic mouse. he stands upright, has human hands and feet. He is humanoid. in the disney universe goofy is also humanoid, while pluto is not. there is a difference. humanoid is just "human shaped" not human.
>They push humanoid planeswalkers because thats what their writers like
I seriously think you missed everything I was saying.
your turn.
Hi Matt!
You mean like DnD but with MtG lore?
i think he means like a videogame. so far for vidya in mtg we only have things like duels and mtgo. I think that guy is looking for something else. not sure what he has in mind, but mtg universe could literally be turned into anything. VN, open world meme, fighter, puzzle, tactics, some kind of hallway action adventure title.
>I seriously think you missed everything I was saying.
Apparently but I am re reading your post and don't see how what I am saying isn't relevant.
Anyhow, the lack of non humanoid planeswalkers goes far back into the lore pre any focus groups maro constantly references as an excuse as to why they don't do x or y.
>pre any focus groups
when do you think they started doing focus groups? it's not a recent thing, user. And you don't need a ton of market research now to show that people respond better to human characters than non-human characters. it is easier to empathize with that which you already are than trying to distend your world view to accommodate that which you are not. the reason why disney/pixar is able to do shit like cars and finding nemo, and older films like fox and the hound, is because the faces are made to look slightly like human babies. It plays into human nature. mtg's aesthetic for the last decade or so has been some sort of fantastic realism. trying to make and actual Disnified non humanoid pw wouldn't fit the world. i was listening to marc maron's podcast the other day and he had werner herzog on as a guest. werner herzog actually also talked about this in relation to his documentary about bears. A disney movie would make you empathize with it, by doing the babifying that disney is known for, yet a real bear is nothing like that (obviously a cartoon bear and a real bear are different. im not doing a good job explaing herzog, you should just listen yourself, herzog is fascinating).
How about casting Aeons Torn for 2U?
Humanoid literally means four limbs and a head attached to a single torso.
What are you talking about?
If you're talking about Show and Tell, it's not casting, and you don't get the cast trigger.
continuation of The jace-tice league was just another step in getting player involvement with the story up. It comes with the mass appeal of the marvel-verse (which I'm not sure how it isn't dead yet what the fuck) so yeah
>casting it for 2U
except that's wrong because you don't get your extra turn, and your opponent might have some ashen rider or something to put down. still tight tho.
>The jace-tice league was just another step
This why I brought them up earlier to refer as a whole the new direction of wizards usage of planeswalkers
I doubt the original brothers war and much of the early lore was affected by focus groups. Do post any maro blogs from the 90s about how focus groups wouldn't dig the story if angels and demons were planeswalkers during the brothers war.
Putting aside your tangent about baby faces, Timmy players would love giant monster planeswalkers. They sure love them as their EDH commander. Like I said earlier, I am aware people more easily relate to humans but a decent portion of the player base wouldn't mind them.
Cuck boy? He couldnt even make his own son and he couldnt even hold onto his own hammer. How could he fight the guildpact of ravnica?
What do you want? A fucking medal? Besides the new emra is shit. Fuck off.
No user thats wrong, he didnt teleport 90 degrees, he ordered the molecules in his body to reconfigure with him facing that direction because old walkers were beings of will. The newest lore "story" states that urza's sylex blast simply pushed most of the aether between the planes away so if you could condense enough aether any neowalker could temporarily transcend mortal limitations and return to the powerlevel more people are familiar with.